Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Cabacanan Rizal

Cabacanan Rizal 

Feast Day: Second Saturday of April
Patron Saint: St. Vincent Ferrer

               The original image of St. Vincent Ferrer is still housed in the chapel of this barangay. The new chapel was completed in 2007.
                In April 2008, the barangay held a separate fiesta mass in honor of St. Vincent Ferrer that was also held simultaneously with Cabacanan Proper.   

Alimodian Barangay - Cabacanan Proper

Cabacanan Proper 

Feast Day: Second Saturday of April
Patron Saint: St. Vincent Ferrer

               Barrio Cabacanan was established in the 1960s by the people of Alimodian and Leon who are looking for farmlands. Long time ago, Barangay Dao, Umingan, Manasa, Lico, Cabacanan Rizal and Tabugukon were formerly part of Barangay Cabacanan Proper. They are called "seven cities"  as they are popularly called today. 
               The name Cabacanan came from the word Kabakahan or place with many cattle. There is a story of the elder people of this place that once during the Spanish occupation, there was a Spanish soldier who was asking the people who one by one were riding their cows the name of the place. Due to the difficulty of understanding and knowing the Spanish language, a man told him that there are lots of "kabakahan" (cattle) in this place. Since then, the barrio was called Cabacanan, with the spelling using the letter "C" since the Spanish language doesn't use the letter "K."
                Barangay Captain Norberto Calambro initiated the beautification of the barangay hall.   

Alimodian Barangay - Buhay


Feast Day: August 16
                   Last Saturday of March (Sitio Lanag)
                  May 10 (Sitio Talab-an)

Patron Saint: St. Roch
                      St. Joseph (Sitio Lanag)
                      Virgin Mary (Sitio Talab-an) 

               The word "buhay" means long time ago or for a long period. According to the elderly residents, it was in this place that the Spaniards stayed for a long time because it is the gateway of Alimodian of people coming from Oton and San Miguel going to the town proper thus the name Buhay. It was believed according to the documents written during the Spanish period that this barrio was established in 1753. The sitios covered by the barrio were Baclayan, Bancal, Catugban, Lanag and Bliawat. There was a Spanish fortress built in Sitio Baclayan.
                During the American period, the provincial road was completed and the people started to build their homes at the roadside.
                Farming is the primary source of livelihood of the people in this barangay. During the Spanish period, the people were asked to plant sugarcane and Muscovado sugar mill was built by Jose Jemora and David Anas in Balud and Telesforo Alminaza in Sitio Lanag. During World War II, the Japanese asked the people to plant cotton to be sold in the town of San Miguel. 
                For a long time, Barangay Bancal and Buhay celebrate their fiesta together every August 16 in a church in Baclayan situated in between the two barangays. Both also have the same patron saint, St. Roch. 
                Through the efforts of Barangay Captain Pedro Tabangcura, Barangay Buhay celebrated their fiesta starting on August 16, 1983 in a separate church. Because the barangay has yet to build their own church, the first mass was held in the Barangay Multi-purpose Stage which was officiated by Father Justiniano Hingco, the town's parish priest. The next year the barangay constructed a chapel in the lot of Feliciano Caluste. The barangay first fiesta queen was Concepcion Alminaza. 
                Today, there are two sitios in Barangay Buhay that celebrates their own fiesta. Sitio Lanag started their own fiesta on March 27, 2008 in honor of St. Joseph. Father Edgar Palmos, the town's parish priest officiated the first mass in the sitio.  Every year  the sitio celebrates their fiesta every last Saturday of March. 
                 Sitio Talab-an celebrates their fiesta as a whole gathering of the residents feasting on their food in honor of Our Beloved Virgin Mary every May 10 since after the war in 1945. This gathering was already a common occasion to celebrate simultaneously with mass for the Flores de Mayo or May flower in honor of the Virgin Mary as well.      

Alimodian Barangay - Bulod


Feast Day: 2nd Saturday of February
Patron Saint: Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

               Barangay Bulod was formerly a sitio of Barangay Ban-ag but due to the rapid population growth, it became an independent barangay in 1968. The first barangay captain was Jesus Ami. The name Bulod came from a kind of tree, Bubog above a hilly part of the barangay which is visible from afar. Due to the wrong pronunciation of some, the name became Bulod. 
                Our Lady of Miraculous Medal was chosen as the patron saint and her feast is celebrated every second Saturday of February. The first fiesta was celebrated in 1973 during the incumbency of Barangay Captain Jesus Ami.The first priest to held mass in the barangay was Father Ismael Castaño. The first fiesta queen of the barangay was Jocelyn Berondo in 1989. 
                The means of livelihood of the people here is farming where they produce rice grains, maize, coconut, bananas and vegetables. In 135 households, 122 of them are Roman Catholics and 13 are of other religious affiliation. 
                 Long time ago, the barangay is well remembered due to a huge tree that stands above the hill which was called "payong payong" most especially by the people of the town proper. Now when you climb and reach the peak of that hill, you can see the whole town proper and the Aganan River below.    

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Bugang


Feast Day: December 27
Patron Saint: Little Child Jesus

               According to the stories of the elderly, there was a tribe or group of residents a long time ago that live a good life in a place where the land is fertile and there is plenty of water. They were happy in this place because of good harvests and they have a peaceful living. However a long drought came and the plants withered and animals died. The leaders and officials assemble and decided to look for a good place to transfer. 
                The men went until they reach the wilderness at the base of a high and steep mountain. They rested so they can spent the night in the forest. They look for water to prepare their food. One of their member reach a far part of the wild towards the mountain.  He was puzzled when he heard a rippling  sound of a flowing water. He called his group and they were all amused about the spring that they found. The grass surrounding the spring was known to them as "Bugang." They transfer  and establish their tribe near the spring and they call their place "Bugang." Until now there are plenty of grass of this kind surrounding the barangay. 
               The first fiesta of the barangay was held on December 27, 1983 under the leadership of Barangay Captain Aurelia Cantomayor in honor of their patron saint, Little Child Jesus. On April 15, 2006 the barangay celebrated the feast of St. Vincent Ferrer with Father Renante Salabe officiating the mass.However on the succeeding years until now the residents returned to their original feast day of December 27 in honor of their patron saint, Little Child Jesus.      

Monday, October 29, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Binalud


Feast Day: 3rd Saturday of January
Patron Saint: Little Child Jesus 

               It was believed that the name of the place comes from the root word "balud" or flood in English. Due to its close proximity to the Aganan River if the place was under flood, the place is floating in the flood (balud) that is why the barangay is called Binalud. 
               According to a native of the barangay, their patron saint was mysteriously chosen. There was a woman who was deeply sad for there was no saint and no fiesta is being celebrated  in their barangay. One day while she was harvesting their corn crop yield she heard a voice saying: "The barangay patron saint will be the Little Child Jesus."
               The woman was so amused and in prayers she said: "Yes my Lord, be with me as I persevere."
               The woman went to the newly appointed captain and then agreed that by the next year, 1985, the barangay will hold and celebrate a fiesta in honor of their patron saint, Little Child Jesus.  
               The barangay is just two kilometers from the town proper. Since the barangay is a way towards the town proper from the city, the barangay is a huge place for settlement and farm. 
               The barangay celebrated their first fiesta in 1985 with parish priest, Father Ismael Castaño officiating the first mass in the barangay. The captain during that year was Rodolfo Almendros.  

Alimodian Barangay - Baong


Feast Day: 4th Saturday of October
Patron Saint: Guardian Angel  

Alimodian Barangay - Ban-ag


Feast Day: 2nd Saturday of January 
                  December 26 (Sitio Pandan)
Patron Saint: Little Child Jesus
                     Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (Sitio Pandan)

               In 1918, the place has full of timber and large wood and lots of fresh, pure, clean and cool water that flows from the spring of a brook in the place. That is why the place is a favorite place of different kinds of animals where different kinds of plants also thrive. According to some elderly residents, the name Ban-ag came from a kind of shellfish called "banag" which are abundant in the brooks, canals, tributaries and springs during those early days. However, according to some other people, the name of the place came from a native wood called "Tan-ag" which are abundant also in the place in those days. There was an increase in settlement and people started to buy and work on their farmlands in 1920s. 
               The first Teniente del Barrio of Ban-ag was Santiago Alsaga  in 1930. During the Japanese period and then the Huk rebel group came to the place, the people evacuated away from Ban-ag but returned in the 1950s.  The first Catholic church constructed in this barangay was built during the incumbency of Teniente Arcadio Sacatin (1954-1958).  The patron saint that was chosen by the people was the Little Child Jesus. The first leader who was called Barangay Captain was Magdalena Allosa in 1965. This is also the same year where the first fiesta queen was chosen who happens to be Estela Velarde which was followed by Quirica Amargo and Lorna Mameloco the following succeeding years. 
                There are two sitios in Ban-ag: Oyan oyan and Pandan which was formerly called Agak. Sitio Pandan celebrates their fiesta every December 26 in honor of their patron saint, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Bancal


Feast Day: August 16
Patron Saint: St. Roch 

               The name of the place was the result of the misunderstanding and miscommunication between the Spaniards and the young men in those early days. Years before the 1900s, the Spaniards ask for the name of the place pointing on a tree. The tree was called "Bangkal," and since then the name of the place was called "Bancal" in Spanish term or language. 
                St. Roch is their patron saint held every August 16. Before, Barangay Bancal and Barangay Buhay fiesta are simultaneously held in the chapel of Bancal but starting  in 1983 the two barangays hold a separate fiesta mass in their respective chapel but still on the same date. 
                ALEOSAN District Hospital which was constructed and established on a higher elevated area of the barangay has its own big chapel which was constructed in 2000 and was blessed by Monsignor Angel Lagdameo, Archbishop of Jaro.  The patron saint of the ALEOSAN hospital area is St. John of God and its fiesta is held every March 8. Regular mass is held at the chapel every Sunday by the parish priests of the town of Alimodian, Leon and San Miguel which are all under the Diocese of Timothy and Titus under the Archdiocese of Jaro. 

Alimodian Barangay - Balabago


Feast Day: December 9
Patron Saint: Our Lady of Immaculate Conception 

                According to hearsays, the place was formerly called Fernando Street of the town. In historical translation, the word Balabago means "ancient ritual grounds." 
                There is a legend about the origin of the name of the place titled "Love Triangle." Once upon a time, there was a lovely beautiful lady who is being courted by two handsome and brave men. The lady has no choice between the two but upon the persistence of the guy who courts her, she told the other guy that she is already committed to that man. To avoid bigger conflict, the two lovers decided to just flee the place. Unfortunately, the forsaken and abandoned man learned of their plan and gets in their way (balabagan) which caused to have a fierce battle between two men. Since both men are equally brave, strong, alert and fierce, no one won or lose in the battle. Due to their greed in love, a crime of passion was committed. They cut in half the body of the lady and bring it home. The rumor spread that the two men ate the body of the lady which was cut in half just like the cannibals or witch. Since then, the place was infamous for having witches that has a long pole blocking (balabag or naga balabag) the road at night which tarnish and gives a bad reputation of the place.  
                During World War II, at the time of the Philippine surrender to the Japanese, the guerillas in Iloilo under Colonel Macario Peralta Jr., ambushed the high ranking officials of the Japanese imperial army and were killed together with their soldiers in this place. The infamous encounter which is written and is a significant part of  Western Visayas history took place on May 7, 1942.  
                The first fiesta of the barangay was held on December 9, 2008 with Father Edgar Palmos officiating the first mass in the barangay. The barangay decided  to move the fiesta on the ninth of December  because December 8 is celebrated as the feast of Immaculate Conception and is official religious holiday in the Catholic Church. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Baguingin - Lanot


Feast Day: February 3
Patron Saint: Saint Blaise 

               This place is a woodland with lots of huge timber. The name of the place, according to the elderly residents of the barangay was coined from two words. Baguingin, came from the word "nagalingin" or head ache. There is a creek in this place that came from nowhere or no pathway and it gives the people a head ache thinking of this. Lanot, came from the word "hanot hanot" that refers to struggles or perseverance. Due to the high elevation of the way going to this place, people have a hard time or struggling to reach this place or to cross the creek especially when they are carrying lots of objects.
                During the 1920s, the bridge of the barangay going to the town of Leon was constructed and the state of living of the people has improved. They were taught on how to plant sugarcane and a sugar mill was created in the barangay (the brown unrefined sugar with molasses flavor is called Muscovado Central). There is no road yet connecting the barangay to the town proper of Alimodian so the people under the leadership of Rafael Sta. Cruz built a chapel honoring their patron saint, Saint Blaise. The barangay fiesta is held every February 3. 
                 During the war, the residents evacuated from the barangay due to the cruelty of the Japanese. In February 1943, the Philippine soldiers attacked the Japanese and many were killed. In revenge, the Japanese killed several civilians in some barangays and some were brought to the city to be punished and imprisoned. Barangay Baguingin-Lanot became the dump site of dead civilians who were killed and massacred by the Japanese. 
                 The barangay connects the town  of Alimodian to the town of Leon (through Barangay Agboy) by a provincial road.

Alimodian Barangay - Bagumbayan Ilajas


Feast Day: December 30
Patron Saint: Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

               In the early days, the place was a woodland which was inhabited by wild animals, thus it was called Sitio Ilahas of Poblacion or town proper of Alimodian with Ilahas means "wild". The sitio is frequently flooded due to its proximity to the river and the residents were also devastated by earthquakes so the people decided to transfer. In 1944, after a strong and widespread flooding some of the residents transferred to a higher place they called Bagong Bayan (new town). On the virtue of Presidential Decree 558, the two place became one and called "Bagumbayan-Ilahas."
                Before it became a barrio o barangay, the place was headed by Agustin Aligarbes. When there was a gradual increase in residents during the 1950s, the first Teniente del Barrio was Emilio Ambata. During the term of Teniente Sergio Aguirre (1960 - 1965) a chapel was built. During the incumbency of Barangay Captain Encarnacion Anas, a bigger chapel was built. Electricity reached the barangay during the incumbency of Captain Eustaquio Arellano. 

Alimodian Barangay - Bagsakan


Feast Day: 2nd Saturday of January
Patron Saint: Little Child Jesus (main)
                      Our Lady of Salvation (lower Bagsakan)

          In 1940, Bagsakan is only a community or part of Barangay Tarug. Maximo Amelio and Alejandro Andea were the leaders of the sitio. It is in this place that pamaitan or place where the rituals of a witch doctor is prominently held or is widely practiced. During the war, the Japanese prohibited the people to go to this place and anyone caught violating it, they shoot them right away or capture them and punish them by pulling their teeth. 
          During the Japanese period, the place became the arsenal of the Japanese artillery and weapons. This is the drop off point of Japanese weapons. Thus, the name of the barangay Bagsakan "drop off point" came from.
          After the war, the rebel group Huk  occupied the place.  Trinidad Amelio bravely fought the Huks. The Huk entered and ransacked their house, lit a match and forcibly put it in her mouth however Trinidad shove aside the fire but still it set ablaze their house burning it down together with all their belongings.
           In 1970, another woman lead the sitio and successfully separates the sitio from Barangay Tarug and became an independent barangay. Teresita "Tayoy" Amelio became the first  Teniente del Barrio and her family also produced the first barangay college graduate from Bagsakan. 
            In 1978, Bagsakan barangay captain Teodoro Andeo was killed by the communist rebel group NPA (New People's Army). Rogelio Ternal was elected barangay captain in 1980 and facilitated the barangay's first fiesta under the warm and unwavering support of their patron saints, Little Child Jesus and the sitio or community of Bagsakan Ubos patron saint, Our Lady of Salvation.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Atabay


Feast Day: April 5
Patron Saint: St. Vincent Ferrer

          During the 1900s, the family of a certain Bandelario and his two children, Solomon and Servando Andutan  who came from town proper created their own farm in this place through slash and burn agriculture because they don't have their own carabao or cattle of their own in those days. Some years later, there is an increase in number of settlement in the area so they elected their first Teniente del Barrio who happened to be Tomas Borja Andutan in 1912. Under his leadership, the barrio site was transferred in the middle of Alimodian and the town of Maasin in 1930. According to the old natives of the barangay, the barangay was formerly called "Baradlon"  and once only a sitio or a community of Barangay Cagay.
          The present name of the place came from the word "Tabay-tabay," a giant wood which is a meter in length and has a hole in the middle which the water flows. The water came from the overflowing spring which continues to flow. Until now, this is still the source of water of the residents from this barangay. 
          The barangay fiesta is being celebrated every April 5 in honor of St. Vincent Ferrer. The first fiesta took place during the incumbency of Captain Leocadio Andutan which Monsignor Carlos Crucero held the first mass in the barangay. The first fiesta queen of the barangay was Corazon Andutan. The barangay chapel was built in 1958.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Agsing


Feast Day: November 22
Patron Saint: Saint Cecilia

            According to the old native residents of this village, the barangay was established in 1942 under the leadership of Jose Ambong and Perfecto Tubale and their families, Angulo and Almarines family. The name of the place comes from a native bird called Tagsing which is bountiful in the area in those days. This bird has a sharp loud sound which can be heard from a distance.
          During World War II, the Japanese soldiers attacked the barangay. After the war in 1945, the barangay is slowly being established again. The captain or teniente del barrio and its officials purchased lands to make as a barrio site where people can build their homes and to build a small chapel. The image of Saint Cecilia was bought also by the officials of the barangay and since then, its fiesta is held every November 22.
          Under the leadership of Teniente del Barrio Perfecto Tubale, additional parcel of lands allocated as a barrio site was purchased on December 27, 1960 with the price of  P 150 pesos. Simon Tubale became the teniente del barrio or captain starting in 1969 until 1985 and under his leadership, a concrete chapel was permanently laid. Priscilla Ambong was elected as the barangay captain in 1986.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Old Alimodian Records Of Births Kept and Documented In Genelogical Records In United States

An Example Of The Screenshot of the Original Registry of Alimodian from 1920s - 1931 Kept At A Repository in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

 Click the link below to see the list of registry.
 Alimodian Birth Registry 1922 - 1931 From US Genelogical Records in Salt Lake City, Utah

        The genealogy website operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provide some lists of Alimodian birth, baptismal, marriage and death registry from as early as 1915 - 1970s.
        The website offers free access to digital images of genealogical records stored at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, which holds genealogical records for over 110 countries, territories, and possessions, including over 2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical records.