Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mayor Simeon Cañonero Third Term

Canonero’s Third Term 1956-1959

           The people of Alimodian did not have enough of the good works of Mayor Simeon Canonero during the ten years of his incumbency, so they elected him again for the third term beginning in 1956. And he did not disappoint his people because during his last years in office he initiated several endeavors which made the people regard him as one of the best of all mayors ever to serve Alimodian.

Other Projects
            The Puericulture Center that stands to safeguard the health of the residents came into being from the pork barrel allotment of Sen. Quintin Paredes and most of all Cong. Ramon Tabiana, who gave a lot of improvements in the municipality. The prime mover for the project was the mayor’s lady, Mrs. Patrocinio Canonero, the president of the Puericulture Center during the long term of her husband. She was even given an award by the Bureau of Health in Manila as an outstanding puericulture center president.
            During the rainy season, the Aganan River overflowed its banks causing damage to life and property. The administration of Canonero made a plan to deviate its course. However, the people soon realized that redirecting the river bed was not enough as the pressure of the onrushing current often lapped on the bank and diverted the river back to its former course. Therefore, in 1959, a river control was constructed to buffer the impact of the river’s flow. P30,000 from the municipal fund was spent for this project.

Other Improvements
             Several other improvements of the Canonero administration deserve mention. Among these was the repair of the HE Building of the local high school.
            Mayor Canonero was able to improve the town plaza from the amount given by Sen. Mariano Cuenco and Sen. Soc Rodrigo. To complete the Alibango Elementary School, the local government acquired P10,000 funding from the Provincial Board.
            Other notable projects included the repair of roads and bridges, especially in San Sixto, San Modesto and Almacen Streets. Sadly though, these construction works yielded to the test of time and today had been rehabilitated, repaired for a long term use.
             If the most outstanding achievement of Mayor Simeon Canonero would be singled out, it would most probably be the Alimodian National Comprehensive High School which up to this time has sent out alumni who have shone brightly in practically all fields of endeavor. This will be discussed in detail in my next blog.

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