Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Alimodian Firsts: Felix Amparado

Felix Amparado
First Agriculturist

      In 1907 a baby boy was born to Emeterio Amparado and Natividad Rodriguez. The couple named him Felix, and the boy later became the first agriculturist of Alimodian.

     After his elementary and secondary studies, Felix, who had always shown fascination for the bounty that springs from the fertile earth, went to Laguna to enroll at the University of the Philippines College of Agriculture at Los Banos. In 1930, he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from that school, the first Alimodian to do so.

    After graduation he found employment at the Pilar Sugar Central in Capiz. But, his desire to serve his town mates led him to leave that job and become the agricultural inspector of Alimodian. He also lent his expertise to the teaching profession, by joining the faculty of the Iloilo High School, and later, the Alimodian High School.

   He was married to the former Natalia Alingasa, and they had one daughter Delicia. The Amparado family is well remembered in the community because they put up the first electric plant in Alimodian which served the need of the populace before the service from the Iloilo Electric Cooperative became available.

  He died on September 21, 1955.

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