Monday, November 1, 2010

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Valedictory Address

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 
Commencement Exercises
March 29, 2001
Valedictory Address

        Honored guests, our dynamic and beloved mayor, Mary Lou Alipao, our energetic principal, Mr. Dioscoro G. Gil, Jr., department heads, PTCA officials, beloved parents, fellow graduates, friends ladies and gentlemen good evening.
        What is this occasion for me and my fellow graduates? Of course, today is the day of triumphant celebration of our success. We are happy and grateful because we are able to celebrate with you this Graduation Day.
         I, for one, believe that today is the moment of rejoicing for finally, after four years for trying to push myself to the limits to reach my goal – I have reached the finishing line. Apparently every finisher is a winner. So I am a winner and so do all graduates today.
        High school life has never been easy for those who have sacrificed much like me. It is not easy to study and get good grades when your basic needs aren’t procured and provided; nor it is easy when you have to wake up very early to prepare food and to walk to school because you don’t have money to pay for a ride. But as long as we have our dreams and we’re determined to reach them we are willing to do the sacrifice. And this is what we get today – fruit of our toil.
         It is not easy to leave this school for this has been a dear part of me. ANCHS has witnessed how I have built friendships and camaraderie, how I have explored its surroundings and happily built my dreams. Yet, I have to let go explored… you must let go. It pains to do this but just like Siddhartha who has said, letting go is like a flowing river. It flows but it’s always there, always new.
On this graduation day, we have many persons to thank for. We thank our parents who have unselfishly worked hard so that they can send us to school. With their love and generosity we are able to make it. In recognition thereof for heir heroic love, may we request our parents and guardians to stand up? Fellow graduates, let’s give a warm of applause to the unsung heroes of the world – our parents!
        To our dear teachers, administrators and staff, we are so grateful for your patience, guidance and support. Dear mentors, we are always thankful for the knowledge, skills, values and lessons in life which you have painstakingly taught us.
        To our dear Alma Mater, the Alimodian National Comprehensive High School, whose ideals of values and excellence, we will always keep up, thank you.
        To God our very source of everything, whose love and kindness are boundless, we thank you. With you by our side, we will run the race of life again. And with our determination and faith in you, we believe that we’ll reach the finishing line and again, we can say, “We are finishers, we are winners!.”
        Our roads in life will separate after here but for sure, we’ll cross our paths again. And if you feel you’re close to tears now, just say, “Soon it will be over.”
        To all of you, thank you and see you at the crossroads!