Friday, March 25, 2016

The Chapel In Balaan Bukid In Jordan

It seems that at all times, God and the angels grants important messages to mankind through the means of dreams and vision. This what transpired in the following story:

There is a priest living in Santa Barbara. He dreamed of the mountain in Jordan. In his dream, he was ordered by God to build a chapel in that mountain. Upon peering over the window, the first mountain he sees will be the one he will put up a chapel with. This dream kept on returning to him repetitively. So he insists on looking that said area. The priest reached Guimaras and asked for the way towards the place he is tracing. On his first and second visit, he has a difficulty of navigation because of the wilderness of everything. On his third attempt, he brought with him some crucifix and medallions. In every step he climbs, he drops a medallion and was buried on the ground by his assistant who clears the area and then puts a marker. The fourteen (14) medallion symbolizes fourteen (14) stations of the cross. In a nearby area where the fourteenth (14th) medallion was buried, it was marked for a chapel to be build. Today, a giant cross of the chapel situated on top of the mountain is visible. It can be seen from a distance from across the shore. This area is flocked most especially on the first day of May, feast day of St. Joseph the Worker as a patron of laborers and workers.

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