Thursday, April 21, 2016

Some Of The Barrios In San Joaquin

San Joaquin Town Hall

San Joaquin Town Hall Extension

Garin Farm

Bull Fight

Cattle Fight

Horse Fight

Carabao Fight 

Pasungay Festival is held every Fiesta celebration of San Joaquin in January featuring Cow Fight, Bull Fight, Horse Fight and Carabao Fight. Pasungay is taken from the root word "sungay" which is a local term for horns.


According to local traditions, ten datus arrived here. They divided Panay island as their territory. As a symbol of their partition, they made a fire in front of Madja-as and throw the said fire into the sea. Sinugbuhan means place of drop or diving area in the water.


This place was named after the lovers, Law, son of a Chinese merchant and Igan beautiful daughter of an Ati chieftain. Since their parents are against their relationship, they eloped but died.


A Spanish official rode a karomata. The boat is sailing through the lengths of the ocean when the Spaniard got tired and ordered to stop the boat and got out of it and sit on the shores. His shoes got wet by the chasing waves. The poetic feeling enslaved him to utter:

"A tus pies a las olas" (at your feet are the waves).

Photo Source: courtesy of Marcos Caratao courtesy of Eduardo Seatres courtesy of Mayumi Beats courtesy of Leo Solinap

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