Thursday, September 15, 2022

Folk Dance of Western Visayas Region: Lanceros de Negros


During the Spanish times, Lanceros was one of the most popular quadrille dances in the Philippines. It is similar to Rigodon and is danced in important social affairs to formally open a big ball. Unlike the Lanceros as danced in Luzon and in some regions in the Visayas, this version from Silay, Negros Occidental is in longways formation. It is a very lively and colorful dance. 

COSTUME. Girl wears Maria Clara style costume. Boy wears barong tagalog and black trousers. 

MUSIC is divided into four parts A, B, C, and Finale.

COUNT one, two; one, and two; or one, and two, and to a measure

FORMATION. Partners face each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, Girl is at right side of partner. Four to any number of pairs may participate. 

If desired, a square formation may be used, each pair occupying a corner of an imaginary square. 


      Brincos Con Puntillas - Jump and land with R (L) foot across the L (R)  in front, both feet flat on the floor (ct. 1), hop on L (R) and foot circle outward in the air with R (L) foot (ct. and), step lightly on ball of R (L) foot in rear L (R) and raise heel of L (R) (ct. 2), spring on  R (L) and land on L (R) and at the same time point R (L) toe in front of L (R) with R (L) knee slightly bent (ct. and).

      Brincos Con Vueltas - Same as brincos con puntillas but make a quarter turn right (left) when hopping on L (R) on the first ct. and. Make another quarter turn right (left) before stepping on the ball of R (L) foot in rear of L (R) on ct. 2. There are two brincos con vueltas to a complete turn (2 M).


Music A.

      Partners face each other. Throughout this figure, Girl's L hand is placed on waist, R hand holding skirt, Boy's arms swinging naturally down at sides.

     (a) Starting with R foot, take four small steps forward to meet at center (cts. 1, 2, 1, 2) ________________________ 2 M

     (b) Repeat (a) moving backward to proper places ________________________ 2 M

      Face left so that Girl's back is toward audience, Boy faces audience.

     (c) Repeat (a) and (b) _______________________ 4 M

      Face each other.

      (d) Starting with R foot, take four steps obliquely left forward, passing by R shoulders _______________________ 2 M

       (e) Repeat (d), moving obliquely right backward to proper places ________________ 2 M

        (f) Repeat (d), moving obliquely right forward, passing by L shoulders (2 M), and in (e) moving obliquely left backward. Take smaller steps backward so that partners finish near each other (2 M). _____________ 4 M


Music B.

         Face partner and join R hands, free hand of Girl holding skirt and that of Boy is placed on waist.

         (a) Starting with R foot, take eight small change steps forward moving once around clockwise. Bend trunk slightly to right and left side alternately. ---------------------------------------------------- 8 M

         Drop R hands, turn right about join L hands free hands as above.
         (b) Repeat (a), moving counterclockwise -------------------8 M


Music C.

       Partners face each other
       (a) Take four galop steps sideward right. Arms in lateral position, sideward left, shoulder level. Do not put weight on L foot at the fourth galop step _________________________________ 2 M
       (b) Repeat (a) moving to sideward left. Reverse position of arms. _____________________ 2 M
       (c) Execute four brincos con vueltas, turning right and making two turns. Girl holding skirt. Boy places hands on waist _____ 4 M
        Face left so that Girl's back is toward audience. Boy faces audience.
       (d) Repeat all (a-c). Partners pass front to front when doing the galop steps. _____________8 M


Music B.
     Partners face audience. Join inside hands, free hands as in figure II.
     (a) Starting with outside foot, take four change steps forward. Swing the joined hands backward and forward at the same time looking at partner and away from partner, alternately four times ______4 M

     Drop inside hands, turn outward to face about. Join inside hands, free hands as in (a). 
     (b) Repeat (a), starting with inside foot. Start swinging joined hands forward and looking away from partner.____________ 4 M
     Drop inside hands. Face each other and join R hands, free hands as in (a).
     (c) Starting with R foot, take four change steps forward, turning once around clockwise _____ 4 M

     Drop R hands, join L hands, free hands as in (a).
     (d) Repeat (c), moving counterclockwise. Drop L hands and finish in proper places _________ 4 M


Music C.

       Partners face each other. Partners do their movements simultaneously.
       (a) Girl. Execute two brincos con vueltas making a complete turn right once (2 M)

            Boy. Clap hands five times on cts. 1, 2, 1, and 2______ 2 M
       (b) Repeat (a), Boy dancing and Girl clapping hands____ 2 M

       Partners face each other and assume crossed-arm position, R over L.

       (c) Take four brincos con puntillas moving toward audience - Jump and land with foot away from audience across in front and hopping on foot toward audience.  ______________________ 4 M

       Drop hands.
       (d) Repeat (a) and (b) __________________________________________________ 4 M
       (e) Repeat (c), starting with other foot and moving away from audience. __________________ 4 M


Music Finale.

        Partner faces each other.
        (a) Pause_______________________________________1 M
        (b) Execute a three-step turn right in place (cts. 1, 2, 1), pause (ct. 2) Arms in fourth position, R arm high. __________________________________________________ 2 M
        (c) Repeat (b), turning left. Reverse position of arms. ________________________________ 2 M
        (d) Join R hands, free hand of Girl holding skirt, that of Boy is placed on waist. Girl whirls making right turns under the arch of arms. Boy stands in place. ___________________________________ 2 M
        (e) Face each other. In crossed-arm position, R over L, pull away from each other. __________ 1M
        (f) Girl passes under R arm of Boy and finish in front and a little bit to the left side of Boy. Partners look at each other. ___________________________________________________1 M

Music of Lanceros de Negros

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