Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alimodian Folk Dances

The Music to the Folk Dance, Boluntaryo


           One native folk dance which local historical accounts definitely established Alimodian as the place of origin is the Boluntaryo which dates back to the few remaining days of the Philippine Revolution (1898). Boluntaryo is the Hiligaynon or Ilonggo term for the Spanish word “voluntario” which has its English equivalent for “volunteer.” 
       Here's the story of the voluntarios of where the dance take its inspiration from. 
       At the outbreak of the Philippine revolution, the Ayuntamiento (municipal council) of Jaro was the first to condemn, by way of a resolution, the revolution as "an unpatriotic act." The Ilonggo alta sociedad (also known as Ilustrados Spanish term for upper class society) also responded to the news of revolution with protestation and outrage and evoked pro-Spanish loyalty. The Ayuntamiento of Iloilo followed suit and organized the Iloilo Volunteer Battalion.
      The voluntarios, as members were called, were recruited from among the private population of Jaro and Iloilo and the adjoining prosperous towns of Molo, Arevalo, Oton and Sta. Barbara, and the more distant northern and eastern pueblos. They fought against the army of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in Cavite and Pampanga. Illustrious personalities like Martin Delgado, Quintin Salas, Pedro Monteclaro and Adriano Hernandez were among the officers of the battalion. The biggest financial contributors to the Ilongo contingent were industrialist Don Eugenio Lopez and shipping magnate Don Felix dela Rama.

      In the battlefield of Cavite, the voluntarios helped the Spanish forces in the initial defeat of Aguinaldo's forces in 1897. It was the most well-equipped and well-trained contingent on the side of Spain. They helped in the fall of Silang and Imus which led to the collapse of the revolutionaries' defenses in Cavite after a fierce battle for Zapote bridge. The Spanish Crown was elated with that Spanish and the voluntarios' victory. 
       Later voluntarios shared with his compatriots their struggles to overthrow the Spanish sovereignty over this country. Daring exploits of our countrymen of the revolutionary days were recorded in the documentary history of every town in Iloilo province.
      As these “boluntaryos” employed the hit-and-run tactics in their military operations against the enemy, they found enough time to court their fair country maidens, in the hinterlands of Panay. Their romantic advances are portrayed in the performance of this dance.

COSTUME. The girl wears patadyong (native hand woven garment made of hemp used in this case as a skirt) and camisa with soft panuelo over the L shoulder. The boy wears Barong Tagalog and trousers of any desired color.
MUSIC is divided into two parts: A and B.
COUNT one, two, three to a measure or one, two, three, four, five, six to two measures.
FORMATION Partners stand opposite each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, Girl stands at right side of partner. One to many number of pairs may take part in this dance.


Music introduction
Partners face each other

   Three-step turn right in place (cts. 1,2,3), feet together and bow to each other (ct. 4 with hold), trunk erect and pause (cts. 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong (garment hand woven made of hemp used as a skirt in this dance), Boy places hands on waist ………………………………………… 2 M

Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Step R (right) sideward (cts. 1, 2) step L (left) across the R in front (ct. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), point L in front (cts. 5, 6). R arm in reverse “T”position, L arm down at side ……………………………. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms ………………………………. 2 M
(c) Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position and L arm down at side on the first waltz step and reverse position of arms on the second waltz step ………………….. 2 M
(d) Waltz sideward R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left …………………. 2 M
(e) Point R foot in front, L knee bent slightly. R arm in reverse “T” position, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist. Bend trunk slightly to right side, (cts. 1, 2, 3), pause in this position (cts. 1, 2, 3) …………………………………………………. 2 M
(f) Repeat (a-c) ………………………………………………………………………………. 6 M
(g) Point R foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm down at sode, bend body slightly toward the pointing foot (cts. 1, 2), step R close to L foot, arms down at sides (cts. 3) ………………………. 1 M
(h) Repeat (g), pointing with L foot. Reverse position of arms ………………………………………….. 1 M
(i) Repeat all (a-h) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps obliquely right forward to be about three feet near each other (cts. 1, 2 ,3). Point L foot in front, bend body slightly toward it (cts. 4, 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Starting with L foot, take three steps obliquely left to be in line at center by R shoulder, passing each other front-to-front (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point R foot in front, bend body toward R foot (cts. 4, 5, 6). Hands as in (a) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Starting with R foot, take four waltz steps forward moving half-way around clockwise, finishing in one line at center by R shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left alter-
 nately ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 M
(d) Point R foot in front, L knee is slightly bent. Arms in reverse “T” position. Partners look at each other over R shoulders ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 M
(e) Repeat (a) and (b), going to proper places …………………………………………………………… 4 M
(f) Waltz turn right about to face each other (use two waltz steps).
Hands as in (a)……………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(g) Repeat figure I (g) and (h) ………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Repeat all (a-g) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat figure (a) and (b) …………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(b) Waltz turn obliquely forward right to be in one line at center with Girl’s back toward audience
and Boy facing audience. Arms as in figure I (c) ……………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ………………….. 2 M
(d) Point R foot in front, L knee is slightly bent. Girl shields face with two hands placed about one foot
In front of face, palms facing partner, finger tips pointing upward as if to say “no” Turn face away from partner. Boy in the meantime looks at partner, with hands crossed in front of chest as if to say “pity me” …………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(e) Repeat figure (a) and (b) ……………………………………………………………….. 2 M
(f) Waltz turn right going to partner’s place. Hands as in figure I (c) …………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat figure (g) and (h) ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Repeat all (a-g). Finish in proper places in (f) ………………………………………………… 18 M


Music B.
Partners face audience.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward, arms down at a sides (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm bent forward at chest level (cts. 4, 5, 6) ………………………. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms on counts 4, 5, 6 ……………………………. 2 M
(c) Girl – Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm down  at side on the first waltz step and reverse position of arms on the second waltz step (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Point R foot sideward raise both hands to shield face again from Boy as in figure III (d) (2 M).

   Boy – I the meantime, waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position. L arm down at side on the first waltz step (2 M). Point R foot sideward, bend body toward partner, raise hands in front, palms up as if pleading (2 M) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 M

(d) Repeat (a) and (b) going backward ……………………………………………………………. 4 M
(e) Partners waltz turn right in place, Hands as in (c) …………………………………………… 2 M
(f) Repeat figure (g) and (h) ……………………………...……………………………………. 2 M
(g) Repeat all (a-f). Finish in proper places and facing each other in (f) ……………………………….. 18 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Step R foot sideward (ct. 1), brush L forward (ct. 2), step L close to R (ct. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), brush L forward (cts. 5, 6). R arm in reverse “T”position, L and arm bent forward at chest level ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms ……………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Girl – Step R foot backward (ct. 1), point L in front (cts. 2, 3). Repeat same three more times, L, R, L, hands holding patadyong (3 M). Bend body slightly to right and left side alternately. Place both hands again in front to shield face as in figure IV (c) R foot still pointing in front (2 M).

     Boy – In the meantime, starting with R foot, take four waltz steps forward. Place both hands in front, palms up, as if imploring (4 M), reach out hands nearer to Girl as if pleading further (2 M) ……….. 6 M
(d) Repeat (a) and (b) …………………………………………………………………………….4 M
(e) Starting with R foot, partners exchange places by taking two waltz steps forward, passing by R shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ……………………………….. 2 M
(f) Take one waltz step turning right about to face each other (1 M), point L foot in front, R knee slightly bent and bend trunk slightly toward L foot (1 M). R arm in reverse “T” position,
L arm down at side …………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat (a-f), starting with L foot, pass by L shoulders in going back to proper places in (e).

Reverse position of arms in (a), (b), (e) and (f)


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat figure I (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………………. 4 M
(b) Girl – Waltz turn in place (use two waltz steps). Same arm position as in figure I (c) (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Point R foot in front, L knee bent slightly. Open arms in front, palms up, showing pity to Boy (2 M).

      Boy – Waltz turn right (use two waltz steps) towards front of Girl. Same arm position as in figure I (c) (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Kneel on L, half-stand on R foot. Bend head down and R hand supporting forehead, expressing disappointment. Place R elbow on palm of L hand which is placed on R knee (2 M) ………………… 6 M

(c) Girl – Waltz R forward toward Boy, bend trunk slightly forward. Hands in front, palms up, as if welcoming and accepting Boy (1 M). Waltz L backward, cross hands in front of chest as if in love, trunk erect (1 M). Repeat same (2 M).

Boy – In the meantime, stay in the same position as above in (b) in disappointment (4 M) ……… 4 M

(d) Girl – Take Boy’s hands and slowly help Boy to stand, Boy stand up with help of Girl ………………. 2 M
(e) Partners release hands. Take a three-step turn right to proper places, both smiling and bowing with each other at the last measure. Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………… 2 M
(f) Repeat all (a-e) ………………………………………………………………………. 18 M

Partners face each other.

(a) Step R foot sideward ( cts. 1, 2), step L across in front (cts. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), close L foot to R (cts. 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………………………………….. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot …………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Waltz turn right to be near each other about two feet apart (use two waltz steps). Arm position as in figure I (c) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(d) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ……………… 2 M
(e) Girl – Take both hands of Boy and bring them close to her heart at the same time pointing R foot in front. Bend body slightly to right side (2 M).

   Boy – In the meantime, let Girl takes his hands close to her heart. Step R forward toward Girl (ct. 1), step close to R (cts. 2, 3), pause in this position (cts. 4, 5, 6). Partners are smiling and looking at each other all the while …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M

(f) Release hands. Repeat (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………… 4 M
(g) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to exchange places, passing by L shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left. …………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Take one waltz step turning right about to face each other (1 M). Point L foot in front, R knee slightly bent and bend trunk slightly toward L foot (1 M). R arm in reverse “T” position. L arm down at die …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(i) Repeat all (a-h), starting with L foot. Pass by R shoulders in going back to proper places in (g). Reverse position of arms in (c), (d), (g) and (h) ………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music B. Play last two measures slowly.
Partners face each other.

(a) Girl – Point R foot in front and clap hands on cts. 1, 3, 1 two times (4 M). Boy – In the meantime perform figure I (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………………………… 4 M
(b) Partners waltz R forward, swing R arm forward-upward, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist (1 M), waltz L backyard and swing R arm down to chest (1 M). Repeat same (2 M) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(c) Point R foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L handoff Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist. Bend body toward R foot ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(d) Repeat (a) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(e) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to partner’s place, passing by R shoulders. Hold each other’s R hand momentarily while passing each other, L hand down at side ……………… 2 M
(f) Release R hands, turn right about to face each other. Point R foot in front and bow to each other R arm in reverse “T” position, arm down at side …………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat all (a –e), this time Girl doing the movements of Boy in (a) and vice-versa …………….. 16 M
(h) Face front, join inside hands at waist level. Bow to audience, free hand of Girl holding patadyong,
that of Boy is placed on waist ………………………………………………………….... 2 M

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