Friday, March 19, 2010

Alimodian Folk Dances


   Bucasoy is a favorite dance of the old people of Alimodian, Iloilo.

COSTUME. The girl wears patadyong (native hand woven garment made of hemp used in this case as a skirt) and camisa with soft panuelo over the L shoulder. The boy wears barong tagalong and trousers of any desired color.
MUSIC is divided into two parts: A and B.
COUNT one, two, three to a measure.
FORMATION. Partners face each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, Girls stands at partners right. One to any number of couples may take part in this dance.


Music Introduction
Partners take a three-step turn right in place and bow to each other. Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist ……………………….. 2 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.
(a) Sway balance with a raise R and L. R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm bent forward at shoulder level when going to right and reverse position of arms when going to left side ………… 4 M
(b) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left …………. 2 M
(c) Waltz turn right about in place so that back is toward partner, Girl holding patadyong, Boy’s hands on waist ………………………………………………… 1 M
(d) Step L in place and raise R knee in front at the same time (ct. 1) pause (cts. 2, 3). L arm in reverse “T” position, R arm bent forward at shoulder level …………………………………………. 1 M
(e) Repeat all (a – d), finish facing partner …………………. 8 M


Music B
Partners face front.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward, arms down at sides (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, R arm bent forward at shoulder level (cts. 1, 2, 3) …………………….. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms ……………………… 2 M
(c) Four touch steps in front, R and L alternately. Start with L arm in reverse “T” position, back of R hand under L elbow. Reverse position of arms every measure ……………………………… 2 M
(d) Repeat all (a-c), going backward in (a) and (b)………………………….. 8 M


Music A
Partners face each other.

(a) Waltz R forward and L backward alternately, four times. Swing R arm forward-upward and downward to left side alternately, four times, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist ……………………………………………………….. 4 M
(b) Starting with R foot, take three cross waltz steps forward to partner’s place, passing by R shoulders. Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist ……………………………………… 3 M
(c) Step L forward, turn right about and at the same time point R in front (ct. 1) pause (cts. 2, 3). Hands as in (b)
……………………………. 1 M
(d) Repeat all (a – c) ……………………………………….. 8 M


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Point R foot in front (cts. 1, 2), step R close to L (ct. 3). R arm in reverse “T”position and kumintang, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist………………………………. 1 M
(b) Repeat (a) with L foot. Reverse position of arms ……………………... 1 M
(c) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to be in line with partner by R shoulders, arms down at sides (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point L foot in front and clap hands over L shoulder (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3). Look at partner over R shoulder…………………………. 2 M
(d) Starting with L foot, take three waltz steps forward to partner’s place. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward left and right alternately ………………………………………………. 3 M
(e) Step R forward, turn left about and at the same time point L in front R arm in reverse “T” position, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist. (ct. 1), step L close to R foot and pause, arms down at sides. (cts. 2, 3)……………. 1 M
(f) Repeat all (a-e). Finish in proper places…………………. 8 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat figure I (a) and (b) …………………………… 6 M
(b) Waltz step R forward to meet at center, Girls holds patadyong, Boy places hand on waist ……… 1 M
(c) Step L forward, turn right about and at the same time raise R knee in front (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3). L arm in reverse “T” position after the turn ……………………………………………….. 1 M
(d) Close step sideward right (cts. 1, 2, 3), waltz sideward right (cts. 1, 2, 3). Hands as in (b) ……….... 2 M
(e) Repeat (d), going sideward left……………………………….. 2 M
(f) Starting with R foot, take two waltz step forward to proper places. Hands as in (b)…………………. 2 M
(g) Waltz turn right about to face partner. Hands as in (b) ……………………………………………. 1 M
(h) Step L in place and raise R knee in front (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3). Hands as in (c) …………………….. 1 M


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Starting with R foot, take one step-brush-swing-hop forward (cts. 1, 2, 3). Lunge L forward with R knee slightly bent, to be in line with partner at center by R shoulders (cts. 1, 2, 3). Swing arms forward-upward to overhead. Look at each other over R shoulders ………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to partner’s place. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left. Finish with Girl facing audience and Boy, away from audience …………… 2 M
(c) Waltz R forward and L backward. Arms as in Figure III (a) ………………………………… 2 M

Partners face each other
(d) Repeat (c) ………………………………………… 2 M
(e) Repeat all (a-d), going to proper places and finish facing opposite direction in (b) …………………. 8 M


Music A.
Partners face front.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps sideward right (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L in front (cts. 1, 2, 3). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist ………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot……………………… 2 M
(c) Starting with R foot, take three step-brush-steps in place turning right about. Do not step on L after the brush at the third time. R arm in reverse “T” about. Do not step on L after the brush at the third time. R arm in reverse “T” position. L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist (3 M). Step L backward and point R in front, reverse position of arms (ct. 1), pause ( cts. 2, 3) ……………………………………………… 8 M
(d) Repeat all (a-c), finish facing each other......……. 8 M


Music B
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat Figure (a) …………………………………………4M
(b) Starting with R foot, take three small waltz steps to be in line with partner at center by R shoulders. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward right and left alternately (3M). Step L sideward at the same tie point R in front, arms lateral left (ct. 1), pause (cts. 2, 3) …………………………………… 4 M
(c) Join R hands, L hand of Girl holding patadyong and that of Boy is placed on waist. Starting with R foot, take three small steps forward (cts. 1, 2, 3) and point L in front (cts. 1, 2, 3). Do this once more to complete the turn half-way around clockwise (2M).
Finish at center facing proper places ………………………… 4 M
(d) Drop R hands. Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to proper places. Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist ………………………………………………… 2 M
(e) Waltz turn right about (use two waltz steps) to face each other. Hands as in (d) ………………………. 2 M


Music Finale
(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to meet at center, arms down at sides (cts. 1, 2, 3) …………………………………………………………… 1 M
(b) Join R hands, free hands down at sides. Face front, both bow to audience (cts. 1, 2, 3) …………. 2 M

Bucasoy Folk Dance Video

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