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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Gay Filipino In History: Tapar Of Iloilo

There are a number of uprisings and revolt throughout the centuries of Spanish colonial period over abuse, excessive taxation on local products, corrupt and ill system of government among others. There are also some rebellion which was ignited by people's faith and beliefs. One such religious revolt took place in Panay caused by convergence of faith. This religious revolt is led by a certain Tapar from Iloilo in 1663.

Tapar or Tapara is a native babaylan from the town of Oton in Iloilo province in the island of Panay who was a new convert of Catholicism. He was known for founding a religious cult that merged Catholic religious practices with traditional rituals a modified form of Christianity. He persuaded the locals to join his group and attracted many followers with his stories about his frequent conversation with a demon. He proclaimed himself "God Almighty" and went around garbed in a woman's dress. According to Fray Juan Fernandez, who chronicled important events in some Iloilo pueblos, described Tapara as a mystic who dressed and acted like a female.

Tapar taught taught his followers to worship idols, performed prodigies resembling miracles, and became a prophet. He promised the natives:

a. a life of abundance (weaves fish, coconut fiber into linen)

b. that they won't be hit/won't die when hit by Spanish muskets; those who will die in the rebellion will live again.

Tapar known as the "Eternal Father," assigned among his followers a Son, a Holy Ghost, a Virgin Mary, twelve apostles, a Pope, and several bishops. It was at this time when the people felt estranged from the Spanish friars because of their prevalent misdemeanor and misdeeds. 

Tapar's syncretic religion appropriated Catholic terminologies and ignored the Spanish priests because Tapar believed that they had their own "popes", "bishops", and "priests", as well as "Jesus Christ", "Holy Ghost" and "Trinity" who could minister to them in their own nativistic ways.

The growing religious following of Tapar reached the then Spanish parish priest curate (friar) assigned to the town of Ogtong (Oton town today), Fr. Francisco de Mesa and he criticized their unorthodox practices. The followers of Tapar were agitated and they executed the parish priest for condemning their religious movement. Tapar's group burned the church and the priest's house, and fled to the mountains.

The Spanish authority knew about the incident and they launched an attack to quell the emergence of the new religion. Spanish troops were sent to Oton and by employing hired spies, the Spaniards caught up with the principal leaders who, in the process of fighting back, were killed. Their corpses were carried back to the port of Iloilo, then fastened to bamboo poles in the Halawod (Jalaur) River to be fed on by crocodiles. The woman who was named as the group's "Blessed Virgin Mary" (Maria Santisima) was mercilessly impaled on a bamboo stake and placed strategically at the mouth of the Laglag (now Dueñas) river to be eaten also by crocodiles. By 1664, as claimed by the Spaniards, peace had returned to Oton. (Agoncillo 1979, Zaide 1957).


Tapar Of Panay Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/taparofpanay/posts/tapar-revolt-1663personal-informationname-tapar-of-panaynationality-babaylan-nat/989151497772042/

Tapar Revolt Wiki Pilipinas - https://en.wikipilipinas.org/view/Tapar_Revolt_(1663)

10 Amazing Pinoy LGBTS Who Broke Barriers And Made History, Filipiknow - https://filipiknow.net/lgbt-personalities-philippine-history/

The Tapar Uprising In Oton Iloilo, Bridging The Gap By Henry F. Funtecha The News Today Online Edition - http://www.thenewstoday.info/2007/02/09/the.tapar.uprising.in.oton.iloilo.html


Gay Filipino In History Introduction

We have known so many men and women in Philippine history which tells of their exploits, heroism, accomplishments and contributions to helped us win our independence and freedom from tyranny, build our nation but most of all gives color to the Pearl of the Orient history.

While we know the stories of some Filipino individuals in history whose contribution or significant body of work gives an indelible mark which makes a big difference and impact through time, some other Filipinos unknown and unheard of by many of today's generations also made some impact and for a time make some noteworthy buzz worthy to be mentioned and be known in our nation's long journey to what we are today. 

Aside from the stories of the unknown straight Filipino men and women there are also members of the gay community in history whose stories are also quite interesting to tell and be heard of. We will now know their unheard stories which can also amuse us and inspire us to be courageous and motivate us to do great now and in the future. 

In the succeeding series, Ocean Breeze blog will feature some of these colorful personalities who made an imprint in our annals chapter of courageous act, heroism and greatness.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Unknown Filipino Heroes Introduction


Soon I will be featuring some of the Philippines little known unheralded heroes from the past till the present day which the Ocean Breeze blog believes deserves to be honored and worthy of recognition and attention which contributed significantly in our nation's history and/or have inspired so many Filipinos to be a little hero of their own selves. Their life story that were rarely discussed or featured will be read and known here in Ocean Breeze blog. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Iloilo Provincial Governors Fun Facts And Trivia

Martin Teofilo Delgado, the first civil governor of Iloilo in 1901 until 1904. He served as a teniente mayor in his hometown of Santa Barbara. He fought the Spaniards and the Americans as a general. He surrendered to the American military governor Edmund Rice on February 2, 1901 and by May 1 he became the first civil governor of Iloilo province appointed by the American civil government. After he served his term, he returned to his hometown of Sta. Barbara. He spent the last years of his life serving as  superintendent of a leprosy sanitarium in the island of Culion (in Palawan), a leper colony until his death on November 12, 1918 at the age of 60. 

Raymundo Angulo Melliza is the second civil governor of Iloilo who served from 1904 to 1906. He is the only Filipino appointed by the Spanish monarch as a magistrate to the Supreme Court of Cuba. He is a school mate and dear friend of Jose Rizal, he was the one who persuaded Dr. Jose Rizal to serve as a military doctor in Cuba. After serving his term as governor, he retired from public office after his unsuccessful attempt for reelection and bid for a seat in the Philippine Assembly as an assemblyman in the second district of Iloilo. In his later years at the age of 81, he was the persuaded by then General Emilio Aguinaldo to be his running mate and vice-presidential candidate to the very first Philippine Presidential Election of 1935 but they both lost to Nacionalista Party candidates Manuel Luis Quezon and Sergio P. Osmena as the President and Vice President of the Philippines, respectively. 


Benito Lopez is the third provincial governor of Iloilo who served from 1906 - 1908 under the administration of American governor-general Henry Clay Ide and James Francis Smith. He was the first and only Ilonggo civil governor to be assassinated while in office. He was literally shot in his office at the old Iloilo Provincial Capitol which still stands today. 

Ruperto Montinola is the fourth and eight civil governor of Iloilo province whose term of office is from 1908 at the time of the assassination of then Iloilo governor Benito Lopez until 1912 and again from 1922 to 1925 under three (3) American governor-generals namely James Francis Smith, William Cameron Forbes and Leonard Wood. He was referred to as the "Colossus of the South" by the Philippine press. 

Amado Avanceña was the sixth governor of Iloilo province who served from 1914 - 1916 under the American governor-general Francis Burton Harrison.

Gregorio Yulo is the seventh governor of Iloilo whose term of office is from 1917 - 1922 and served under three American governor-generals namely Francis Burton Harrison, Newton W. Gilbert and Leonard Wood. 

Jose Ledesma is the ninth and twentieth governor of Iloilo province who served from 1925 - 1927 and again in 1945 serving three (3) American governor-generals namely Leonard Wood, Eugene Allen Gilmore and Henry L. Stimson and two (2) Philippine presidents namely Jose P. Laurel and Sergio Osmena. 

Jose Lopez-Vito was the 10th provincial governor of Iloilo appointed by American governor-general Henry L. Stimson and served the office from for only a year from 1927 - 1928.

Alejo Aquino was the 12th governor of Iloilo who served from 1929 - 1931 under two American governor-general, Eugene Allen Gilmore and Dwight F. Davis.

Tomas Confesor twice served as Iloilo provincial governor. He first served from 1938 - 1941 during the terms of Paul V. McNutt and Francis Bowes Sayre Sr. and during the turbulent dark years of World War II serving from 1942 - 1945 under the civil resistance government whose headquarters where he is taking his office was in the mountains of central Panay Island.

Following on his father's footsteps, Patricio Confesor from Cabatuan took the governorship in 1945 around the time of the liberation of Panay and started the rehabilitation efforts after World War II under President Sergio Osmena. He is the 19th provincial governor of Iloilo.

The twenty-first provincial governor of Iloilo from 1946 - 1948, Tomas Vargas of Janiuay took the responsibility and continued the post World War II rehabilitation efforts of constructing new government, school and office building, paving concrete roads and constructing bridges. 


One of the longest serving governors of Iloilo who served for eleven years from 1948  - 1959,  Mariano Peñaflorida of Pototan served as the twenty-second (22nd) governor of Iloilo during the presidency of four (4) Philippine presidents - Manuel Roxas, Elpidio Quirino, Ramon Magsaysay and Carlos P. Garcia.


The 25th provincial governor of Iloilo, poet and writer Conrado Norada of Miagao served during Ferdinand E. Marcos administration from 1969 - 1986. His vice governors were Fortunato Padilla and Ramon Duremdes.  

Licurgo Tirador of Pototan was the appointed twenty-sixth (26th) interim provincial governor of Iloilo and was appointed by President Corazon C. Aquino. His vice governors were Carlos Lopez Jr., and Simplicio Griño. 


The twenty-seventh (27th) governor of Iloilo, Simplicio Griño of Oton served during the presidency of Corazon C. Aquino from 1987 - 1992. His vice governors were Ramon Lopez Jr., Ramon Duremdes, and Robert Maroma

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Iloilo City Full Street Names


Note: The name of the street is underlined in red while the full name or title is italicized in pink

(Don Alfonso) Fajardo Street

or probably (Governor Enrique) Fajardo Street

(Don Teodoro) Benedicto Street

(Capt.) Simon Ledesma Street

(Don Manuel) Arguelles Street

(Graciano) Lopez Jaena Street

(Marcelo Hilario) M.H. Del Pilar Street

(Spanish Bishop Mariano) Cuartero Street

(Gov. and Businessman Eugenio) E. Lopez (Sr.) Street

(First Iloilo Mayor) Plazoleta (Jose N.) Gay

(Apolinario) Mabini Street

(Fuerza del) Santo Rosario Street - original name of Fort San Pedro

(Gov. Manuel) Iznart Street

(Merchant/Revolutionary Jose Maria) JM Basa Street

(Don Anastacio Lopez) Ledesma Street

(Municipal Pres. Juan) De Leon Street

(Gen. Martin) Delgado Street

General (Antonio) Luna Street

(Sen. Espiridion) Guanco Street

Muelle (Nicholas) Loney Street - British consul and "Father of the Philippine Sugar Industry"

(Heiress) Valeria (Ledesma) Street

(Don Joaquin) Ortiz Street

(Father Jacinto) Zamora Street

(Pres. Manuel) Quezon Street

(Sen. Mariano) Arroyo Street

(Mr. Manuel) Aldeguer Street

(Don Isidro) De La Rama Street

(Revolutionary Manuel) Jalandoni Street

(Chief Justice Victoriano) Mapa Street

General (Robert) Hughes - American

(Ferdinand) Blumentritt Street - Austrian propagandist, educator, Filipinologist and a dear friend of Jose Rizal

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Philippine Mythical Creatures

If you want to learn more about many of the Philippine mythical creatures, you can visit the website link below to check the comprehensive list and information about the unusual creatures embedded in Philippine folk literature and passed down in generations through oral traditions and in written literary form.

A Compendium Of Creatures From Philippine Folklore & Mythology / List Of Philippine Mythical Creatures And Information


Photo Source:


Friday, August 20, 2021

Names Of The Months And Days Of The Week In Hiligaynon

In the pre-Hispanic period, the Atis or the original settlers of Panay and the rest of the Western Visayas has no formal method of naming days, months, and years and only the seasons were given utmost importance and only in the colonial period where the calendar system is widely adapted for all purposes.

The Ilonggos has a name for each of the months of the calendar in Hiligaynon and were usually based on the event or phenomenon which usually occurs on that particular month. 


ULALONG is the first month of the year in Hiligaynon term for January and was so named probably because it was formerly the month for cotton spinning. The Hiligaynon term "ulalong"  can also mean rough, botched, bungled, careless, coarse, not well done, and is applied to all kinds of work. For example, Ulalong (Inulalong) nga trabaho in English - rough or careless work or a task that has been badly performed or another term in Hiligaynon is patarasak. 

DAGANGKAHOY is the Hiligaynon term for the month of February. The trees turn scarlet on this month. The fiesta of Candelaria or the Feast of Our Lady of Candles is in Dagangkahoy. The patroness of Western Visayas, our Lady of Candles fiesta is the most opulent religious pageantry in Western Visayas with the blessing of candles bought by many devotees and the procession of Nuestra Senora Candelaria and the chosen Fiesta Queen and Her Consort.

DAGANGBULAN is for the month of March. The moon turns scarlet on this month. The Paraw Regatta, generally regarded as the oldest traditional craft sailing competition in Asia among seafarers in colorfully painted sailboats called paraw in the strait between Guimaras and Iloilo City takes place in Dagangbulan. The Pintados de Passi festival of Passi City is held every second week of this month.

KILING is for the month of April. The ring attached to the traces and through which ring the rein or nose-rope is passed is called kilíng. It is also a steadying device put on a kite, so that it may fly straight and smooth. The Semana sang Iloilo (Week of Iloilo) is on the second week of Kilíng.

HIMABUYAN is the month of May. Himabúyan is the time when each day is bursting forth in full bloom (of mostly flowers and other plants) across much of the country. We might consider Himabúyan to be the opening of the growing season or an open door to a new growing period. Iloilo City celebrates its Heritage Month in Himabúyan. Various activities are lined up by the city government of Roxas City for its Charter Day celebration in this month. The Katagman Festival (of Oton) is on the first week of Himabúyan.

KABAY is the month of June. Typhoons sometimes leave hundreds of thousands homeless and cause a lot of damage in Kabáy. The Biraw-Paraw Festival (of Leganes) is on the last week of Kabáy. The Feast of St Anthony de Padua (in Toboso, Negros Occidental) is held in this month.

HIDAPDAPAN is July. It is a kind of tree with red flowers. Its wood is worthless even for fuel. The Iloilo City District of Molo Fiesta in honor of St. Anne is held in Hidapdápan.

LUBAD LUBAD is the month of August. It was removing of the string or rope that held them or that had been tied around them. Iloilo City culminates its charter day in Lubádlúbad.

KANGOROLSOL is for September. The Tumandok Festival is celebrated in kangorólsol. Talisay City, Negros Occidental celebrates Minuluan Festival in this month.

BAGYOBAGYO, the month of October. The Masskara Festival, the annual celebration in Bacolod City, is held in Bágyobágyo. Typhoons gave so much deluge in the country in this month.The Tigkaralag Festival (of Pavia) is held on the 30th day of Bágyobágyo.

PANGLOTDIOTAY, November. The annual fiesta of the district of Mandurriao, Iloilo City celebrated with a mass procession and carnival is in Pánglotdiótay. 

PANGLOTDAKU is the month of December. The cold winds usually build up and blow into the country in Pánglotdakû. The coldest part of the day will be the early morning between 4 and 5 AM just before sunrise. It could get warmer around noon and the afternoon, but not by much as there is less humidity during this month. The Pantat Festival (of Zarraga) is on the third week of Pánglotdakû.

Days Of The Week

TIGBURUKAD (Monday) from the root word "bukad" - the start or opening of something like the blooming of flowers

DUMASUN (Tuesday) from the root word "dasun" - next or following after in chronological order

DUKOTDUKOT (Wednesday) from the root word "dukot" - something which sticks or adheres to

BAYLOBAYLO (Thursday) from the root word "baylo" - market day or barter day because during the old days the people used to barter (baylo) things or exchange things with the absence of money to trade on this day. this is also where the Huebesan (market day) probably originated; changing, transitioning or shifting

DANGHUS (Friday) from the root word "hangos" - exhaustion from heavy work, to wheeze, puff, gasp for breath, pant, breathe heavily or with difficulty.

HINGUTHINGOT (Saturday) from the root word "hingot" - 

LIGIDLIGID (Sunday) from the root word "ligid" - To roll, whirl, revolve, turn over and over; to lie down (lazily, to rest); rolling, revolving.


Creatpler by Roger Rueda - http://rogerbrueda.blogspot.com/2011/10/names-of-months-in-hiligaynon.html