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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Philippine Mythological Creature: Yumud


Yumud of the Manobo ethnic group

A Manobo (parts of the Agusan valley) mythical creature. 

A water wraith that occasionally takes the form of a long-haired woman. It is a harmless spirit that lives beneath the water's surface in stony, deep regions that are typically pools. She is the owner of the color white and occasionally manifests as a masculine deity or spirit. It keeps an eye on the fish. People drown when they offended the Yumud.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Folk Dance of Western Visayas Region: Urukay

In the Philippines, it is customary to have a wedding feast no matter how poor or humble the bride and groom are. This feast is usually held at the bride's house or at the newly-build house of the couple. In this celebration, there is much fun and good-natured teasing. 

In Anini-y, Antique, where this dance originated, the parents of both parties perform the Urukay dance at the wedding feast. 

The Urukay dance is first performed by the father of the groom and the mother of the bride. Then another couple, the father of the bride and the mother of the groom dance the same dance or improvise their own steps.

The Urukay dance is a spirited dance with the male dancer showing off his power and superiority over his female partner by ordering the girl to crawl and pass between his legs in figure IV. The girl retaliates by elbowing the boy. All the time the onlookers cheer and encourage them to show off. 

COSTUME. Girl wears patadyong, camisa or kimona, soft kerchief around neck, and corcho, or chinelas/slippers.

MUSIC. is composed of two parts: A and B

COUNT one, two; one, and two; or one, and, two, and to a measure.

FORMATION. Partners face each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, girl stands at the right side of the boy. This is best danced by only one pair. (Second pair repeats the dance after the first pair) 



Music A.

       Partners face each other.

       (a) Rock R forward (ct. 1), and rock L backward (ct. 2) alternately six times (6 counts). Step R close to L (ct. 1), pause (ct. 2). Girl holds patadyong, boy places hands on waist. _______________ 4M

        (b) Raise L knee in front, L arm bent forward at chest level, sway body slightly backward, R hand holding patadyong, (ct. 1), tap L foot in front, trunk erect. L hand down at side, R hand of girl holding patadyong that of boy is placed on waist (ct. 2) __________________________________________ 1M

        (c) Starting with L foot, take four steps forward to partner's place, passing by L shoulders (cts. 1, 2, 1, 2). Take two steps in place turning left about to face each other. (cts. 1, 2) ___________________ 3M

        (d) Repeat all (a-c), starting with L foot. Reverse position of hands in (b). Finish in proper places, passing by R shoulders in (c). ________________________________________________________ 8M


Music B.

      Partners face each other.

      (a) With R foot leading, take eight mincing steps sideward right (cts. 1, and, 2, and, 2 and 1). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist. ___________________________________________ 2M

      (b) Bend body slightly to right side, R arm in reverse "T" position and kumintang, L hand on waist (cts. 1, 2). _______________________________________________________________________1M

      (c) Repeat (b), reverse position of hands, bend body to left side. _________________________1M

      (d) Repeat (a-c), L foot leading. Reverse direction and position of hands in (b). _____________4M

      (e) Repeat all (a-d) _____________________________________________________________8M


Music A.

      Partners face each other. Boy and Girl do their movements simultaneously.

      Boy. Hold two opposite corners of kerchief diagonally.

      (a). Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward going around girl clockwise. Start with R hand up, L hand down. Reverse position of hands every measure. __________________________ 8M

      (b) Repeat movements of Girl in (a) below. Hands on waist ____________________________8M



      (a) Rock R forward (ct. 1), and rock L backward (ct. 2) alternatively, sixteen times. L hand on waist, R holding patadyong and swinging forward and backward alternately. ______________________8M

      (b) Repeat movements of Boy in (a) above.) Hold kerchief in the same manner ____________8M


Music B. First time.
       Partners face each other.

      (a) Boy stands with feet apart sideward, holding kerchief in front at two opposite corners, and says aloud to Girl, "Suhot, Balaye!" (Pass through, Balaye!) pointing to his open legs at the same time. Upon hearing this, the onlookers also shout, "Suhot, Balaye!" __________________________________8M

      Girl hesitatingly assumes four's base position and crawls between the legs of partner. While she is doing this the onlookers, shout, clap hands and tease girl. ________________________________8M


Music B. Second Time
       Partners face each other.

       (a) Starting with R foot, partners execute change steps forward going to any direction. Boy dances nimbly, trying to avoid girl who on her part tries to dig her elbow into him several times as they dance around ________________________________________________________________________8M

NOTE: To end the dance, girl takes her kerchief and puts it around the neck of the other girl (the mother of the groom) and boy puts his kerchief around the neck of the other boy (the father of the bride). The next couple may repeat the same dance or may improvise their own steps and movements.