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Showing posts with label Spanish Occupation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish Occupation. Show all posts

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Unknown Filipino Hero: Francisco del Castillo

Monument of Candido Iban, Francisco del Castillo's best friend, co-worker and closed-in command of Aklan's Katipunan Chapter, the first Katipunan chapter in the Visayas, ctto

The monument and mausoleum of General Francisco del Castillo and the Nineteen (19) Martyrs of Aklan called Aklan Freedom Shrine and the Historical Marker by the NHCP, ctto

Francisco del Castillo
Katipunan Revolutionary Leader of Aklan
(? - March 17, 1897)

Francisco del Castillo who was also known as Francisco Castillo is one of the leaders of the Katipunan in the Visayas. He was with the 19 Martyrs of Aklan, the first group of heroes of the province (which was then under the province of Capiz) during the Philippine revolutionary period who were slain in the town of Kalibo on March 23, 1897.

Early Years and Previous Occupation Before Katipunan

The date and place of Castillo's birth is not known but he worked as a pearl diver in Australia. It is at this work as pearl diver where he met Candido Iban who will eventually be his fellow Katipunero. 

In Australia, Castillo and Iban won the lottery (in some sources only Iban won). They sailed back to Manila in 1893, who felt deeply the conditions of the Filipinos under the cruelty of the Spanish regime.

Life as Katipunero

They settled in Tondo where they met and befriended Procopio Bonifacio, the younger brother of Andres Bonifacio. Del Castillo and Iban were sponsored by Procopio to become members of Katipunan and initiated by Andres himself in the caves of Montalban. They were part of Bonifacio's group which explored Montalban mountains on April 12, 1895. In Pamitinan Cave, the group declared the intention to fight for Philippine Independence where they wrote "Viva la Independencia Filipina" (Mabuhay ang Kalayaan ng Pilipinas) on the walls of the cave. This event is considered as the First Cry of the Revolution. They donated a part of their lottery winnings to the Katipunan movement and to purchase a small printing press to be used for the publication of Kalayaan, the official newspaper of the Katipunan movement. The first issue was released in March 1896. 

In January 1897, Bonifacio sent the two newly sworn Katipuneros to Aklan to establish the first chapter of Katipunan in the Visayas and to recruit new members. At the time, people of Visayas were mere spectators of the uprisings and revolution that began in Luzon through the leadership of Andres Bonifacio. 

The two friends put together what was left of their savings and bought a fishing boat which they named "Santisima Trinidad" and used it to sail from Manila to Aklan. Running against time, they gathered weapons and recruited more men. They patiently went to every household and teach about the Katipunan and its objectives.

Soon Katipunan in the Visayas grew in numbers. Francisco and Candido plotted out its organizational structure. Del Castillo was elected the general of the Katipunan revolutionary forces in Aklan while Iban became the second-in-command to Castillo as colonel. 

They established two headquarters in Aklan. Castillo headed the headquarters in Barangay Mabilo, Kalibo while Iban led the headquarters of Barangay Lilioan in Malinao town. Easily new recruits in the Visayas numbered to as many as a thousand.

Foiled Revolution and Capture

In 1897, believing that the time was ripe to start the revolution, Iban, coming from the West, led the 82 Katipuneros to march to province capital of Kalibo and persuaded the local authorities to join the revolution. On the other hand, Francisco would lead from the South to merge with the contingent of Candido. Unfortunately, the uprising failed.  A Filipino was paid to spy on the Katipuneros, and their planned attack was tipped off to Captain Lucas de Manuel, the capitan municipal of Liloan. Iban was captured by his fellow Akeanons serving for the Spaniards as guardia civil. 


A hundred troops of Katipuneros under the leadership of Francisco del Castillo who is riding a white horse marched towards Kalibo and stopped in front of the mansion of Capitan Municipal Juan Azcarraga which was the stronghold of the town's officials and the guardia civil. Francisco del Castillo was left with his regiments to continue, and he gathered the remaining Katipuneros, however, what might could bolos, bows and arrows do with the endless volleys of bullets fired at them. After Castillo persuaded Azcarraga to come out, del Castillo was shot by Moises Elicito, an Akeanon Filipino soldier paid by Spaniards as guardia civil on March 17, 1897. 


After the death of del Castillo, the mutineers withdrew to the mountains. Colonel Ricardo Carnicero Monet, head of the Spanish force, immediately announced that he would pardon the revolutionaries if they surrendered. Fifty rebels hiding in the mountains surrendered from March 19-22, 1897. But Monet did not keep his promise. 

These Nineteen Men, weak from hunger and thirst and racked with rain, were bound together and forced into a black hole of a stone cell on Amadeo Street (now Nineteen Martyrs Street) in Kalibo. Here their hands were manacled, and a long bamboo pole was passed through their locked arms across their mangled backs. Then they were strung high up against the wall of the cell, with their backs to the firing line, and during the first hours of March 23, they were shot to death. The few who did not die instantly were bayoneted. When all bullets have been fired, their tattered bodies were all piled up on a wagon and paraded around the town to serve as warning to any Filipino who dare challenge the Spanish authorities. After the parade, the nineteen bodies of our heroes were thrown in one grave. That was a day of darkness and terror in Kalibo. The town awoke to hear the sharply ringing rifle shots and the cries and groans of farewell of these Nineteen Martyrs of Aklan.

The brutal death of these nineteen martyr heroes awakened more men not just in Aklan, but all over the Visayas that was once a laidback province-tamed compliant and hushed! Such martyrdom moved countless of Filipinos to answer the call of the motherland.

The entire carnage did not serve its purpose of suppressing the revolution. Instead, it flared up anew as rage and hatred of the Spanish misrule swept the region. 

The Nineteen (19) Martyrs of Aklan consists of natives of the modern-day Aklan province; eleven hailed from Kalibo, three from Malinao, five from Lagatik (now New Washington). They were as follows:

1. Roman Aguirre
2. Tomas Briones
3. Domingo de la Cruz
4. Valeriano Dalida
5. Claro Delgado
6. Angelo Fernandez
7. Benito Iban
8. Candido Iban
9. Simon Inocencio
10. Isidoro Jimenez
11. Catalino Mangat
12. Lamberto Mangat
13. Valeriano Masinda
14. Maximo Mationg
15. Simplicio Reyes
16. Canuto Segovia
17. Gabino Sukgang
18. Francisco Villorente
19. Gabino Yonsal


A monument dedicated to the brave Akeanon revolutionary leader was erected in the exact location where General Francisco del Castillo fell in Kalibo. A historical marker for Francisco del Castillo was put up in 1952 in Pastrana Park, the town's main public park and plaza. 

On the other hand, the nineteen martyrs are commemorated annually every March in the Kalibo in the modern-day province of Aklan. The Aklan Freedom Shrine which also has a little mausoleum was built in the town in their honor. Furthermore, the exact same street in Kalibo where the nineteen martyrs were held, tortured and executed to death was named in their honor. 

The martyrs were subject of a 2019 full-length documentary film titled Daan Patungong Tawaya (lit. 'Road to Paradise'). In the film, the martyrs were portrayed as having been empowered by anting-anting.  


Advocates for Heritage Preservation (AHP) Facebook Group - FRANCISCO DEL CASTILLO & CANDIDO IBAN: Team for a dream.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/advocatesforheritagepreservationphilippines/posts/645704508925261/

Wikipedia - Nineteen Martyrs of Aklan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Martyrs_of_Aklan

The Kahimyang Project - Francisco del Castillo and the 19 Martyrs of Aklan: https://kahimyang.com/kauswagan/articles/1712/francisco-del-castillo-and-the-19-martyrs-of-aklan

CulturED Philippines, Sagisag Kultura - Francisco del Castillo: https://philippineculturaleducation.com.ph/del-castillo-francisco/

Topical Philippines - Francisco del Castillo: http://topicalphilippines.com/People_Individuals/page196.html

Unsung Heroes of the Philippines Revolution, Western Visayas - Francisco del Castillo: http://www.msc.edu.ph/centennial/hero/wv/page2.html

Friday, March 17, 2023

Unknown Filipino Hero: Pantaleon Villegas

Pantaleon Villegas 
Katipunan Revolutionary Leader
(1873 - 1898)

Pantaleon Villegas better known by his pseudonym Leon Kilat (literally "Lightning Lion in local dialect) was a revolutionary leader who started the uprising in Cebu on April 3 (called the Tres de Abril Revolt). He also led the revolutionary groups in Panay and Negros Island against Spaniards. He was the leader of the Cebu chapter of the Katipunan. Leon Kilat was very popular for his courage and lightning bolt speed for which he earned his moniker, Leon Kilat. He was also known for his amulets he gave his fellow Katipuneros giving them enough bravery to fight the Spanish forces.

Birth and Early Years

The boy who was destined to be a great leader was born on July 27, 1873, in the town of Bacong, Negros Oriental to the couple Policarpio Villegas, a farmer and Ursula Solde, a sinamay weaver. His Spanish mestizo and mestiza grandparents were Pedro Villegas and Dorotea Vergara, the daughter of a Vallehermoso (Negros Oriental) town captain.

Due to poverty, the young Pantaleon did not receive formal education. He was taught how to read, write and recite prayers by the Spanish priest in Tolong whom he worked for as a servant. 

He had the chance to be in Manila when the Spanish priest took him along the trip to the city. However, he ran away due to the mistreatments he took from the priest. How he survives the hustle and bustle of the busy city of Manila remains unknown. He attempted to return to his native town but found himself in Cebu engaging himself in different jobs.

Various Jobs 

In 1895, he worked for the port town of Cebu and later became an abaca press laborer for MacLeod & Co., a British firm. Villegas also worked for Botica Antigua, a well-known drugstore frequented by the Cebuanos and owned by a German named Dr. Andreas Krapfenbauer. The drugstore was located in the corner of Calle del Palacio and Calle Legaspi (now Burgos and Legaspi). There he worked with Ciriaco Murillo and Eulogio Duque. It was Duque who told the writer Manuel de la Calzada that Villegas used the name Eulogio instead of his real first name. Why he used the name Eulogio was not known. Since there were two Eulogios working in the drugstore, the German owner had to call him Leon instead.

After some time at the drugstore, Villegas transferred to Pascuala Cala's bakery in Pahina. He was also a jockey-horse trainer for Federico Laing and later also worked in the branch office of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. He later joined a traveling circus act bound for Manila in 1896 owned by the Tagalogs of which one of the co-owners is a Katipunero or Katipunan member. It was on this job that he was recruited into the secret council of the Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) or simply called Katipunan. In some accounts, it was claimed that he killed some Visayan sailors in September 1896 was captured and imprisoned by the Spaniards but escaped and joined the Katipunan revolutionary forces in Cavite in 1897.  

It was possible that he was also brought to the centers of the revolutionary movement in Luzon such as Cavite, Malabon, Calamba, Pasig and Malolos. Villegas was known for his audacity, his loyalty to his comrades and his firm stands on issues.

Arrival in Cebu and Villegas Introduction and Reception Among Local Leaders

Leon Kilat was asked by Emilio Aguinaldo to expand the revolutionary movement in Cebu in 1897. He was commissioned as a general in Cebu to propagate the ideals of the revolution. He lived in the residence of Eulogio Duque at General Serrano Street (now M.J. Cuenco Avenue) upon his arrival from Manila to carry out his mission for the Katipunan. No exact date was given when Villegas arrived for his final mission in Cebu. Some sources say he arrived in mid-February or late March of 1898. But according to Andres Abellana, a Cebuano leader, Villegas visited him sometime in December 1897. Afterwards, he was introduced to other cabecillas and leaders of the local chapter. 

Villegas had doubts about Abellana being a former kapitan who might report him to the authorities. On the other hand, Abellana also had his hesitations about Villegas whom he suspected of being a spy so to clarify things Abellana told him he doesn't want the Spanish regime to fall however Abellana would still eventually introduce Villegas to other ring leaders like Candido Padilla and Florencio Gonzales, who, like Abellana, refused to trust him. Finally, they brought him to Mariano Hernandez who showed them Aguinaldo's letter introducing Villegas eliminating all the doubts surrounding him. 

As a Katipunan Leader in Cebu known as Leon Kilat

Villegas assumed command of the Katipunan in Cebu. He ordered every Katipuneros to arm themselves with any bladed weapons they can produce and addressed him as Leon Kilat. The Katipunan was growing fast. While Leon Kilat was in Cebu, many young men were drawn to the organization. 

An important meeting took place on March 11, 1898, at the sugarcane field of Jacinto Pacaina in San Nicolas.  Present in that meeting were the leaders of the katipunan in Cebu: Leon Kilat, Candido Padilla, Luis Flores, Eugenio Gines, Florencio Cavan, Jacinto Pacaïna, Atilano Lopez, Francisco Llamas, Alejandro Climaco, Justo Cabajar, Alejo Minoza, Hipolito Labra, Catalino Fernandez, Placido Datan, Alipio Barrera, Alejandro Villona, Nicanor Avila and others. It was decided at the meeting that the revolt will commence on Good Friday of April 8. Catalino Fernandez suggested this and argued that all the Spaniards would be joining the procession on Good Friday, and they could take all the leaders in one blow with the least resistance. All members resolved to keep their agreements in secret. They also conspired with the members of the voluntarios leales (royal volunteers) that in case of a simultaneous exchange of shooting, they would fire over their heads, or they would aim their guns at the Spaniards should the latter refuse to surrender. Everybody in the meeting agreed. 

The plan was unsuccessful when some participants were arrested. They changed their plan. They seized Talisay instead on April 1. After two days, they won a fierce battle against Spanish forces of Adolfo Montero and Captains Monfort, Gutierrez and Iboloen. 

After their success they entered Cebu City the following day. General Pantaleon Villegas lead the revolt against the Spanish forces in Cebu City with some 6,000 rebels armed with bolos and few firearms. He personally ordered the abrupt occupancy of the city as the 40 Spanish soldiers stationed at the garrison choose not to resists the sudden attack. The rebels took the convent, plundered the churches, sacked the home of Spanish inhabitants, looted and later burned the stores. They even killed three Spanish civilians, took eight Spanish friars from the Cota (little fort) on the beach as hostages and shot three escapees. The communication lines were swiftly cut-off as the uprising began to reach to the other coastal towns of the island of Cebu under the control of Francisco Llamas.

Leon Kilat's Anting-Anting

The local revolutionaries came up with a psychological tactic to strengthen their resolve to fight the Spaniards. Relatives in Bacong, Negros Oriental would testify that Leon Kilat had the uncanny ability to appear in places from seemingly out of nowhere and disappear by using his handkerchief which acts like a magic carpet hence earning him the name "Kilat" (lightning). Kilat willingly told his fellow Katipuneros his secret anting-anting or amulet.

First was the vistidora, a chasuble-like cloth worn over one's clothes. Printed on it were symbolic words and religious pictures and corrupted Latin and Spanish words and phrases. The frontal part of the vistidora had the image of God the Father at the upper portion. It also had images of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, heads of the Three Persons, the heads of the 12 Apostles, angels, archangels and seraphim carrying swords and chalices. Corrupted Latin and Spanish words that appeared on the cloth were Cruz passion y muerte cruz de Cristo salva mi tress Ave Maria, Adit Dium Empacturom en visto virgo Jesus. 

The back part of the clothing also bore the image of God the Father at the uppermost portion. The images of St. James the Apostle and St. Michael, both riding horses and carrying swords, occupied the lower part. The center lowermost portion was the palm of the right hand which had the usual Latin and Spanish inscriptions.

Another amulet was a triangle-shaped clothing inscribed with several words and numbers. It was divided into nine smaller triangles. Gibison Gaodio magnobaldi contra bala epica egosom pactom Dominom Diom Pactom Jesom Pleom Tom Jesus were some of the words found in that piece of clothing. This was wound around the Katipunero's head to shield him from head injuries. A substitute was a small triangular piece of cloth or paper on which the magical words have been written. This was attached to the brim of the hat. A third clothing, about two finger breadths in width, had the image of an angel carrying a kris, with the following Spanish words: Salvate Deus, los que defienden de la patria como nuestro defensa en la patria celestial contra los demonios.

The local katipuneros were also made to place inside their mouths a round piece of paper about the size of one peso, with the following words inscribed in the center: Hiesus lamuroc milano. Around the paper were written - Panes teurom nam butrates luz itirre quetram bobis viva buturiam. At the other side of that paper was written the letters K.K.K. It was called hostia redentora and believed to be powerful in preventing feelings of hunger or thirst during a long fight or long journey. 

Francisco Maria Labrador was the young Katipunero from San Nicolas whom Leon Kilat entrusted the task of writing the magical formulae. Labrador used wooden stamp marker to hasten his task. Others who helped him with this task were Elpidio Rama, Anastacio Rama and Simplicio Alaura. It was Rama who was assigned by Kilat the task of giving out the correct measure and appearance of the vistidora.

There were precautions in wearing the anting-anting. All those who were given these objects were repeatedly warned not to carry money or other metal objects, aside from their weapons, and not to allow themselves to be touched by women. Not following these rules would mean losing the effectiveness of the anting-anting.

Tres de Abril Revolt

After a week of uprising, the Leon Kilat-led resistance was quelled and suppressed on April 2, 1898, with the arrival of reinforcements from Iloilo and Manila. Leon Kilat continued his cause through guerilla campaigns.

In late 1897 or early 1898, he was sent to Cebu to help lead the rebel movement. It was here where Leon and his men planned a revolt against the Spaniards on Easter Sunday of 1898. The Spaniards, however, learned about the scheduled uprising. As Leon was informed about the Spanish discovery of the intended insurrection, he became so adamant and determined enough to fight the Spanish forces on the day of the discovery, April 3. Thus, he said: "In that case, we rise in arms today."

On April 3, 1898, the afternoon of Palm Sunday, General Leon Kilat staged a bloody "hand-to-hand" combat. As the Spaniards obtained reinforcements, Leon Kilat and his men went to Carcar to seek help from the people. Leon Kilat tried to regroup his men to confront the progressing Spaniards.

Betrayal and Death

The plan to kill Kilat was hatched at the confessional in the church. The coadjutor at the time, a priest named Father Francisco Blanco who was teaching Latin at the Colegio-Seminario de San Carlos, would not meet Kapitan or Captain Florencio Noel at the convent because it would be suspicious. It was Fr. Blanco who suggested to Noel that the only way Kabkab could avoid the retaliation of the Spaniards was to kill Kilat.

In the early hours of Good Friday, April 8 Leon Kilat met his tragic fate. His murder was allegedly upon the orders of prominent mestizos of Carcar. The assassination of Leon Kilat was said to have happened through the intercession of Don Florencio Noel in the Sato residence. The Spaniards regained the control of Carcar on the day of Kilat's death.

Kilat did not suspect anything because he was even accorded a courtesy due for a visiting dignitary when he arrived in the evening of Holy Thursday. He first went to the house of Kapitan Paras and then later transferred to the house of Kapitan Tiyoy Barcenilla. After eating dinner, Leon Kilat went to his assigned room to sleep. The son of the owner, Vicente Barcenilla woke up after a few hours when he heard loud voices coming from Kilat's room. He awakened Mariano and both went outside at once, only to be met by Florencio Noel coming up the stairs, carrying a huge crucifix and asking excitedly: "Naunsa na? Naunsa na?" (Has anything happened yet?)

Then Noel shouted: "Viva España! Viva España!." Several others outside the house responded. Vicente found the maid Kitay and both of them went inside Kilat's room from where the commotion came.  There he saw the limp body of Kilat being pinned down by eight men, with some of them taking turns at stabbing it including Captain Florencio Noel and Kilat's own aide-de-camp Apolinario Alcuitas. The skull had been earlier smashed with the butt of Kilat's own gun. Then they took his body down the stairs till Cui told the other conspirators: "Ihunong. Ibutang una ninyo. Atong sulayan, ambi tuod dili ba dutlan." (Stop. Put it down. Let's see if he is indeed invulnerable.) Each one took turns at stabbing the dead body and breaking some of his limbs. Then they carried Leon Kilat's body to the center of the town where it was displayed for all residents to see. It was 5:00 early Friday morning. 

Leon Kilat's remains were brought back to his hometown of Bacong, Negros Oriental on August 2, 1926. A monument was built in the Bacong town plaza in the same year in his honor. 

Battle of Tres de Abril Date of Events

3 April 1898 (Palm Sunday) - Villegas and his men began the rebellion in Cebu.

4 April at 05:00 AM -The rebels drove the Spanish forces into Fort San Pedro and took control of Cebu City. When the Spanish gunboat María Cristina opened fire, the rebels retreated to the Chinese quarter of Lutao.

7 April - 500 men of the 73rd Native Regiment and Spanish cazadores with the cruiser Don Juan de Austria arrived under the command of General Texeiro. This forced the rebels to retreat to San Nicolas.

The Spanish continued pursuing the rebels into the mountain region until 8 April.


Sa Ngalan Ng Gobyerno Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/snngpage/

Monday, March 13, 2023

Gay Filipino In History: Gregorio Lampino of Lambunao, Iloilo

The Pulahan (or sometimes called Dios Dios) is a Visayan religious revival cult easily identified by their red outfit was a popular pre-Revolution group during the last years of the Spanish occupation that once had some 15, 000 followers.

When Iloilo joined the fight against Spain, the revolutionary leader Quintin Salas of Dumangas, Iloilo sought the help of pulajan leader Hermenigildo Maraingan. Maraingan's trusy aide was Gregorio Lampino of Lambunao, Iloilo, a homosexual and considered as one of Maraingan's secondary leader. He participated in raids against Spanish territories in Capiz.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Unknown Filipino Hero: Tomas Pinpin

Tomas Pinpin
Father of Filipino Printing

Tomas Pinpin is a printer, writer, and publisher widely regarded as the first Filipino printer earning the moniker "Prince of Filipino Printers" or the "Father of Filipino Printing". 

Pinpin is remembered for being the first Filipino to publish and print a book titled, "Librong Pagaaralan nang mga Tagalog nang Uicang Castilla" (Reference Book for Learning Spanish Language in Tagalog) in 1610, entirely written by himself in the old Tagalog orthography.

Early Years

Tomas Pinpin was born in Barrio Mabatang, Abucay, Bataan between 1580 and 1585. The exact dates of his birth and death as well as his parentage are unknown because in 1646 Dutch looters raided his hometown of Abucay and burned the parish records. However, his last name and business acumen indicate that he must have had Chinese ancestors. The Spanish historian Wenceslao E. Retana believes he did not belong to the principales, the highest class of natives such as Pablo Tanclanmanoc and Fernando Bagongbata who were also from the Abucay town and who were called "Don" by the Spaniards themselves.

He was thought to have first come into contact with the printing world around 1608 or 1609 learning from the works of other Christian Chinese printers such as Juan de Vera, Pedro de Vera, and Luis Beltran who had already printed several books for Spanish missionaries. 

He learned the art of printing around the end of 1608 in the Dominican-owned printing press in his hometown of Abucay when the Dominican-owned printing press was transferred there in 1608 from its original location of Binondo, Manila from where the printing press was established in 1602 by its founder Francisco Blancas de San Jose. In 1609 still in Abucay, Father Blancas employed the young Pinpin as an apprentice at the printing shop and taught him the art of printing and the printing techniques of the time. In just one year he had developed enough skills to be promoted to printing manager. 

His Works

The following year 1610, he printed the famous book of his mentor and founder of the printing press Father Francisco Blancas de San Jose, the "Arte y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala" (Art and Rules of the Tagalog Language) and in the same year Pinpin's famous book "Librong Pagaaralan nang manga Tagalog nang Uicang Castilla" (Reference Book for Learning Spanish Language in Tagalog). This was the first Filipino Tagalog-language book to be imprinted and was designed to help other Filipinos learn the Spanish language easily. The book contained 119 pages divided into five parts and was designed to help Filipinos learn the Spanish language. The prologue read:

"Let us, therefore, study, my countrymen, for although the art of learning is somewhat difficult, yet if we are persevering, we shall soon improve our knowledge.

Other Tagalogs like us did not take a year to learn the Spanish language when using my book. This good result has given me satisfaction and encouraged me to print my work, so that all may derive some profit from it."

It was written in the old Tagalog orthography, as shown by the following terms: uica (today's wika - language); caya (today's kaya-therefore); and canina (today's kanina - a while ago). The author's name was printed Tomas Pin-pin. The book was printed by Diego Talaghay probably his assistant. For this, he earned the title "Demosthenes of the Tagalog language."

Pinpin, having mastered the technique and operation of the printing, was soon appointed shop manager. 

In 1612, Pinpin supervised the setup of a Franciscans-owned printing press in Pila, Laguna where he printed the book, Vocabulario de Lengua Tagala (Tagalog Language Vocabulary) by Fray Pedro de San Buenaventura, the first Philippine Islands local language dictionary ever printed in 1613. For the next three decades, he printed at least 14 books.  

He is also known to have printed in Binondo district, Manila, between 1623 and 1627, as the early printing press was being transported to several places to bring the art of printing.

In 1637, he published and printed what is thought to be the first newspaper in the Philippines, the 14-page "Sucesos Felices", which reported mainly on Spanish military victories.

It is estimated that throughout his career, from 1609 to 1639, Tomas Pinpin printed at least fourteen different publications.

Pinpin As An Engraver

Aside from being an author, publisher, and printer, Pinpin was a skilled engraver. He engraved beautifully the book he printed. His engravings revealed his remarkable gift as an artist. He enhanced the appearance of the books he printed with his engraving skills. 

Among these books of different authors were: Relacion de Martirio (1625), Relacion (1626), Triunfo (1626), Arte Ilocano (1627), Vocabulario Japon (1630), Ritual (1630), Confesario (1636), Sucesos Felices (1637) and Relacion de la Vida y Martirio del Jusuita P. Mastrilli (1639). 

Historian Pardo de Tavera concluded that Pinpin must have been an active and hardworking man. 

Later Years

Since Pinpin's signature no longer appeared on books printed after 1639, it was assumed that he retired. However, Pardo de Tavera claimed that a book of a friar in 1648 in 1648 was signed: "Printed in the office of Tomas Pinpin" and concluded that Pinpin must have passed the trade to his son. By 1643, several books that were printed bored the name of his son, Simon Pinpin. 

There are no other records of Tomas Pinpin after 1640 so it is unsure when or where Tomas Pinpin passed away. 

A bust in his honor rests at Plaza Cervantes in the Binondo district, Manila while a street in Escolta, Manila bears his name. 

Books Printed

"Arte y Reglas de Lengua Tagala", 1610, by Padre Blancas.

"Librong Pagaaralan nang manga Tagalog nang Uicang Castilla", 1610.

"Vocabulario de Lengua Tagala", 1612, by Pedro de San Buenaventura.

"Relacion de Martirio", by an unknown author, 1625

"Triunfo", by Carreras, 1626.

"Arte Ilocano", by Lopez, 1627.

"Vocabulario de Japon", 1630.

"Confesionario", by Herreras, 1636.

"Sucesos Felices", Newspaper, 1637.

"Relacion de la Vida y Martirio del Jesuita P. Mastrillo" , 1639.



Bahay Tsinoy, Museum of Chinese in Philippine Life Facebook Page -https://www.facebook.com/bahaytsinoy/photos/a.126159806720/10157591892776721/?type=3

The Limbagang Pinpin Museum Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/limbagangpinpinmuseum/posts/1790833431027860/

Termpaper Warehousehttps://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Thomas-Pinpin/303568

Instituto Cervantes Manilahttps://manila.cervantes.es/es/biblioteca_espanol/Filipiniana/XVII/Pinpin_Tomas.htm

Friday, October 7, 2022

Unknown Filipino Hero: Panday Pira

Panday Pira 
Blacksmith and First Filipino Cannon Maker
(1488 - 1576)

Panday Pira is the first Filipino cannon-maker whose cannon foundry was established in Santa Ana during the 1500s. Unfortunately, his foundry disappeared after the Spaniards settled in Manila, and its exact location is unknown today. His name literally translates as Blacksmith Pira, panday being a Tagalog word for "blacksmith".

According to Filipino historian Jaime de Veyra, "Panday Pira's cannons are as good as those produced in Spain and became the official cannon-maker for the Spanish army in the Philippines. His works contributed much to the defense of the Philippine islands against pirates and marauders.

Panday Pira's Early Years

Panday Pira was born in 1488. No one can be sure of the exact date of his birth except the place of his origin, in one of the windy islands in Sulu and born to the wife of a Muslim warrior. 

The young Pira grew up in the shade of colorful stilt houses on the shallow banks of a small lake. The quiet life in the village disturbed him. He often spends hours alone and throws stones into the ocean. He is a good aimer, and he can often hit with stones the fishes and eels that struggle to get away. He thought, if the stones were light, the farther the distance it can reach. 

Work and Efforts as a Blacksmith

Panday Pira is acknowledged as the first Filipino metallurgist. Old tradition maintains that Panday Pira went as far as Ilocos and Isabela in the north and Batangas in the south of Luzon in training the early villagers in the metal smith industry.

He devised his cannons using a mold of clay and wax which Muslim leader Rajah Sulayman used to protect Manila against the invading Spanish troops. This legendary metalsmith was later recruited to equip the walled city of Intramuros.

In 1508 at the age of 20, Pira and his relatives went to Maynilad where he established a foundry on the north bank of the Pasig River now known as the District of San Nicolas. 

Rajah Sulayman commissioned Panday Pira to make several pieces of cannons to be mounted on the palisades surrounding his kingdom and on the seaside portion of his wooden fort to serve as defense of Maynilad. These pieces were as large as the largest Malaga cannons that the Spaniards used.

Maynilad was not taken easily when the Spanish forces led by Captain Martin de Goiti and Juan de Salcedo attempted to explore Maynilad in May 1570 anchoring at the mouth of Pasig River, they were surprised when they were greeted by salvos from the cannons made by Panday Pira. These artillery pieces were hidden behind a network of wooden rattan and bamboo mattings supported by logs and timber of the native's wooden fort. 

The superior artillery guns of the Spanish flotilla bombarded incessantly the Kuta and its palisades. The defeat of Rajah Sulayman was due to the inferior kind of gunpowder they used which they learn from the Chinese. 

Goiti won the first Battle of Manila on May 24, 1570, with the help of its superior artillery and well-armed disciplined men. After the brief battle, Goiti took Panday Pira's cannon as a war booty and presented them to Adelantado Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in Panay Island (most probably Iloilo near Capiz) on which Legazpi subjected these captured artilleries to rigorous test for examination, comparison and later adopted to use. These native cannons made by Pira were proven strong and reliable. They did not crack or burst after continuous firing and in spite of a much greater quantity of powder used. In conclusion, Panday Pira's cannons were found way superior to the Spanish cannons mounted on Legazpi's ships

On May 19, 1571, Legazpi eventually took Maynilad and established a permanent Spanish settlement. Due to lack of artillery pieces, which were not only necessary for the city's defense but also for conquering independent barangays of the land, he sought Panday Pira for his valuable technical knowledge. However, Panday Pira is nowhere to be found because after the Battle of Manila he fled to Bulacan in the middle of 1570 then to Apalit, Pampanga where he eventually settled.

Settling in Pampanga and Other Works

After the Battle of Bangkusay Channel off the coast of Tondo, Panday Pira's family and ten of his relatives lived in Pampanga. He established a foundry shop of farm tools producing the first native plowshare and mold board. Before long, he was manufacturing other farm and household implements such as bolos and knives. Here he taught his sons as well as young Kapampangans to make tools and weapons made of iron or metal. Their creations are known for their quality and durability, so they are known throughout Luzon.  

He used for mould the Apalit clay then abundant in the barrio now called Kapalagan in manufacturing native farm implements. One valuable thing he left was his method of casting and tempering iron to make it harder, more durable and flexible.

Working for Legazpi and Death 

His popularity and skillful craftmanship soon reach Manila. Legazpi summoned Pira to build cannons for the Spanish army. In exchange for his services, he and his family were exempted from tribute and forced labor and also the freedom of living and mingling with Spaniards and freedom from other obligations to the church. Panday Pira, often called by the Spaniards as Pandapira, established his foundry in Lamayan now Santa Ana, Manila with the help from his sons. 

Panday Pira is the inventor of the lantaka, a small cannon that can be rotated or maneuvered at any desired angle and direction. He was requested by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to manufacture lantakas for galleons and frigates as the Spanish forces is preparing to conquer more lands in the archipelago and the entire Southeast Asian region.

After Legazpi's death of heart attack on August 20, 1572, Panday Pira continued his services to the Spanish army. The cannons he built were not only used for the fortifications of Manila but also in the Spanish military expeditions of Borneo and Moluccas.

Panday Pira died in 1576 at the age of 88 and he was mourned by the Spaniards and Filipinos. His death was a great loss to the Spaniards for nobody including his sons could make similar astounding cannons.

The Spanish authorities not able to find an excellent cannon-maker like Panday Pira appealed to the Spanish monarch saying:

"Pandapira our cannon maker is dead. We cannot find a single man among us to take his place." This was answered in 1584, when a Spanish smith from Mexico arrived in the country and took the cannon maker's foundry.

Fray Gaspar de San Agustin, an anti-Filipino chronicler and friar even admitted that "Pira's cannons were as good as those in Malaga (a town in Spain). Panday Pira's foundry was expanded in 1584 when a Spanish blacksmith came from Mexico. It was later transferred within the city in 1590 and eventually abolished in 1805. 


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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Research Center of Iloilo: The History Of Iloilo Chapter 8 - Iloilo Nationalism

Chapter 8

Iloilo Nationalism

* highlighted in violet is the approximate timeline or date

There was an increase in the number of wealthy and educated Ilonggos. The new industries had brought wealth. Their means enabled them to build spacious and splendid homes of the fine class. This emerging class is called the " Ilustrado" or educated mestizo and the sangley. They were rapidly gaining education in Manila or in abroad so far from their ancestor of one hundred years ago. They were conscious about the aggressive revolutionary spirit that  successively stirred  Europe and  North America .

In the Spanish countries of the New World and between 1810 and 1825. They fought themselves free of Spain. Fueled by nationalism, they begun to conceive the intellectual  framework for Filipino liberty challenging the colonial and religious authority. Literary and journalistic exposés were printed aimed to attack the social, political and economic abuses directed against the friars. The most famous indictment is Rizal's novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) in which priests are represented as greedy, arrogant, and authoritarian. The Ilonggo Graciano Lopez-Jaena work “ Fray Botod” also have the same motiff . Along with Marcelo del Pilar, the three Ilustrado set up a propaganda movement in Spain.

"I, as a patriot, a Spaniard first of all, because I love Spain"

Graciano Lopez Jaena oration on February 25, 1889 at the Ateneo de Barcelona, Spain: "I, as a patriot, a Spaniard first of all, because I love Spain I ought to rouse here so that it may be revealed the mysterious veil of letters and obstruction that explain why the Philippines does not advance and progress".

1898 - March Comite Conspirador was organized

March 18, 1898. Learning that the Spanish garrison in the city was captured and withdrawn to Zamboanga, members of the Ilonggo elite organized the “ Comite Conspirador” in Molo with good perspective to win. It is a revolutionary movement in within Iloilo City that systematically plan how to overthrow Spain by maintaining contacts with surrounding provinces .

In a short span of two months by May of the same year the Comite was expanded and changed into “ Comite de Central Revolucionario Visayas“ initated by Francisco Villanueva of Molo. Several joined the group such as Patrocinio Gamboa of Jaro.

Gen. Roque Lopez was elected as President of the Assembly.
Other leaders of the committee secretly maintained liaison with their relatives and friends in Negros and nearby provinces to start the armed uprising  in their area . It also sent secret emissaries to the other provinces of Panay and the rest of the  Visayas, and tried to establish contact with the Malolos government under Aguinaldo such as Cols. Emilio and Eduardo Esteban who were sent on mission sent by General Pablo Araneta.

Source: Page 30-West Visayan Real Audiencia member- Raymundo Melliza/Book 12 Interesting  Facts about West Visayas by Rex S. Salvilla of the West Visayas  Historical Research Foundation, Inc

Araneta Brothers of Molo - and their monuments

Gen. Pablo Soriano Araneta of Molo, doctor of surgery,  Panay Island Commanding General and Chief Expeditionary Forces for the Visayas (Photo Above) was immediately sent to secure funds for the purchase of arms and ammunitions. (with monument in Molo)

Marciano Soriano Araneta run the vast hacienda in Mangkas ( La Carlota). Led the revolucionarios fought and captured the "Cuartel General" of the Spanish forces. (with monument in La Carlota Municipal Hall). Anastacio Soriano Araneta who served under his elder brother Marciano was killed by remnants of the "guardia civil" who became roving bandits in the hinterlands of Negros.

Jose Soriano Araneta was appointed "Capitan" assigned at the office of the Panay Revolutionary Forces "Cuartel General" in Pavia, Iloilo together with Capitan Ramon Lopez. He fought in the battle of Tacas, Catmon and Balantang in Jaro in 1899. (with monument in Pavia municipal building)

Dr. Vicente Armada Locsin of Janiuay, Iloilo acted as Confidential Intelligence Emissary Officer of the Central  Revolutionary Committe based in Molo, Iloilo and coordinated with the Panay and Negros revolutionary councils.

Don Gregorio Soriano Araneta (photo above), a lawyer who served as secretary-general of the Malolos Congress under Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo upon advised of Apolinario Mabini (with monument in Manila). His descendants brought about founding of Araneta University, Araneta Center of Malls, Araneta Coleseum, Senator Mar Roxas. His grandchild Greggy Araneta married Irene Marcos, the daughter of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos.

Magistrate in Supreme Court of Cuba, an Ilonggo

Raymundo Melliza, a magistrate in the Spanish Cortes in Cuba convinced Jose Rizal to serve as a military doctor in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. He later became the second governor of Iloilo under the civil government. 

Ilustrado attorney, Don Raymundo Melliza son of a rich trader Don  Cornelio Melliza. He gained bachelor of arts degree from the University of Sto. Tomas in 1873. He enrolled at the University of Barcelona and then University of Sevilla where he got licenciate in law and finally the doctorate (doctorada en leyes y canones ecclesiasticus) in 1879 when he was 25 years old and sent to Cuba as Spain territory to become magistrate of their Supreme Court. He went home in Iloilo due to an increasing tension of independence in Cuba. A classmate and good friend of Rizal.

Don Benito and Brothers - Comite de conspirador

Eugenio Lopez (photo above as head of his family) who once supported Spain initially  have changed positions. Manila public turmoil prompted his 3 sons who are studying there to go home in Iloilo. Don  Benito Lopez, (above) a third year law student of Santo Tomas sobresaliente of San Juan de Letran joined the comite led by his uncle on the mother side Francisco Villanueva and a relative Don Roque Lopez. Vicente Lopez 19 years old, Ramon Lopez 17 years old. They joined the comite through instigation of their relatives. They were young but because they were college  students they were given officers rank in  the revolutionary army becoming captains in the brigade of General Pablo Araneta.

Martin Delgado

On April 25, 1898, America declared war on Spain. Theodore
Roosevelt, the Secretary of the Navy ordered Commodore George Dewey, commander of  the U.S. Asiatic fleet to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. Dewey fought an undefeated the Spanish fleet under General Patrocinio Montojo in the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898.

1898 - Shortly after Commodore George Dewey had smashed the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay on May 1, 1898 and blockaded the capital, the hard-pressed Spanish colonial government organized Filipino volunteer militia in the different regions of the Philippines. General Ricardo Monet, the politico-military governor of Iloilo province appointed Martin Delgado as captain and commander of the 125-strong Voluntarios in Sta. Barbara. Martin Teofilo Delgado (Photo above)

Gen. Pablo Araneta appointed Martin Delgado as "General en Jefe de los Tropas del Ejercito Libertador de Visayas y Governador Politico-Militar."

On 28 October 1898, Delgado marched into Santa Barbara and took control of the municipal building.

He was born on Nov. 11, 1858 in Sta. Barbara, Iloilo the second child of a rich and aristocratic Spanish mestizo family. He finished his early schooling at Sta. Barbara Parochial School. Later, he  enrolled at the Seminario de San Vicente Ferrer in Jaro. For further  studies, he enrolled at the Ateneo Municipal in Manila and obtained his  diploma as a school teacher. After finishing his studies in Manila he returned  to his hometown and taught in a public school for some time.

Spain sold Philippines and Spare Iloilo as its Spanish Kingdom but...

Stage Play in Manila Bay for Tagalog Audience herald Spain wish to settle in Iloilo

1898- August 13 -  America had already bought Manila, Philippines and agreed to spare Iloilo to Spain. Negotiations between America and Spain was finished. They made a scripted drama that American vessel will fire Spain on Manila Bay then they will surrender to America not to loose-platoon of Aguinaldo  in Intramuros. Americans occupied Manila and raised their flag in Intramuros. Spain's dream is to establish a Spanish kingdom in Iloilo its loyal and devoted province and totally relinquish its right in the entire Philippines.

Iloilo City became Spanish Capital

Spain Restructuring of Government in Iloilo
Meanwhile, Spanish governor-general Diego de los Ríos left  Manila and sailed to Iloilo and established the last Spanish capital in the Orient in Iloilo City. General de los Rios asked Spain to grant some reforms demanded by the representative citizens of Iloilo. He issued in Iloilo a proclamation to the people of the  Visayas calling on them to establish a "Council of Reforms" to be
made up of 24 leading citizens, 12 of whom would be selected by popular vote, another 12 to be  appointed by the general himself. (The San Francisco Call, 3 October 1898)

General  de los Rios was obviously sincere in bringing about the reforms people asked  for. The granted reforms, however, satisfied only a few ilustrado leaders. Things did not turn out the way it should be . There was widespread oppositions of their offer. The  flame of rebellion was already swept Iloilo towns, Panay and Negros under Comite Conspirador.  Their swift decision is to forego more battle  and  to peacefully grant sovereignty to Iloilo to vacate the place and let Americans finished the job. If Ilonggos would have remained loyal to Spain it would have not  encountered the canons of the Americans.

Iloilo Towns were captured and liberated

1898 - October 28, 1898. With a glimpse of hope that Iloilo will acquire independence due to weakening Spanish infantry, Martin  Delgado had joined patriotic Ilonggos and publicly declared himself a revolutionario. He joined the "comite." Pablo Araneta who was the general of the Panay Revolutionary Forces and engaged several fierce battles in Santa Barbara, San Miguel, Pavia and in the outskirt of Jaro more notably the battle from Oton to Arevalo. Municipal buildings were seized. Along with General Angel Corteza and General Leandro  Locsin Fullon of Antique who fired the first shot they crushed the Spanish garrisons. On this day onward the interior towns of the province were liberated from Spanish control.

Plan to attack the last Spanish Colonial capital - Iloilo City

1898  - November 17 –  The  comite  convened in Sta. Barbara and organized the Revolutionary Government of the Visayas.

The following were the elected officials of the Visayas Revolutionary Government: 

Roque Lopez, president;
Vicente Franco, vice president and secretary of the interior; Venancio Concepcion, secretary of finance; 
Ramon Avanceňa, secretary of state; 
Jovito Yusay, secretary of justice; 
Julio Hernandez, secretary of war;  
Fernando Salas, secretary general. 

General Martin T. Delgado was chosen General–in-Chief of the Revolutionary Forces. He has been leader in defeating Aguinaldo troops in Cavite in 1896 and recent battle in Manila in May 1898 as the Ejercito Libertador of the Visayas and  Mindanao. They finally made a plan to conquer Iloilo City.

1898- November 17 - Flag was raised in Santa Barbara

Patrocinio Gamboa, a 33 year-old woman of Jaro (a masculine name of) decided to do the risky task of transporting the flag bravely from courier in Iloilo City. Acquiring the flag replica sent by Emilio Aguinaldo was difficult because it has to pass the guardia civil (Spanish Army). Along with Lt. Honorio Solinap they smuggled the flag all the way to Santa Barbara rode in carriage full of hay. The flag was hidden under her waist. Successfully outwitting the many Spanish outposts.

A large crowd gathered in plaza of Santa Barbara for inauguration of  “Comite de Central Revolucionario Visayas “.  When the flag was raised, the band played the ''Marcha Ejercito  Libertador  (Liberation Army March). The eight rays represent the first 8 provinces that revolted that was under martial law of Spanish government. The declaration narrates the three stars represents the three principal islands at the time – Luzon, Mindanao, and Panay

"the white triangle signifying the distinctive emblem of the famous Society of  the Katipunan, which by means of its blood-compact inspired the masses to rise  in revolution; the three stars, signifying the three principal islands of this Archipelago -Luzon, Mindanao and Panay where this revolutionary movement  started."

A newly designed Philippine flag was  raised for the first time outside of Luzon (above photo is a replica of the original flag of Aguinaldo).

Treaty of Paris of Spain and America crushed Iloilo Morale

1898 - By the first week of November only Jaro, Molo and Iloilo City remained in the  hands of the Spaniards. On November 21, Jaro and Lapaz was delivered by the Spanish government to the Ilonggo revolucionarios of the Federal Republic of the Visayas since they did not want to recognize the supremacy of Aguinaldo and the Tagalogs. By the end of November the revolucionarios had taken over Jaro and La Paz. Spanish smell defeat.

On December 10, 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed between American Peace Commission and the Spanish Diplomats who was been in Paris, France since October 1 for discussion. The Spanish-American War have ended then. Spain ceded  the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico (Cuba was granted its independence); in return the US paid Spain the sum of US$20 million for the Philippines.

A  historian Leon Wolff said  "it was . . . a gift. Spain accepted it. Quite irrelevantly she handed us the Philippines. No question of honor or conquest was involved. The Filipino people had nothing to say about it, although their rebellion was thrown in (so to speak) free of charge."

La Independencia (Independence), a newspaper published in Manila by a revolutionary,  General Antonio Luna, stated that "people are not to be bought and sold like horses and houses. If the aim has been to abolish the traffic in Negroes because it meant the sale of persons, why is there still  maintained the sale of countries with inhabitants?"

Tension and ill  feelings were growing in Manila and Iloilo .The treaty is confirmation in the U.S. Senate, which required a two-thirds majority  vote. When the U.S. Congress the pro-annexationist faction held a clear  majority, but were one or two votes shy of the 2/3 majority  requirement. Voting was scheduled for February 6, 1899. To observers the McKinley Administration did not have enough votes which  placed the American retention of the Philippines in jeopardy.

Source: U.S. Library of Congress

Merchants & Bankers seeks help for protection

December 13, 1898
General Rios plan was to leave Iloilo and go to Zamboanga. Merchants and bankers mostly foreigners learning that the treaty have already been signed seek security amidst the uprising Ilonggos by asking help from American soldiers in Manila for protection through a petition in December 13, 1898. General Otis forwarded the message to the Secretary of War in United States to approve Admiral Dewey war vessel convoy troops to Iloilo. After 10 days, action was taken.

December 23 , 1898
General E. S.  Otis's cablegram received from Washington DC, a response to request of businessmen in Iloilo

" Appreciating the great desirability of securing possession of this city , the second of the Philippines in importance ......"    the President directs that you send troops to Iloilo ".

Source: Philippine Information Society, Boston, Mass., February 8, 1901.

Soon, American warships sailed toward the direction of Iloilo.

Spanish  Total Defeat – Christmas Eve

December 24, 1898

Ilonggo troops in marching formation under the command of Gen. Martin Delgado of Santa Barbara entered the City of  Iloilo. While the revolucionarios under Gen. Roque Lopez of Jaro, Gen. Quintin  Salas of Dumangas, Gen. Teresa Magbanua (Photo Above) of Pototan, Gen. Adriano Hernandez of  Dingle, Gen. Angel Corteza of Molo and others had already encircled the whole city of Iloilo.

Teresa Magbanua joined her two brothers in the revolutionary movement under General Emilio Aguinaldo’s army.

Troops march into vicinity Ciudad de Iloilo

A large contingent of bolomen after defeating the Spanish garrison in Molo and then paraded through Calle Real. On the way, people were shouting, "Viva la libertad!", "Viva Filipinas!"

Christmas day of 1898- Victorious Ilongo

1898-  December 25  - the revolucionarios staged a victory
parade from across what is now Forbes Bridge down what is now Bonifacio Drive. They stopped in front of the old capitol or the Casa Real where they hauled down the Spanish flag and raised the Filipino flag up the flagpole standing at what is now the Arroyo
Fountain. After the flag raising the parade went on down Calle Real to Plaza Alfonso XII where they again raised the Philippine flag in front of the Ayuntamiento of Iloilo. Plaza Alfonso XII is now Plaza Libertad Don Diego de los Ríos learning that  the Queen is already aware that the Treaty of Paris was signed on December 10, he opened up negotiations. The Spaniards, through Mayor Vicente Gay and Governor Jose  Maria Romero surrendered Iloilo City to the Ilongo troops. The surrender pact  was witnessed by Ramon Avanceña, Jovito Yusay, Francisco de Leon, and Juan de Leon, Brig. General and Military Provincial Governor Ricardo Monet, together with Lt. Col. Agustín Solís.

The  Ilonggos reorganized the local government of Iloilo City and Juan de Leon was  chosen the local president or city mayor Raymundo Melliza was named local president of Molo.

New Problem is coming ahead
Americans and their ferocious weapons.

A new nation  was born in Iloilo and in Negros Occidental both led by Ilonggo affluent families in support of many others unsung Ilonggo heroes.

Yet a new problem is coming. A more powerful than Spain is coming ahead with their ships and heavily armed infantry that can annihilate effectively against the crude weapon of Martin Delgado and his troops .

Photo Source: The San Francisco Call, 25 January 1899 

American Question " To colonize or not to colonize"

How American view Filipinos in early 1900's

Many Americans did not even know where the Philippines is located including President McKinley but all-American notion is that the Philippines is composed of "primitive savages" and needs to be educated and civilized. American society have long arguments about extending territory to South Pacific. The politician Carl Schurz warned the expense of maintaining an American Empire outweighs its benefits. Mark Twain have similar view saying " Shall we go conferring our civilization upon the people that sit in darkness or shall we give those poor things a rest? ( To the person sitting in darkness). William Bryan " It is not necessary to own people to trade with them".

Top 3 Reasons why Americans proceed to colonize Philippines

1. Trade Relation
William McKinley favored imperialism policy with great achievement on US exports. Among Great Britain, Cuba, China and the Philippines, Philippines saw the dramatic export so far a thriving market and strong economic purchasing power. Obviously, Philippines is 2nd in Asian economy.

US Exports                        1895                       1900
Philippines                    98 Million             195 Million
Cuba                                8 Million              13 Million
China                               5 Million              10 Million

2. The  Filipinos were weren't ready to govern themselves which is prelude to disaster.

3. If the United States will not take control of the islands, another power (such as Germany or Japan) seemed likely would annex the country. In  particular, the US was afraid Germany might invade especially after the German fleet's ominous attempts to intimidate Dewey.

Americans Proceeded to Iloilo
Americans have set eye on Iloilo, their plan is to prevent Iloilo to turn into a troublesome in coming years that is why it needs to be pacified once and for all. Moreover, Iloilo being the second in shipping industry in Philippines as being circulated in newspapers in America advantageous to America's demand for sugar.