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Showing posts with label San Joaquin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Joaquin. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Some Of The Barrios In San Joaquin

San Joaquin Town Hall

San Joaquin Town Hall Extension

Garin Farm

Bull Fight

Cattle Fight

Horse Fight

Carabao Fight 

Pasungay Festival is held every Fiesta celebration of San Joaquin in January featuring Cow Fight, Bull Fight, Horse Fight and Carabao Fight. Pasungay is taken from the root word "sungay" which is a local term for horns.


According to local traditions, ten datus arrived here. They divided Panay island as their territory. As a symbol of their partition, they made a fire in front of Madja-as and throw the said fire into the sea. Sinugbuhan means place of drop or diving area in the water.


This place was named after the lovers, Law, son of a Chinese merchant and Igan beautiful daughter of an Ati chieftain. Since their parents are against their relationship, they eloped but died.


A Spanish official rode a karomata. The boat is sailing through the lengths of the ocean when the Spaniard got tired and ordered to stop the boat and got out of it and sit on the shores. His shoes got wet by the chasing waves. The poetic feeling enslaved him to utter:

"A tus pies a las olas" (at your feet are the waves).

Photo Source:

www.exploreiloilo.com courtesy of Marcos Caratao



http://www.garinfarm.com/pasungay-festival-at-san-joaquin/ courtesy of Eduardo Seatres

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/384917099372822493/ courtesy of Mayumi Beats


http://leosolinap.0fees.net/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=11&ckattempt=1 courtesy of Leo Solinap

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The History Of Gintaguan, San Joaquin

San Joaquin Church

San Joaquin Cemetery Campo Santo

San Joaquin Public Plaza Facade

San Joaquin Public Plaza Interior

Balahidyong and Balanakon, the brave warriors of Datu Sumakwel were sent by their chieftain to look for Datu Marikudo so the purchase of Panay will take place. During those days, the area were so dense and wild and less settled. The two men were so surprised to see a very beautiful maiden sitting on top of the mountain. All of a sudden they are beside the lady and became rival best friend in the heart of newly found lady. However the lady considered giving them a test and said:

"I'm hungry. The first to cook banana from a green bamboo in fire will be my other half."

In an instance the two went down the mountain just like a lightning bolt and they are so hasty looking for what the beautiful lady wanted. They want to hurry in going up the mountain first. In his hurry to cook the banana, Balanakon continuously stir it on fire. Balahidyong who is strong and determined is a poet. He is not hasty. While cooking the banana, he made a poem about love referring to Alayen, the maiden. Balanakon is first to offer the food but it was rejected by Alayen because the preparation is not that good and choose Balahidyong's offer instead despite that it was the last to offer. The impulsive Balanakon is not happy with the result of the challenge so he considered the decisions of the bathalas or the gods to declare in a duel but Alayen intervened.

"No" she pleaded, I won't allow to that your friendship and good relationship will be destroyed because of me who is undeservedly to shed blood with the Malayan noblemen. For the reason that you both desires of me, cut my body into half. One half will go to Balanakon and the other half will go to Balahidyong and each of the half will be buried on top of either mountain.

"I Agree" shouted Balanakon.

Balahidyong did not answer but stare with fear to Alayen.

"Let's start the division," said Balanakon who got his sword.

Balahidyong speaks.

"Warrior brother and best friend, companion to countless number of battles in Borneo and Sumatra, listen to what I say. It's painful for me to hack you with my sword in our duel, however, it would be a thousand times painful for me to see Alayen, the woman I truly love, to be in danger because she unfortunately encounter  the two best friends who could not harm just like they usually do in the past few days for the safety of each other. For me, I am ready to bestow my half to you just to see Alayen alive however I could not own."

He started to leave and Balanakon joyfully shouted, "Let's all go back to the baranggay or community in Andona and Sumakwel will preside on our wedding in a true Malayan tradition." Balanakon prepared their belongings.

All of a sudden Balahidyong pulled the hands of Alayen  and jumped off the nearby cliff and the intense chasing began. Balanakon was so swift but Balahidyong and Alayen was way faster. Across the mountains, river he chased the two however he could not catch them. The darkness is not a hindrance because Balanakon has a very strong smell.  On the third day of chasing, he reached the river. He sensed and smelled the two in the surroundings but not a shadow appears. No imprints nor a broken twigs, stepped leaves, turned stones. Only the smell exists. Balanakon thought that Balahidyong has an amulet or spell of disappearing that makes them disappear like the bubbles. At dusk, Balanakon surrendered and left.

Beneath that waterfall is a cave. Balahidyong and Alayen stayed there until the birth of their child. This place was called "Gintagu-an" which means the hiding place. Balahidyong together with Alayen returned to Barangay Siwaragan. Balanakon got married and lived in Malandog ruled by Sumakwel. The old grudges had been healed when the son of Balahidyong got married to the daughter of Balanakon.

The Gintaguan is still a place of attraction by the town of San Joaquin and visited by guests and tourists.

Photo Source:



https://exploreiloilo.com/  courtesy of Marcos Caratao


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Patron Saints Of San Joaquin Town

Two patron saints were consecrated and perpetuated in the town of San Joaquin and two fiesta celebration is being held in their honor. It is interesting to know why there are two saints being enshrined in this town - Saint Joachim who feast is held every August 16 and the Little Child Jesus or the Santo Niño whose feast is being celebrated every third Saturday of January.

It was told in the tradition that the wooden image of Saint Joachim was once washed ashore in the town, so it was nicknamed "Floating Saint." The image probably landed in the place not far from the  present-day location of the town's church. However the woman picking up "lumban" shells in shallow waters mistook this as "katao" or mermaid and with the help of her husband she called, whacked it with gravel and throw some stones to it until the object floats back to the sea. In crossing the sea, this unusual object lands in the shores of Barrio Gosi, Ilog, Negros Occidental, in a form of wood. A logger from a distance who gather floating timber chance upon the wood, picked it up and happily went home. He was not yet half the distance on his way home when he noticed the object he is carrying is becoming heavier and he estimates that he could not carry it. To carry it lightly he thought of cutting it. When the sharp edge of the ax hit the wood, he was terrified to see not resin or water that comes out of it but very red blood dropping from the cut, together with moaning the object speaks.

"On the other side of the shore I was not even given a chance to land instead stoned to send me away and here, I was being hacked."

Suddenly, the wood shapes the image of Saint Joachim, the father of Virgin Mary. The shocked logger was dumbfounded. When he gained consciousness from shock and remorse, he brought the image with all reverence in their chapel. The people who saw the image proved that it has a wound at the back, that they thought caused by an ax of the logger. Eventually, that man was rewarded nagkamit-palad.

This is the story of  Santo Niño or the Holy Child of Jesus. One day, the Kapitan Mayor which is equivalent to present-day mayor went fishing.  He used the method "panglaya." In his fishing and to his amazement, fish is not caught by his net but instead the image of the Little Child. He gave it to the priest, and in return brought it to the altar of the church. In one of these days, the town was invaded by the bandits who ransacked the convent and threatened the life of the priest. It was said that the image saved the life of the priest by showing in the form of a child pointing to his heart. The enemies of the state were shocked and immediately abandoned the convent without any hesitation.

In his act of gratitude to the image, the priest brought it with him when he went to Tigbauan. For his stopover in this place, the image always disappear and found later at the church of San Joaquin. There are some travelers who foretell that they always meet a child while they are going to Tigbauan from San Joaquin telling that he is going to San Joaquin, a town close to his heart.