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Friday, October 22, 2010

Ramon Magsaysay Images

President Ramon Magsaysay, the President of Common Masses, who believes that "a citizen who has inadequacies in life should have bounty in the blessings of the law."

Picture taken of President Ramon Magsaysay having bestowed the title "Doctor of Laws in Humanities, Honoris Causa."

Ramon Magsaysay Images

Rare picture taken of the political rivals. Seen in photos with President Magsaysay are Senate President, Eulogio "Amang"Rodriguez, former President Laurel and Senator Claro M. Recto whie having fun.

One of the pictures taken while the President is talking with government officials.

The "Triangle of Nationalism": Senator Claro M. Recto, former President Laurel and President Ramon Magsaysay

President Magsaysay together with the two greater known fortress of democracy in the country: President Laurel and Senator Claro M. Recto.

The President and First Lady, Mrs. Luz Banzon Magsaysay in their dress native to the Philippines

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Filipino Presidents

Elpidio R. Quirino
(1890 – 1956; president 1948 – 1953); 
6th President of the Philippines
President With A Golden Heart

“We should not be weak in facing the world. Instead, we should be formidable enough to stand up just, like any other country, ready to challenge, ready to make peace for the good of everybody. Because now, no one can really stand on its own. We should maintain a free republic so that we can declare to all that we are the ones who establish it and we make it for our own good. This is the real meaning of freedom.”

Elpidio Quirino, the President with a Golden Heart, was born on November 16, 1890, in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, at the room next to the office of Provincial Jail Guard because his father Mariano Quirino is the first Provincial Jail Guard of Ilocos Sur province. His mother is Gregoria Mendoza Rivera, of Agoo, La Union. Elpidio first learn the alphabet from his mother. He finished his elementary education at Aringay Public School. When his family transferred to Vigan, Elpidio continued his studies at Vigan High School. While studying, he taught at a school in a small village of Capariaan, that has a distance of 5 kilometers from Vigan. He gave to his mother his salary of 12 pesos. In 1908, Elpidio went to Manila. He studied at Manila High School. While studying, he worked at the Bureau of Lands with a wage of 30 pesos a month. Soon, he served at the office of the principal so he can have enough time for studying. Quirino also served as employee at the Manila Police Department with a wage of 150 pesos a month.

After passing the bar examination in 1915, he became an employee at the Philippine Commission. When the Philippine Senate was created in 1916, Quirino also served as a staff aide here. Here he was first noticed by Senator Manuel L. Quezon. Later, he was made personal secretary of President Quezon. Quirino learned a lot from his relationship with President Quezon. In 1918, Quirino went home to his province. He decided to join politics. On his first try, he already won as representative of Ilocos Sur at the Lower House. He became a senator in 1925 and reelected in 1941. When the Commonwealth government was formed, Quirino was appointed as Secretary of Finance by President Quezon. He was also appointed as Secretary of the Interior. Quirino took the oath of office as vice president of the Commonwealth on May 28, 1946. In the unexpected sudden death of President Manuel A. Roxas, Vice President Quirino assumed office on April 17, 1948. In the following year’s election, President Quirino has a sincere desire of uplifting the living, social and political condition. To restore peace among the most violent places in the country, he forgave the rebel group Huks. The leader of the Huk, Luis Taruc surrendered to him on June 21, 1948. However, Luis Taruc never give worth to their agreement with the President and instead, he strengthened the Huk movement.

Many people got angry with President Quirino in his forceful drive of cleansing the government. His political enemies presented with witnesses to impeach him from his office. However on April 19, 1949, he was acquitted to the said accusations. One speech of President Quirino stated the following:

“The self-desire or ambition is easily drowned if only we know how to have a little patience. For me, there is nothing I should boast of nor redeem… I am just poor. Don’t deprive me of my chance to retain my honor because my dignified and honorable name is the only thing I can inherit my children and countrymen.”

President Quirino's wife is Alicia Syquia and they have five children. President Quirino died on February 29, 1956.

Major World Events During Quirino’s Administration

Korea. United States troops engage in “police action,” 1950
England. King George VI dies, Elizabeth II queen, 1952
Nepal. Mount Everest climbed for the first time by Nepalese Sherpa Tensing Norgay and New Zealand native, Edmund Hillary, 1953


Television was first introduced in the Philippines in 1953 under his administration. 

Elpidio R. Quirino Images

It has become an intense suffering of Vice President Quirino to the sudden passing of President Manuel Roxas.

President Elpidio R. Quirino portrait

The President Quirino in a conversation with General Carlos P. Romulo, the Philippines ambassador to the United Nations in the United States.

President Quirino together with President Franco of Spain.

Elpidio R. Quirino Images

Together with President Quirino Cardinal Spellman and Governor Dewey of New York.

The President Quirino with his Vice-President Fernando Lopez. Together they solve public problems.

President Quirino is dancing with his daugther, Vicky.

President Quirino is actively participating in some charitable movements and activities. This picture was taken after he offered the Philippine Tuberculosis Society his contribution. He also called for people to participate in the movement like this.

In the picture is President Quirino while talking with General Chiang-Kai-Shek of China.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Filipino Presidents

Manuel A. Roxas
(1892 -1948; president 1946-1948); 
5th President of the Philippines
Defender of Freedom

“The greatest politics now in our country, and in other times, is service to the people, gives justice to every citizen, do your share not only to strengthen and fortify our nation but also to bring joy to every individual in their respective homes and give them freedom to plow their own soil.”

         Manuel A. Roxas was born on January 1, 1892 in Pan-ay, province of Capiz. His parents were Gerardo Roxas and Rosario Acuña. His father died eight months before Manuel saw the light. Rafael Lozada became his first teacher. After studying at Lozada’s school, Manuel secretly rode the ship to Manila with only eleven pesos in his pocket. Unfortunately, he was discovered by his grandfather before the ship set sail. He confessed to his understanding grandfather Eleuterio that he just wants to pursue his studies the reason why he planned to leave without asking permission.
         At the age of 12, Manuel enrolled at St. Joseph’s Academy in Manila, however he returned to Capiz soon thereafter. He became homesick so he decided to just study in Capiz. When returned to Manila, he studied at Manila High School. In 1909, he finished with the highest honors. He still finished first in the College of Law of the University of the Philippines. He also passed the bar examination that year.
         When his grandfather died, Manuel was forced to return home to his province. Later, he became a councilor of a municipality in Capiz. He was elected governor of Capiz in 1916 at the age of 24. He became a representative in the Congress in 1922. On December, 1931 along with Senator Osmeña, Roxas went to the United States to walk the enactment of legislation in Hare-Hawes Cutting Law. According to the law, the Philippines will be given freedom at the right time. The law was signed at the United States Congress. Unfortunately the said law was not approved by the Philippine Senate. Later it was followed by signing into law at the United States Congress the Tydings-McDuffie Law.
          Roxas was again elected representative of Capiz in 1934. He is also a delegate to the 1935 Constitutional Convention. Roxas has a major role in making the constitution of the nation. When the Commonwealth government was established, Roxas helped wholeheartedly and cooperate with the Quezon administration. In 1939, Roxas was appointed as Finance Secretary by President Quezon. He is one of the most trusted advisers of the president.
          During the war, Roxas has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the USAFFE (United States Armed Forces in the Far East). He became the adjutant of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. When the Commonwealth government was evacuated, Roxas refused the invitation of President Quezon. He chose to stay to boost the morale of our soldiers. Roxas was captured by the enemies in the mountains of Mindanao. When the Japanese realized that they capture Roxas, they set him free and seek his help of reaching out to the Filipinos. To keep his secret as a guerilla, Roxas accepted the position of president of the Economic Planning Board of President Laurel.
          After the American landing on Lingayen Gulf in Pangasinan, Roxas and President Laurel both climbed together to Baguio City upon order of the Japanese. Roxas has been successful in evading and escaping the Japanese when he joined the troop of freedom on April 15, 1945.
          On June 9, 1945, Roxas took office as Senate President. On April 23, 1946, he was elected President of the Philippine Commonwealth. He is the last Commonwealth president and the First President of the Third Republic.
          Manuel Roxas other half is Trinidad de Leon, daughter of former senator Ceferino de Leon. Their only child, Gerardo, is a former senator. Grandson Mar Roxas III is a foremer senator and former Department of Trade and Industry secretary under the Arroyo administration.

         President Roxas died of a heart attack while having a speech at Clark Field, Pampanga on April 15, 1948.

Major World Events During Roxas’ Administration

Germany. Berlin airlift emphasizes Cold War, 1948
India. Gandhi assassinated, 1948
United Kingdom. London Olympics. First gold medal for the Philippines won by Victoria Manalo in diving, 1948

Manuel A. Roxas Images

President Manuel A. Roxas

President Roxas while having a speech.

On the left can be seen Manuel A. Roxas when he was still a senator. Picture identified former President Quezon and Osmeña.

Shown in the picture, President Manuel A. Roxas is joined by Vice-President Elpidio Quirino and General Douglas MacArthur in celebration of the Independence of the Republic of the Philippines on July 4, 1946.