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Showing posts with label Geography. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

About Panay Island

One of the largest island in the Philippines, Panay consists of the following provinces: Aklan, Antique, Capiz and Iloilo. Guimaras was formerly a sub-province of Iloilo until 1992 when it became an independent province separate from Iloilo.

Panay has had several names.

Before 1212, Panay was called Simsiman. The community is located at the shores of the Ulian river and was linked by a creek. The creek provided salt to the Ati people as well as the animals which licks the salt out of the salty water. The sim means simsimin or to lick thus the place was called Simsiman.

During the time of Datu Pulpulan, father of the Ati chief Marikudo, the island was called Aninipay from words "ani" to harvest and "nipay," a hairy grass abundant in the whole Panay. The hairs of this grass though short is very sharp and easy to prick the skin but very difficult to remove. Once the hair sticks to the skin it can cause an unusually itchy feeling. For this reason, Datu Pulpulan enacted a law that whoever among the Atis will use the nipay grass to endanger others will face death as punishment.

The victim who was pricked with the nipay grass hair will feel uneasy. His or her skin will be swollen that will also be very itchy. The hair will only go deeper into the skin once the victim scratches it so its advisable not to scratch the affected area. The only way to remove the nipay grass hair on your skin is by using soft clothe dipped in coconut oil and rub gently on the affected skin and the nipay hair will easily be remove from the skin and stick to the greasy cloth.

When the Malay settlers arrived, they call the island Madiaas after the highest mountain in Panay thought to be the sacred dwelling of the gods called bathala and where the dead thought to be judged. The picturesque mountain which stood majestically in the area was thought to be the sacred place of Bululakaw, their supreme god or bathala. The island was so named by the Malay settlers due to the splendid beauty and allure of Mount Madiaas.

A Spaniard named Gonzalo Ronquillo reached the island and gave the name Pan hay which means "there's a bread (Pan)"  in the island. The place was then called Pan-hay which eventually became Panay.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All About AKLAN

                                   Aklan Recaptured Paradise

Ati-atihan held every third Saturday and Sunday of January in Kalibo, Aklan


          Aklan, the youngest of the four provinces of Panay Island following its separation from the mother province of Capiz on April 25, 1956 by virtue of Republic Act No. 1414, is actually, in point of history, the oldest province in the Philippines organized in 1213 by the Bornean settlers.
        The province is constituted by seventeen (17) municipalities comprising a total of 327 barangays with a projected total population of  in its 1,821.42 sq. kilometers land area (703.25 sq. mi).
        Aklanon have always believed that their forbears came over from Borneo. They are basically industrious, hardworking, independent and peace-loving people, with their own dialect, distinct customs and traditions and local culture. It has come to pass that the Aklanon possess a deep rooted pride and loyalty to their own locality, setting them apart from Capiz.
       There is further validity to the Aklanon's dream as a separate province. As early as 1433, according to Panayan historical records, there was a well-organized government on Aklan soil, under the rule of Datu Bendahara Kalantiaw, the third (3rd) chief of Panay. This Aklan ruler wrote the famous "Kalantiaw Code," regarded as the first and oldest laws in the Philippines, containing eighteen (18) "sugo" (order) which reveals the high degree of civilization the people of Aklan have.


   The province of Aklan is one of the provinces of Western Visayas constituting 7.14% of land area in the region. It is bounded on the north by the Sibuyan Sea, on the south and east by Capiz and on west by Antique.


    According to Pag-asa (Philippine Atmospheric Geographical and Astronomical Services Administration), the province of Aklan is characterized by two areas of somewhat different climate. The difference lies mainly in the amount and schedule of rainfall, while temperature differences is very slight.
    The municipality of Buruanga, Malay, Nabas, Madalag and Libacao has a first type climate, meaning two pronounced season which is dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. While the municipalities of Ibajay, Tangalan, Makato, Lezo, Numancia, Kalibo, Banga, Batan, Malinao, Balete, Altavas and New Washington belong to third type climate. Season in this area is not very pronouced. It is relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year.


    The population of the province taken from 2010 Statistics is 535, 725.

Early Settlers and Permanent Settlements
          The written history of Aklan may be traced as far back as the middle of the 13th century of the Christian era (A.D.). According to Maragtas, the lowlands of Panay were colonized by the Malayan Datus from Borneo led by Datu Puti.
          According to the written records, the settlers fled their homes to escape the oppressive rule of Makatunaw, Sultan of Brunei. The ten (10) datus together with their families and followers then set sail until they reached the Siwaragan River in what is now a part of the town of San Joaquin, Iloilo. Datu Puti who leads the Malayan settlers, bought the island of Panay from Datu Marikudo, the chieftain of the Atis or the aborigines which are the original settlers of the island, with a golden hat called Salakot and they also give Marikudo's wife, Maniwangtiwan a gift which was a floor length necklace called Manangyad and also other gifts like bolts of cloth and some golden trinkets. The Atis then moved to the mountains for settlement while the Malay settlers made the lowlands their permanent settlement. The datus divided the Panay island among themselves in which Antique went to Datu Sumakwel, Iloilo went to Datu Paiburong and Aklan was given to Datu Bangkaya who was the first ruler of the Aklan province. The Bornean settlers of Aklan carved out a settlement and reaped harvests from the fertile plains, the rich forests and abudant seas. They gave the new land the name AKEAN, meaning PARADISE. Magyanos, which is the present Barangay Marianos of the town of Numancia in Aklan, became its first capital.
         History tells of how Datu Puti purchased the vast valleys and lowlands from the Ati king, Marikudo. A feast was held in celebration of the transaction, with the Borneans and the Atis (aborigines of the Panay Island) having a grand time eating and drinking, dancing and singing. The celebration continued to be held each year during the blooming season of mangoes, which was about the time of the year when the purchase was consumated. Later, after the Atis had withdrawn to the mountains, the settlers choose to perpetuate the celebration, and in the absence of the Atis, some smeared themselves with soot to simulate the darker skinned original residents. This practice has continued during the celebration which, standing the tests of centuries, has come to be known as the present popular "Ati-atihan Festival," a tribal dance festival resembling the Ati or Panay aborigines, the original residents of Panay Island. The famous Ati-atihan Festival is also called "The Grandmother Of All Philippine Festival" because it is the first and oldest Philippine Festival which was started in 1213.

Boracay Island

          The world famous Boracay Island which was located at Barangay Caticlan in Malay town, Aklan was named as the world's best beach in 1990 by BMW Tropical Beach Handbook as published by the Fourth Estate of London. Boracay was considered as such for having everything one can possibly desires in tropical beach life. This was made so in a research conducted by Nick Hanna and two researchers to over 200 tropical beaches and islands all over the world.
          It was also declared as the world's best beach by the Travel and Leisure Magazine in 2012.
 Aklan's pride is 67 kilometers northwest of Kalibo, the capital town of the "Hala Bira" country. The island is approximately seven (7) kilometers long, the northwest half of Barangay Yapak facing Carabao Island and Mindoro, is about one (1) kilometer wide; the southeastern half of Barangay Balabag, facing towards Caluya Island and Palawan is about one half (1/2) kilometer wide.
         Once rounded a headland, you'll have a view of the almost 4 kms. long crescent powdered white sand beach on four (4) feet sand covering solid rocks and transparent blue green waters, a masterpiece of nature. Puka shells litter the beaches, coral reefs and a network of caves await exploration. There are hundreds of hotels and resorts there ranging from luxury and 1st class accomodations to mid range and de luxe accomodations as well as dozens of restaurants and shops to dine and be entertained as well as dozens of worthwhile beach and outdoor activities to engaged with.

Ati-atihan Festival

          The popular festival which is the oldest festival in the Philippines which started in 1213 is being held simultaneously annually every January in different towns of Aklan but the biggest one participated in by different tribes wearing colorful indigenous costumes which attracted thousands of local and foreign tourists who party all throughout the whole two day of festivities is in Kalibo which is held every 3rd Sunday of January; Ibajay - last Sunday of January; Batan - simultaneous with Kalibo; Makato - every 14th and 15th of January; Altavas - two days after Kalibo.

                 Points Of Interest In Different Towns Of Aklan
               (Towns are typed in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS)


Agtawagon Hill
     The Agtawagon Hill is Balete's pride. It is located at the southeastern part of Morales, about seven (7) kilometers away from the heart of the town. The hill was the last line of defense of the Filipino patriot's during the Spanish-Filipino conflict. The same hill had served as Camp of the Filipino soldiers and guerillas during the second World War. Foxholes had been built on the summit of the hill seeing the approaching enemies.


Manduyog Hill and Aklan Agricultural College
     In Banga nine kilometers southeast of Kalibo stands fair Manduyog. From its base snakes up a feeder road and on the hillside are the fourteen ways of the cross. At its summit is a chapel and from there, one could see in all his eyes the scenery of the countrysides below. Beneath the hill is the Aklan Agricultural College, an Agricultural Institution spread in a verdant plain of 63 hectares. Within the school grounds are many tropical trees such as the durian, rambutan, mangosteen and lanzones, a pasture and ricefields. The school has been, many times, a venue for regional and national conferences, workshops and seminars.


Ob-ob Hill
     On the east is Ob-ob Hill, standing like a lighthouse facing the Sibuyan Sea with an altitude of 200 meters. At the foot of this rocky hill is the fine beach of Ob-ob. Thrill going here is incomplete without scaling up a hill just a stone's throw away. Once on top, an admirable scenery awaits adventures, vast seas on one side and towering mountains the other interspersed by green fields.

Tinagong Dagat
    This hidden sea approximately 8 kms. long and 4 kms. wide, is between Altavas and Batan, partly hidden from Batan Bay by two islands. It is fringed with mangroves, thick undergrowth and rock beach elevations. It is a rich fishing ground during the northeast monsoon season when Sibuyan Sea is rough. Ideal for swimming, speedboating and waterskiing.
    Mode of transportation from Kalibo to Dumaguit are jeepneys, private cars, buses, then pumpboat to Batan.


Kalantiaw Shrine
    Seat of government of Rajah Bendahura Kalantiaw III, the third chief of Panay Island and promulgator of the famous Code of Kalantiaw, the oldest laws in the Philippines. The marker was erected by the Philippines Historical and Cultural Society. To prove the existence of the province's famous "Code of Kalantiaw" which has been believed to be smuggled out of the province, a replica taken in its original form is on display. A former manuscript of the Code, historical accounts and pictures of great national heroes.


Tigis Falls
     Three kilometers from Buruanga town proper. Approximately ten minutes ride by means of buses, jeepneys or private cars. A good hideout during summer for its inhibitive location.

Wasak-wasak Falls
     Four kilometers from Buruanga town proper. Its cascading waters and location reminds one in a paradise where nothing is heard except the chirping of birds. Can be reached by buses, jeepneys or private cars.

Ingus-ingus Hill
     Ingus-ingus hill is elevated mass of rocks, bordering the exit of Buruanga River, separating the Poblacion from Barrio Alegria. This hill overviews the sea at three sides. During the Spanish regime, this hill was made a watchtower to guard or spy the approaching vintas of Moro pirates that used to maraud the coastal places.
     Underneath the hill is a cave. According to old tales, this cave was used as a waiting place of English sea pirates, buccaneers, hijackers of Spanish galleons carrying precious cargoes from Mexico.


Campo Verde
    It is a Natural Park and ideal place for quite retreats, trekking, and relaxation. The rest of its natural resources are yet to be discovered, developed and promoted.



Tigayon Hill
    A solitary mountain of solid rocks standing amidst stretches of flatlands by the Aklan river. At its base is a cave as wide and airy as a dome and on its flat floor are unassorted piles of stalagmites. On one side of the hill inside a cave-like structure with an arched entrance is a rock resembling a table used by priest during mass and on its side are two bench-like structures.

Freedom Shrine
     The town's famous landmark. The place where fierce battle ensued during World War II. A monument was built to typify the heroic stand of Aklanons and on the grass lies a mortar and other fragments of armaments used by them. 

Museo it Akean
     A repository of antiques all digged up in Aklan. Famous works of arts are likewise displayed. This traces the province rich cultural and historical past.

Lambingan Beach
     A fine palm-fringed beach. Some meters along the shoreline spread any cottages of varying sizes where frolickers can take shade after a refreshing swim on its cool water

Bougainvilla Beach
     four kilometers northeast of Kalibo. Its cool water is perfect for swimming.  At sundown the place abounds with promenaders. Can be reached by means of public jeepneys, tricycles, motorcycles, and private cars.

Fatima Hill
     noted for its way of the cross on the hillside.  On top of the hill is a chapel made of marble. Located nine kilometers southwest of Kalibo. Jeepneys, tricycles and private cars are the mode of transportation.

Nineteen Martyrs Marker, Kalibo
     Engraved along the street named so, which enumerate the name of the nineteen Aklanons who gave their lives to free the Filipino from further degradation from the hands of the Spaniards.


   The least populated town in Aklan but it is the only municipality that has a man-sized bronze statue of the Filipino national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Lezo is also known for its pot making industry.


Manimpa Falls
    A fifty feet waterfalls with several basins located in Can-awan is ideal for swimming. Buses, jeepneys, private cars are modes of transportation from Kalibo to Libacao. The falls is accessible by foot from Libacao town proper.


Tindog Falls
     Unique is the word that best describe Tindog Falls. It is unique among other falls for its basin is on top instead of having it below the falls. Stair-like stones are carved where the water cascade down. Can be reached by foot from Madalag.


Boracay Island
     Paradise Island of the Philippines. Sixty eight (68) kilometers from northwest of Kalibo, Aklan's capital and 25 minutes pumpboat across a channel from the northwestern tip of Panay. It is famous for its world's finest and loveliest palm fringed white sand beaches, azure waters, coral reefs and rare shells. Its area is 967 hectares consisting of three barangay namely Balabag, Manok-Manok and Yapak.
     The widest and longest white beach stretching about three and a half (3 1/2) kilometers from Sitio Diniwid  to Sitio Angol is between Balabag and Manok-Manok. Water is crystal clear and in fine weather one can see the sea floor. The beach at Manok-Manok is somewhat rocky with occasional patches of white sand. Ocean floor slopes steeply. White peebles of varying sizes are numerous at Yapak and Puka beach. Here, too is the source of puka shells that can be made into elegant necklaces and bracelets.
     Modes of transportation from Kalibo to Caticlan, Malay are buses, L-300 vans and private cars. Approximate travel time is about two hours. Pumpboats, fast crafts, and boats owned by different hotels and establishments in the island transports people from Caticlan port to Boracay Island.
Agnaga Falls
     Two (2) kilometers away from the town proper of Malay, Aklan. A scenic view awaits the visitors as they can freely swim on its clear waters. It's a perfect hideout especially during summer as its cool water beats the intense heat summer months. Modes of transportation were buses, vans, motorcycles and private cars.

Tigwati-an Island
     Lies northeast of Sitio Tabon, Caticlan, Malay. About five (5) minutes by boat from the mainland and twenty (20) minutes from Boracay Island through the same modes of transportation. Shells of varying sizes and kinds lie on its predominantly white sand beach. On its side is a small cave with nature carved stone at its walls where fresh and salty waters forms a small pool. Another cave can be seen from the top of the hill.


Fatima Hill
    Noted for its way of the cross on the hillside. Atop of the hill is a chapel made of marble.

Mampahon Falls
    A falls with an all year round clear and cool waters. It is about twenty (20) kilometers southwest of Kalibo. The falls a major source of Malinao River has two basins, one is 8 feet deep and the other is six (6) feet deep both good for swimming.



Basang Cave
     One of the sources of Gibon River is inside Basang Cave with two (2) basins of clear, cool water for swimming. Located at Barangay Laserna, Nabas, Aklan noted for hats and mats made from baliw or pandan.

Tulingon Cave
     Believed to be one of the longest caves in the Philippines. It stretches twenty (20) kilometers from Barangay Libertad, Nabas, Aklan to Barangay Patria, Pandan, Antique. A survey indicated an enormous deposit of guano. Cave entrance is at Barangay Libertad, Nabas, fifty five (55) kilometers northwest of Kalibo. The cave location is fifteen (15) kilometers from the town proper. It is accessible by buses, jeepneys, private cars and tricycles.


Floripon Point Beach
    At the eastern tip of New Washington, about twenty (20) kilometers east of Kalibo. Its wide beach fringed coconut trees beckons the visitors to this resort.

New Washington Beach
    A fourteen (14) kilometers beach with the poblacion at midpoint fronting Sibuyan Sea. The place serves as fishing village of the town. Fresh fish, crabs, shrimps and lobsters are sold here. Accessible by public jeepneys, tricycles and private cars.

Old House of Jaime Cardinal Sin
   Contains memorabilias and antique wares that were used in the birthplace of the Philippine cardinal

Pink Sisters Convent
    Everything here is pink from the convent facade, corridors and nuns' habits.

Sampaguita Gardens
    Botanical garden resorts facing the Sibuyan Sea. The resort has an extensive collections of plants, butterflies and fishes, lots of playgrounds and massive collection of dolls and other novelty items for sale.


Navitas and Camanci Beach
    Both beaches border the Sibuyan Sea. Its waters are excellent for water skiing and coconut trees are fringed along the shores. Located at Numancia about 4.5 kilometers northwest of Kalibo. Buses, tricycles, and private cars are the mode of transportation.


Afga Beach
    Twenty two (22) kilometers northwest of Kalibo. Located in Barrio Afga, Tangalan, Aklan. White beach stretches two (2) kilometers. Visitors may either go swimming or boating. Colorful fishing nets are dried at daytime on the shore. Its powdery white sand rivals that of Boracay. Accessible by buses, tricycles, jeepneys and private cars. 

Jawili Falls
     Tops of the list of Aklan's many cascades and is the most beautiful cascades in Western Visayas region. It has seven (7) basins, the highest basin is about 100 feet high arranged in tiers from about 20 feet high. Its seven basins arranged by nature in a series, one basin cascading water down the next. The first basin which is oval-shaped is 40 feet by 60 feet, holding 12 feet deep clear water. The other basins are of similar shapes from 130 square feet to 240 square feet in area and 8-10 feet deep except the sixth basins with a swimming area of 540 square feet. It is 28 kilometers northwest of Kalibo and three (3) kilometers from the poblacion of Tangalan. Travel time is one (1) hour ride from Kalibo and is accessible by jeepneys, buses, private cars and tricycles from the town proper to the site.

Crystal Cove Island (formerly Tigwati-an Island) just few minutes ferry boat ride from the famed Boracay Island

Ingus-ingus Hill in Buruanga

Jawili Falls in Tangalan

Pink Sisters Convent in New Washington

Puka Beach, Boracay Island

Sampaguita Gardens in New Washington 

Photo Source: 

Our Awesome Planet 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Gorgeous Negros

The famed Masskara Festival of Bacolod City, capital of Negros Occidental is held every third Sunday of October


The dormant Mount Kanlaon is the only known volcano in Western Visayas 

Negros Occidental Provincial Capitol


Punta Bulata Beach Resort and Spa


Bacolod City Plaza


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Amazing Antique

          First stop is Libertad, the farthest and the last town located in the northernmost part of Antique. One attraction in that town is the Liberty Park in Mt. Agongon. There is a rough, winding road going uphill but on the halfway to the top of Mt. Agongon is a wide, playground-sized plateau where at the center of the scenic park stood a concrete marker indicating the name of the park and its significance to the town of Libertad. Aside from being a historical place, Liberty Park is also used as a camping area by the boy and girl scouts in this municipality. At the edge plateau, one will stand in awe at the breathtaking view below it. The town of Libertad seemed dwarfed by the vast expanse of the blue waters of Cuyo Sea. The soothing highland breeze refresh someone while feasting their eyes on the marvelous scenery.
           Sunken Garden in Punta Pucio, which is about 9 kilometers away from the town proper of Libertad, is another attraction from that town. This man-made wonder is made up of coral rocks and reefs submerged in a lagoon of fresh water covering an area of about 500 square meters. Clinging to the rocks and reefs were greenish moss and seaweeds which served as food to the various species of fish swimming around the tranquil water. 
          Another attraction, the Libertad Reforestation Area in Barangay Inyawan is about eight (8) kilometers away from the town proper. Maanghit Cave is also in Libertad town. Maanghit (foul odor) got its name  from the foul smell of the guano. There is a bush-lined trail leading to the entrance of the cave. There is a huge deposit of guano or bat's waste on cavern floor. The semi-darkness on the cave can give someone an eerie feeling as you go through the damp and humid interior. Since it is not big, it will take just a few minutes for someone to explore around Maanghit Cave.
          Kaniang Resort in Barangay Cubay has several wide, nature-carved basins filled to their stone-lined brims with clear, cool water. The fresh water flowed from a stream up above a nearby hill. . Each crystal-clear basin revealed its clean and hazard-free depth.
          There is a Marble Quarries in Barangay San Roque still in Libertad town. The marbles of 24 colors are quarried from cavernous tunnels. Idiayan Resort is a beach of silken sands where it has clear blue waters, rolling waves and cloudless seascape. Yonder through the horizon, hazy images and shapes of distant islands and islets can be seen.
           There is an old watchtower located at the Osmeña Street of the town. The old watchtower was constructed during the Spanish regime. It used to be crenelated as fortification against invaders. The main purpose of the watchtower was to warn people of the approaching pirates who kept marauding their town. The town plaza has a historical marker with the following inscription: "On this beach, at 02:00 hours, April 30, 1943, were received army supplies and materials brought in by the first U.S. submarine, the USS Cudgeon, thus, establishing contact between the Panay guerillas and General MacArthur's Headquarters in Australia." The plaza was once a beach of Libertad. This place is historically significant because the liberation of Panay really started on this place through the contact stated in this marker.
            The majestic, white-speckled Marble Mountain of the town of Pandan has a large deposit of marble that could last for a thousand years. The marble someone can see is actually multi-colored. There are marbles colored white, gold, gray, black, pink, light gray, red and blue. There is an interplay of colors shown by those multi-colored surface as struck by the shaft of light from the sun. 
            Malumpati Health Spring still in Pandan is another attraction for those who are health conscious. It has a chilling cold water that anyone can enjoy. It is called Health Spring because some people believe it has some therapeutic benefits which could cure some certain ailments.  It is also the site of the Scouting Jamboree sometimes. According to a legend, a Spaniard one time was about to ask a native regarding the name of the place when, all of a sudden, an Aeta (Negrito) scampered from a bush nearby at the sight of a white-skinned Spaniard and bolted out into the open to jump over the river bank possibly out of fright. At such a sight, the native exclaimed in surprise, "Ay, malumpat ang Ati" ( Look, the Aeta will jump!). Since then the place was called "Malumpati"
            Next is the town of Sebaste where the very famous Kamalasag Falls in Barangay Abiera can be found. One can be dumbfounded looking at the jet of water cascading from a height of 100 feet with a booming sound to create an incessant foam below. The towering granite rocks and the lush vegetation around the waterfall added to the aesthetic quality of the environment. Kamalasag Falls is considered to be the most beautiful waterfall in Panay. The fall is also considered as a rich source of hydroelectric power. In fact, if the power of this falls is harnessed for hydroelectricity, it could supply the whole province of Antique with enough electricity without depending on the costly imported oil for fuel. Viewing the Igpasungaw Falls still in Sebaste, at a close range is another exhilarating experience. This waterfall which has a natural basin with crystal clear water is splendid as a natural swimming pool.
            Bugtong Bukid (Only Mountain) is also in Sebaste where the massive towering mountain looming majestically amidst the verdant hills and plains around it. It is so called Bugtong Bukid because it is the only mountain standing aloft and alone in  the midst of the vast plains and hills surrounding the town of Sebaste. The church of Saint Blaise in Sebaste is another place of interest. Every year, countless devotees flocked  in pilgrimage to this church because of reported miracles which were attributed to Saint Blaise, the patron saint of the town. 
            The town of Culasi has something to be proud of - the colossal and imposing Mount Madia-as, the highest mountain peak in Panay. With its towering peak and the verdant virgin forest surrounding it bathed in the golden rays of the mid-afternoon sun, the magnificent mountain looked resplendent in such array.
            Mount Madia-as is a natural landmark where anyone can be enthralled with its beautiful scenery, various and rare flora and fauna, a lagoon, a bonsai forest looking neatly trimmed and a rain forest that provides Madia-as  a weather of its own. 
            Kipot Falls in Barangay Buenavista in Culasi is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Antique. From top to bottom, you can find its seven natural basins similar to the Jawili Falls of Aklan. Look at the seemingly dancing cascades that leap from one basin to another and see how they sparkle at the strike of the sun's rays. Look at the frothing basin with its mass of bubbles formed by the tremendous pressure of the pouring cascades. 
             Lipata Bay of Culasi is considered the deepest in Antique. It also has a significant mark in history because it was where the American submarine, the USS Marshall, surfaced in 1944 to unload war cargoes of arms, ammunition, medicine, radio equipment and other supplies needed by the Panay guerrillas. This bay is also strategically located as to be an excellent natural harbor. 
            Mararison (or sometimes Malalison) Island is a beautiful island with white beach is also part of Culasi town. The white sand beach is ideal for picnics, excursions and for tourist visits. This beach is not suitable for swimming because of the presence of sharp coral rocks and reefs which are abound on its seabed. This island has two caves, each with a length of around 100 feet. The waters around this island is suitable for spear fishing while the white sand beach is suited not only for excursion but also for beach combing.
             The nearby island of Batbatan is a unique island shaped into a huge green mound composed mostly of verdant hills and slopes together with the plains covered with lush vegetation. This island boasts of a numerous natural coves and anchorages suitable for shelter and docking of ships which are incidentally caught by typhoon at sea. This island is suitable for the Caribbean island category.  The Tangay tribe is a cultural minority who inhabits the place. They have their own culture, way of life and language different from the main Antique natives. This place is still untainted with the style of living in the modern civilization. Maniguin Island lies farther east of Batbatan. Near the shore are rocks, grasses, shrubs and stunted trees. Following the rocky trail, one can reach a sloping granite promontory located northeast of the island. At the edge of the promontory, is a two-storey, tapering, white washed lighthouse bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. The island is a Naval Reservation Area. This serves as a Naval Station for Coast Guards guarding the western coast of Panay from any possible intrusion or invasion, piracy, smuggling activities and illegal fishing. There is also the island of Caluya and farther towards the island of Semirara which is a part of group of islands of the same name. There is a variety species of birds flying above these group of islands and is a bird sanctuary for it is remote for hunters to harass or exterminate these birds.  
          The nearby island of Sibay is bordered by fine beaches, covered on top by grassy hills and interspersed with thickly grown trees and tall reeds. This island is where the Spanish conquistador Martin de Goite dropped by on his way to conquer Manila in 1570. It was also here that one of the first radar stations in Panay was installed. The neighbor island of Caluya has a white sand beach with various species of rare seashells. The waters around this island of Caluya are considered ideal for scuba diving and deep sea fishing for its depths are full of various coral reefs which are the favorite habitat of various kinds of fish. Robber  or coconut crab clambering on the coconut trees in the island is locally known as Tatus. It is a kind of crab which feeds on the bud of young coconut trees. Its flesh is exceedingly delicious compared to ordinary crabs and is rarely found anywhere in the country such that it commands a very high price in some five-star hotels in the country.
          Next is the town of Tibiao where the Manglamon Cave of Sitio Tiguis can be found. Inside this cave, a bountiful stocks of stalagmites and stalactites could be found. The rim of the cave's gaping mouth was moss-covered while the rocky surface around it was also nearly covered by thick cogon grasses making the cave seems hideous and horrid looking. It is named Manglamon because the cave looks like it will swallow everything that goes into it. The Manglamon beach has a fine, sift shiny sands sparkle like precious gems at the strike of the mid-morning sun. The remarkable calmness of the clear aquamarine blue waters of the beach is occasionally broken only by the soft splashing sound of waves dashing laps against the sloping shore. There is also a famous Bugtong Bato in Tibiao with special feature about cauldron sauna, kawa bath spa and the exciting whitewater kayaking for those who wants adrenaline rush.
          Barbaza is the next town after Tibiao where there is a mountain spring oozing with an abundant flow of crystal clear water in Sitio Hatay-hatay of Barangay Palma. Barbaza is also proud of its Batabat Coral Reef.
It has a one and a half hectare island which has an appraising look of the whole island. It is made up of entirely corals of different colors. Barbaza church is considered as one of the most beautiful churches in Antique because of its modern architectural style.The architect who built the church also designed the Museo Iloilo.
          Estaca Hill is a popular hill in Bugasong town with an elevation of 200 ft. above sea level. The rugged winding path uphill, mostly strewn with gravels bulging rocks was a painstaking experience for the travelers whose clothes were drenched with perspiration when they reached the peak.  Upon reaching the summit, a picturesque scenery will unfold. The sea and the surrounding hills made an analogous combination of blue and green with the white and multi-colored houses and buildings providing the necessary accents to it. It was further lighted by the glinting reflections of the galvanized iron  sheet roof of the houses and buildings. The sea loomed so clearly calm and serene except for the crisscrossing of the multi-colored pumpboats and the occasional disruptive diving and soaring of the sea gulls as they dip their wings at the crest of the surging waves. The hill is historically significant for it was used as a watchtower during the Spanish times to warn the people of the approaching Muslim pirates. The town of Bugasong is also proud of its locally woven "patadyong" or old women's skirt.
         Patnongon is the next town where it is proud of it San Agustin High School that was remodeled from an old Spanish convent located near the site of the ruins of the century-old Spanish church. The next town is Belison then Sibalom. Sibalom has a beautiful Santa Rita church where there is a supine statue of St. Rita. This regal statue was allegedly given as a gift to the people of Sibalom by the Augustinian Sisters in Cascia, Italy according to the sacristan of the church. Sibalom also has the Sibalom Dam as a source of water supply for irrigation.
          San Remegio is next with the famous Bato Cueva and there is a panoramic view of the surrounding areas uphill, the towns of Sibalom, San Jose and the majestic Mount Madia-as, the highest peak in Panay. They also have the Pula waterfalls where its blood-tinted water could not easily be found anywhere else in the country.  
           The next town is San Jose, the capital city Antique. There is a concrete monument erected at the center of the town plaza. The monument is inscribed in bold, engraved letters with the name EVELIO B. JAVIER FREEDOM PARK. On its base is a historical marker stating that it is the spot where the late Governor, Evelio B. Javier was shot on February 11, 1986 by the Marcos regime. He was one of the political victims of Martial Law. The bronze marker states:
            "As a fitting tribute to a man who has done so much not only for the people of Antique but for the entire Filipino nation, in pursuit of justice, freedom, dignity, democracy and peace."
           Standing on an elevated concrete platform above this marker is a statue of the late Governor Evelio B. Javier. 
           La Granja Hill still in San Jose has a vast plateau at the top of the hill  where one can see an extensive sports complex with its vast playing field for track and field events and ball games. This hill serves as the venue of provincial and regional athletic meets as well as the Binirayan Festival which is being held yearly here in Antique. The playing field also serves as a venue for cultural presentations during the festival."
           On the coastal side of San Jose, there is a secluded beach concealed by a mini-forest of tall narra, mahogany, and different fruit trees. This place is called Camp Autajay but local people sometimes called it Piña Beach because the orchard of this camp produce pineapples abundantly. This 10 hectare lot is located along the fine sandy beach which serves both as rest camp and a beach suitable for excursions and picnics.
            Next town is Hamtic where the historically significant Malandog Elementary School. On its front lawn stands at its center a concrete monument with a bronze historical marker on it. It was on this place that the first Malayan settlement was established in the Philippines The inscription on the marker reads: "Landing site of the first Malayan settlers 1200 A.D." The marker also marks the landing site of the earliest Malayan settlers. Next to San Jose are the southern towns of Tobias Fornier and Anini-y where the famous Nogas Island can be found. Nogas Island is a twenty-six hectare island full of white smooth shells and corals. The island is actually a government naval reservation used as supply and docking station for our Coast Guards and naval ships patrolling the southern coast of Panay for foreign intrusion, piracy or smuggling activities. Few meters into the beach shore stands a tapered shape of a white washed concrete lighthouse. It has 72 spiral stairway going up the tower. Reaching the balcony of the tower, one can have a sweepingly-look at the seascape below which fully revealed its naked beauty to the sightseers. Many uttered a sigh of admiration as they viewed the serene waters of the vast sea which distinctly outlined the misty shape of the islands ahead and clearly marked the shoreline of the mainland behind them. The colorful sailboats sailing to and from in the middle of the sea gave colors to the dominantly bluish background.
            Anini-y is also famous for its Hispano-Filipino church which is made up of white corals carefully selected, expertly fitted and securely fastened together which made it possible to survive many earthquakes and ravages of time. As the only existing Spanish church in Antique, this was constructed by the Augustinian friars sometime in 1875-1880. As such, it is one of the oldest landmarks in Antique. Sira-an Hot Spring is just few kilometers away from the poblacion, which it reached through a narrow, sandy, access road just a few meters away from the national highway. There is a jet of streaming water squirting out of a crevice on its top and flowing down freely below into the natural receptacle which formed into a pool. Sira-an Hot Springs is flocked by people who were mostly ill and believed that the sulphur water of the spring could cure their illness. The natural basin which collects the spring water can accommodate a maximum of two persons who like to take a dip into its mineral water. But the water coming out of the fissure from the basin is flammable; hence, it is dangerous  for the smoking visitors to stand near it. Though this spring is situated in Sitio Dapog, yet, Barangay Sira-an was most benefited by the economic development brought about by the flock of local and foreign tourists who frequented this place. Hurao-hurao Island in Anini-y town is also another popular island beach resort where a popular hill with a good vantage point view of the rocky mountain Cresta de Gallo can be found. Cresta de Gallo is a mountain made up of solid rock and has been denuded and depressed in two points forming two deep gulleys between three peaks which, at a distance, looks like a cock's comb. It is so called Cresta de Gallo because of its shape that resembles a cock's comb. It is believed that within the area of this mountain a rich reserve of mineral deposits could be found. This place is called as "Punta Nasog" by the natives and is one of the famous tourist attractions of Anini-y.


Whitewater Kayaking in Tibiao, Antique 

Kawa Bath Spa, Tibiao, Antique 

Bugtong Bato Falls, Tibiao, Antique 

Kamalasag Falls in Sebaste, Antique 

Mount Madia-as, the highest mountain in Panay Island 


Rafflesia, the smelliest and the biggest flower in the world can also be found in Antique 

Photo Source: 

Antique North: Visayas Extreme Adventure Getaway - http://metropolitanculasi.webs.com 


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Alluring Aklan

Places of Interest in Aklan 

Sampaguita Gardens, New Washington, Aklan 

New Washington, Aklan 

Ibajay, Aklan 

Jawili Falls, Tangalan 

Ignito Cave, Buruanga, Aklan 

Ariel Point, Buruanga, Aklan         

          The road to Aklan is a long winding series of ups and downs, zigzag and turns making it one of the bumpy and exciting places to visit. The first town in Aklan upon entering the province from Capiz is Altavas.
          Traversing through a rough sandy-clay road, one can reach Batan a small coastan town northwest of Altavas. Trekking towards a winding upward trail, one can reach a breath-taking panorama overlooking a wide, silvery-white lake. This the "tinagong dagat" (hidden sea) of Batan, a hidden sea of around 8 kilometers long and 4 kilometers wide, lying between Altavas and Batan and partly hidden from Batan Bay by two small islands. This beautiful sea-lake is protected from the destructive instinct and indiscriminate intrusion of man by a fringe of mangrove, thick undergrowth and rocky cliffs. This unique sea-lake is an ideal place for swimming, boating, and water skiing, especially during summer, if one prefers to have privacy and pleasure. This is also a rich fishing ground especially during the northeast monsoon when the Sibuyan Sea is rough. 
           There is an old school converted into a museum in Batan where a marker stood in front of the building with the following inscription: "This marks the place where the seat of government of Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw III, the third chief of Panay, famous lawgiver and author of the famous Code of Kalantiaw, was established." Inside the museum, is a well-arranged display of various antiques. In one corner is a glass-encased shelf which contained the original copy of the manuscript on which is written the Code of Kalantiaw. In the opposite corner is another shelf with pictures and biographies of our great national heroes. Barangay Songcolan, which is four kilometers east of Batan, is where the famous Ob-ob Hill is found. One can trek the hundred-meter length of shady, climbing trail until you reach the hilltop consisting mostly of rocks some with moss and young vines. This is Ob-ob Hill of Batan with a lighthouse. It stands like an unmanned, unlighted lighthouse facing the Sibuyan Sea welcoming the lost and tempest-ridden seafarers. Ob-ob Beach is around 200 meters below this hill. 
          The next town is Balete. There is a winding trail to reach a beautiful hill - the famous Agtawagon Hill, the pride of Balete. It is seven kilometers away from the poblacion or town proper and located at the southeastern part of Barangay Morales. One can notice some dugouts and small pits on the hilltop. Those are the foxholes of our soldiers during the Second World War. During the Philippine Revolution of 1896, this hill was used by our Filipino patriots as their last line of defense against the Spanish soldiers. During the Second World War, this was the operation camp of the Filipino soldiers and guerillas.
          Next is the town of Madalag. Large and tall Balete trees alternated by bamboo and coconuts shaded the concrete road towards the town proper. Following a narrow, not graveled barangay road sheltered occasionally by the thick foliage of the tall mahogany and wild cherry trees grown along the sides of the road until one can reach a rock-strewn river bank where a crystal-clear rushing water edged its way over big and small boulders. Pushing you way forward following the river bank, one can be awed at the sight to behold -Tindog Falls which continuously flows to the main river below. You can sit among the smooth boulders jutting out of the thick shrubs alongside the waterfalls. Tindog Falls of Madalag is a unique waterfall noted for having its basins at the top rather than at the bottom. Observe the row of gradually ascending, nature-carved stones. They were nature-carved into stair-like shapes by the cascades from the top of this fall. Just take a look also at the play of colors formed into an iridescent rainbow by the straight shaft of sunlight.
           The town of Libacao has their own famous Manimpa Falls. Walking through a grassy surface atop a verdant slope and northward on a limestone path slightly covered with a thin moss until one can reach the 50-foot Manimpa Falls whose cascades crashed with tremendous force down its rocky walls. Manimpa Falls, which is a part of Barangay Caa-awan is the pride of Libacao. This waterfall has its basins located both at the top and at the bottom through which the waters of this falls pour in. The clear, silvery-white water is unceasingly pouring and spraying against the rocks to the main river below. 
            After Libacao, the next town is Banga where the Aklan State College of Agriculture is located. The school has a total land area of 69 hectares but only 6 hectares are occupied by school buildings and its other facilities. The school has an orchard planted with durian, mangosteen, rambutan and lanzones among so other fruits. Some other parts of the 69 hectare areas are rice fields while the rest are pasture or grazing land located over the famous Manduyog Hill. Manduyog Hill is a 500 foot high hill with life size images and statues depicting the 14 Stations of the Cross erected beside the ascending stairway. Upon reaching the summit, one can see a nicely built concrete chapel where anyone can find comfort and solace for few minutes. The hill was named after Datu Manduyog, the successor of Datu Kalantiaw III, the famous lawmaker. This is a religious place at the same time a tourist attraction for pilgrims and other tourists.
           Kalibo, the capital of the province of Aklan, is just 9 kilometers northwest of Banga. One interesting place in Kalibo worth mentioning is the famed Tigayon Hill. The path to Tigayon Hill is one dampy, pebbled trail, partly shaded by tall acacia tree lined along the way until one can reach a cavern. One can enter the dark cave with a lamp or any lighting equipment and notice that the cave is wide and airy with its dome-shaped ceiling. While on the floor, one can see a stockpile of stalagmites. Although the wall were not as grotesque-looking as they should be, still it was eerie due to the pervading darkness, coldness and humid atmosphere of the cave. Outside the cave, there is a cave-like grotto with a nature-carved arched entrance. Inside the grotto, there is a smooth, flat-top rock which looked like a table at the center. The table-like rock is used by the priest when holding a mass here. At the side, two rocks are used as benches by the people attending the said mass, or by any visitor who wishes to rest. One can wander through the hill until you reach a winding rocky steps going uphill to its plane but rocky treeless summit overlooking the vast stretch of plains consisting of rice fields and other croplands. The wide plains are irrigated by the waters of Aklan River, Aklan's largest river, which you can clearly see from that vantage point. Somewhere in Kalibo, travel across a sandy access road to a scenic beach fringed with shady palm trees called Lambingan beach with cottages of various sizes while you enjoy the soft fine sand beach. Another one is Bougainvillea beach another popular beach of Kalibo. It has shady coconut trees and icy cold water and is a spectacular sight during sunset.
           Next is the antique-laden Museo It Akean or the Aklan Museum where one can find rich collections of various antiques, relics and artifacts taken allegedly from the various diggings in Aklan.There also artistic display of various works of arts by the famous artists of Aklan. The articles and pictures are modestly arranged and carefully chosen, thus, giving a real atmosphere of arts and culture.
           There is also a Freedom Shrine in Kalibo which display a war monument,  mortars, and other armament of World War II, signifying the heroic stand of the Aklanons. There is also a 19 Martyrs Marker erected on a street intersection named after it. The historical marker marks a significant event in Philippine History enumerating the names of the nineteen (19) Aklanons who gave up their lives to set free the Filipinos from the enslavement of the Spanish regime.
           Next to Kalibo is New Washington, a coastal town east of Kalibo, is a fishing village as shown by the flurry of customers and vendors buying and selling fresh fish, crabs, shrimps and lobsters on the makeshift stalls placed under the shady coconut trees. Pink Sisters Convent in New Washington is also another place of interest. The main building and everything around it were painted in pink - the convent facade, the concrete wall fence, the convent walls, and the study benches under the shady mahogany and acacia trees. Even the nun's habits were pink. The wild flower garden were planted with pink roses and lined with potted pink-flowered plants using pink flower pots placed in pink pot-holders. The chapel has pink pews, pink altar decors and pink walls. All were pink except the images of the crucified Christ and some saints. Even the clothes of the Blessed Virgin and other saints were all pink. Floripon Point Beach is another spectacular attraction in New Washington. Anyone can be dazzled by its expansive, fine sandy beach  and clear blue waters from Sibuyan Sea. Beyond the horizon, the misty shapes of distant islands could be seen occasionally obstructed from view by the crisscrossing sailboats, ferry boats and pump boats. Cottages of various sizes and shapes dotted the verdant lawns under the rows of coconut trees.
          New Washington has a notable place of interest which can be distinctively recognized as a popular New Washington destination - Sampaguita Gardens. Sampaguita Gardens is  14 hectare resort with Christmas and children as its theme. It is built for everyone's enjoyment especially for children and child like people and especially during Christmas when everything in this resort is well lighted and well decorated to have a holiday feel. There are lots of attractions in this resort and park garden. Among the attractions are the Butterfly Garden where several species of butterfly happily roaming around the plants, Children's museum, Adoration Chapel, a Spa, Aquariums, Children's playground, two swimming pools one for kids and another for adults and The Toy House which is the most prominent building of all contains lots of dolls, toys and collectibles items all for sale and a spectacular view of the Sibuyan Sea most especially during the sunset. One travel to New Washington is not complete without visiting Sampaguita Gardens.
          After New Washington, the next town is Numancia. The twin beaches of Navitas and Camanci are located four (4) kilometers from the poblacion of Numancia. This twin beach resort is excellent for picnics and excursions for there are stores and food stalls to cater to the needs of the picnickers and excursionists. The beach is also excellent for water skiing, boating and other sports. p.
         The next town is Lezo, known for pottery making. One can notice an attractive display of potwares and earthen wares of various shapes and sizes along the road and streets of Lezo. There is a life size bronze statue of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal incredibly erected in a small town like Lezo and it was marvelous and costly at those times. Another town is Malinao where you can travel to a rough, dusty road to an ascending and winding trail leading to Fatima Hill. Fatima Hill is located at Barangay Bulabod in Malinao. Its peak can be reached through a one kilometer flight of rocky stairways. Fourteen (14) Stations of the Cross are constructed beside each step towards the step . This area is used by pilgrims for prayers, meditation and reflection during the Holy Week. At the peak is a marvelous marble chapel entirely made up of marbles. It is so astonishing to look at the smooth shiny gloss marble walls and floors at the immaculately clean chapel at the top of the hill. Even statues and images of the saints in the chapel were all made of marble. The chapel can accommodate at least 100 to 200 persons. It has a high, whitewashed ceiling with a half-closed and half-open sacristy behind the altar. In front of the chapel, one can see the breath-taking view of the scenery before them. The soft mountain breeze and the scenery helped much to relieve someones exhaustion and fatigue caused by the long climb. 
         Barangay Tigpalas still in Malinao is proud of its Mampahon Falls. It can be reached through a rough, dusty road shaded by tall narra and lawa-an trees and with a narrow winding trail beneath the rocky bank of a river. Mampahon Falls is forty (40) feet high and has an eight (8) feet deep basin on top and 6-foot deep basin below. Its waters remain crystal clear and cool whole year round. A significant giant cross was erected in Sition Agbunsud in Barangay San Dimas, Malinao by the former parish priest of Malinao. It also marked the boundary between the towns of Malinao and Lezo. During the Philippine Revolution, the Filipino revolutionarios mounted their cannons on the hill in Sitio Agbunsud. 
          Next is the town of Tangalan after passing the town of Makato. Following the half-forested rocky trail, one can reach the marvelous Jawili Falls. Jawili Falls is the pride of Tangalan being the most beautiful waterfall in Aklan. It has seven basins arranged in series by nature, one basin cascading its waters down the next until it reaches the last one at the bottom. Each basin is a veritable swimming pool from 130 square feet to 540 square feet. The first basin is 40 x 60 feet in size, holding a 12-foot deep clear water. The other basins vary in sizes from 130 to 240 square feet. with 8 - 10 feet deep of clear water. The sixth basin, however, is the largest, with a swimming area of 540 square feet. All the seven basins have oval shapes and arranged in tiers at a regular distance of at least  20 feet high from each other. The highest basin has a height of 100 feet. There are small rest houses around reserve for visitors who wants to refresh themselves and stay for awhile while enjoying the falls. You can feast your eyes on the sparkling, dancing cascades crystal clear waters glinting at the strike of the rays of the sun. The huge, smooth boulders seems to be naturally arranged. The verdant background, accentuated by varied ferns and vines clinging to the moss-covered trunks of trees beneath the falls whose lower branches bow so low as to almost touch the rushing waters of the cascades, complete the final touch of the picturesque scenery.
          Afga Beach in Tangalan is a 2-kilometer stretch of soft white sand that could rival those of Boracay. The cool sea breeze brought here by the vast, open Sibuyan Sea could make a soothing effect on your tired muscle. The clear, dark blue, serene waters make the place for swimming, boating or water skiing. The regularly spaced rows of tall coconut trees giving shade to many cottages add to the pervading coolness of the place. The reforestation area of Campo Verde, which borders the towns of Tangalan and Ibajay around 28 kilometers west of Kalibo, is a mountainous area with a total altitude of 3,700 feet high above sea level. The numerous and varied trees planted and conserved in this camp contributed much to the preservation of the ecosystem in its environment.
          Tulingon Cave of Barangay Libertad in the town of Nabas is another interesting place to visit to adventure seekers and not just spelunkers. The entrance of the cave resembles the mouth of a whale shark. It is partly covered by tall grasses and reeds together with the thick, long vines creeping over its rocky mouth's edge. This cave is said to be one of the longest caves in the Philippines with a dark tunnel that stretches up to 20 kilometers to its exit in Barangay Patria of Pandan, Antique. Inside the cave, caverns of various sizes can be seen and the inner portion was blocked by stockpiles of stalagmites while the whole ceiling of a huge cavern was studded with a cluster of hanging stalactites. The whole floor of a mammoth cavern is fully covered by an enormous deposit of guano.p. 180
          The trail to Basang Cave was a little bit shorter and easier that it only take a short time for someone to reach it. The cave's entrance is less frightening because it's wider and faintly covered by short grasses and ferns. The attraction here is the flowing stream coming out of the cave's mouth with its crystal clear, cold water.  Taking a rock-strewn path beside the cave's wall, one should carefully plod on to the interior of the cave until one can reach a cavernous hall slightly lighted with sunlight coming through a tiny hole of the cave's wall. You will be astonished to see a wide,  round shaped natural basin full of cold, clear water which flowed out of the cave winding its way through canals until it went through the mouth of the cave. Going further, you will see another natural basin of bigger size but similarly shaped whose similarly cold and clear water followed a different course but finally joined the other stream at a portion near the mouth of the cave and came out as one bigger stream flowing into the main body of Gibon River below. These two basins inside Basang Cave can be used for swimming.
           Caticlan is a barangay or coastal community which is a part of the town of Malay. Here in the coastal barangay of Caticlan where pump boats, ferry boats and other sea crafts anchored and wait for the passengers going to Boracay or any other island off the waters of Malay. One can ride a pump boat to reach the Tigwati-an Island (now Laurel Island and more popularly called Crystal Cove) where one can see a breath taking view of the islands. Tigwati-an Island,  a nearby island of the famed Boracay Island, is a small island lying northeast of Sitio Tabon, a part of Caticlan. The white sand beach of Tigwati-an Island is thinly covered with tiny pieces of white and colored shells of varying sizes and shapes. There is a small, round cave on the rocky cliff off the island's eastern shore. Inside is a slightly lighted grotto like cavern, one will be astonished to find along its walls some slick stones nature-carved into varied shapes and forms of humans and animals.
            Boracay, dubbed as the "Paradise Island," is one of the top tourist destination in the country where over 2 million visitors from around the world flock annually to relax and have a vacation on this clay soft white sand beach regarded by many as the softest beach in the world while some others stay permanently because they fell in love by the beauty of the island. It has been named the best beach in the world by Travel and Leisure Magazine recently. It has lots of amenities, facilities, activities, establishments and businesses and commerce in the area that is why it has attracted a lot of tourists. It has roughly the shape of a dumb-bell with 7 kilometers long and almost 1 kilometer wide at its narrowest portion. As a barangay belonging to the the municipality of Malay, it has its own three barangays or community, Yapak in the north, Balabag in the center, and Manok-manok in the south. Yapak is noted for its various white pebbles and white shiny Puka shells which are fashioned into jewelry. It is where the name Puka Beach came from. The best known beach in the Philippines, some tourists claimed it to be the best in Asia, is White Beach or Long Beach for the natives, which is situated between the villages of Balabag and Angol. Manok-Manok has two beautiful sand beaches with tourist facilities, the Manok-manok and Cagban Beach. You will find some more interesting things about Boracay when you visit the place. By the way, the island paradise have its electricity starting in 1991. Diniwid beach is a white sand beach part of Boracay where its hills are nestled with luxurious mansions and resorts for tourists to stay. The tiny Balinghai beach is enclosed by steep rocky walls with some luxurious resort hotels and apartments cradle over its hills. Puka Beach, the farthest northernmost part of Boracay, is a long stretch of beach thickly covered with white sand equally mixed with glittering mantle of white and shiny puka shells of varied shapes and sizes. 
          Across Boracay and going back to Caticlan where you can find Agnaga Falls, another breath taking sight to behold. The falls has a crystal clear, chilly waters in the stream and one can dive into the basin's foaming water and enjoy its surging rapids.
          Nabaoy Reforestation Area in Malay is another place of interest where the verdant landscape is lined with tall trees. It is several hundred feet above sea level which has caused the chilling coldness of the air and pollution free atmosphere. 
           The last town after Malay is Buruanga, the farthest town in Aklan located in the northwest of the province. The far town of Buruanga will not be the last in showcasing their wonderful town and can proud of its Wasak-wasak Falls, Tigis Falls, and Ingus-Ingus Hill. The bulging and elevated mass of rocks of Ingus-ingus Hill is only two kilometers from the town proper or poblacion of Buruanga. This hill serves as a natural border making the exits of the Buruanga River which separates Barangay Alegria from the poblacion of Buruanga. Overlooking the hill, you can see the view of the sea on three sides. This hill was used as a watchtower to guard or spy on the approaching vintas of the Moro pirates who use to maraud this place during the Spanish times. Underneath this hill is a cave which was used as a hiding place or rendezvous of English pirates or buccaneers who used to prey on Spanish Galleons loaded with precious cargoes from Mexico. While the place gives a panoramic view of the lands, the edge of the hill also serves as an ideal roosting place for brigands, bandits and other criminals in hatching their evil plans to whatever took their fancy in their nefarious activities during the colonial period.
             Tigis Falls has a cascade whose clear water is comparable to any beautiful waterfalls in Aklan. Due to its remote location, there is an abundance of different species of birds flying around now and then. The thickly grown tall trees surrounding the waterfall added stillness and serenity to the place. The falls would be an ideal place for swimmers who prefer privacy during the hot summer months.
              Wasak-wasak Falls is a majestic fall revealing a huge column of roaring cascade which dropped with bubbling intensity at the huge receiving basin below. One can truly admire the scenery that only the poets could aptly describe and artists could clearly paint.

Attractions In or Near Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan 

Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan 

White Beach, Boracay 

Puka Beach, Boracay 

Puka Beach, Boracay 

Tigwati-an Island now called Laurel Island or popularly called Crystal Cove is just few minutes away southwest of Boracay and already near the main islands of the Aklan province. Tigwati-an Islands and Boracay Island is separated from the main Panay Island by Sibuyan Sea on northwest and Sulu Sea on the southeast. Regular island hopping is offered by local tours provided by Boracay, Malay Tourism council and other tour groups. You can search for the map of Boracay and Crystal Cove online. 

Crystal Cove also known as Laurel Island and formerly called Tigwati-an Islands. It is called formerly Tigwati-an Island because there was an abundance of the local bird called Tigwati in the islands before.