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Showing posts with label Folk Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folk Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016


Loa are limerick simple verses recited in the bilasyon or during a wake. The participants form a circle, and a lighted candle is being passed around while they are chanting a song. Whoever is holding the lighted candle at the end of the chant or song will recite the loa or short humorous poems as a form of punishment. I think this is our older generation way of cheering up the grieving family. Some verses sounds like they are teasing and humorous and others are about love. This was considered as an extinct practice now because people are no longer interested in loa nowadays. The loa in Hiligaynon is given or stated here first before its English translation below it.

Ang maayo kuntani
Sang mga kabalyero
Nga talahuron sa reinado
Tratahon sing maayo
Sa sining una naton nga pag-encuentro.

It could have been good
Of the gentlemen cavalier
Who were respected in their throne or court
Treat this good and seriously
In this first encounter of ours.

Tuluka, tuluka
Ang pantalya
May pagdulum
May pagsiga
Subong man sang paghigugma
Sang soltero kag dalaga.

Look at it, look at it
The stage light 
There is darkness
There is enlightenment
Just like in love
Of the young man and woman

Bisan inyo ako tangkalon
Sa binarita nga salsalon
Himpit nga pagalumpagon
Kay dili gusto kag uyon.

Even if you beat me up
With a steel bar
I will completely destroy or defeat
Cos I dislike and unwanted it.

Inday, indi ka maghikay
Sang akon pagka diutay
Pus-on ta nga daw langaw
Ipakaon sa anay.

Inday, don't underestimate
In my smallness
We'll crush it like a fly
And feed it to the termites.

Nonoy, bisan anhon mo ka luhudluhod
Sa puwerta sang amon sulod
Balhason ka lang tagatuhod
Si Inday dili mo matandog

Nonoy, (name given to a young man) no matter how you kneel
At the doorstep of our room
You will just sweat or perspire knee deep
You will never touch Inday (name given to a young woman, maiden).

Sa idalom sang balay
May bato nga malapad
Kon sin-o makasandad
Ciento beinte ang bayad.

Under the house
There is a flat stone
Whoever will stumble
One hundred twenty is the payment.

Paghalin ko sa balay
Nagtugon si Nanay
Kon diin ang belasyon
Didto ako manyapon.

When I left the house
My mother instructed
Wherever is the wake
Is where I will eat my dinner.

Sa ibabaw sang bintana
May everlasting nga nagabitin
Kon sin-o makatangla
Magahibi ang iya kasing-kasing

Above the window
There is an everlasting flower hanging
Whoever can look up
His or her heart will cry

Sa higad sang baybay
May malunggay nga namohi
Pisik pisik ang hipon
Abi na ilangkay.

On the shores of the sea
There is a malunggay leaves that grows or sprouted
The shrimps are jumping off
Afraid to be cooked or mixed into the cooking.

Rosas na rosas
Rosas na lupolupo
May radyo sa puno.

Roses that is so rosy
Rose that is a grass feed to the pigs
There is a radio in the tree.

Sa ibabaw sang bintana
May namuhi nga iba
Tumangla si Inday
Nagtulo iya luha.

Above the windows
An iba (Averrhoa bilimbi) grows up or sprouted
Inday look up
Her tears fell.

Sa ibabaw sang kampanaryo
May nag-itlog nga pato
Ginlomloman sang pari
Nagbuto obispo.

Above the belfry
A duck laid eggs
Incubated by the priest
Hatched a bishop

Sa tanan nga bata ni Nanay
Ako gid ang makaluluoy
Isa ka bilog ang nobyo
Ginkaon pa sang baboy.

Of all the children of mother
I am the most pathetic
Only one lover or suitor
Still eaten by a boar.

Sa ibabaw sang langit
May anglit nagakabit
Hinaboy sang luy-a
Tahu guwa na.

Above the heavens
There is a rice cooking pot hanging
Thrown with a ginger
It comes out with a human.

Sa bangi sang balay
May namuhi nga katumbal
Namunga sang kuritot
Halampangan sang buktot.

On the other side of the house
There sprouted a chili
It bore a twisted or curled  produce
Toy of the hunchbacked.

Didto sa amon
May dalaga nga laon
Abuton sang paghigugma
Nagataray sa karsada.

There in our place
There is a spinster
When love breakdown or seizure
She walks in the street.

Sa bangi sang dingding
May namuhi nga everlasting
Kon sin-o makalingling
Nagahibi iya kasingkasing

On the other side of the wall
There sprouted or grows an everlasting
Whoever can sneak peek
His or her heart will cry.

Malayo nga lugar ang akon ginhalinan
Leon kag Tigre ang akon kaaway
Wala ko baliha ang akon kabudlay
Agud maabot ang larawan mo Inday.

I came from a far away land
Lion and Tiger are my enemies
I never mind my hardships
Just to glimpse a picture of you, Inday.

Sa idalum sang balay
May nagatumpuk nga lukay
Ukay ko nga ukay
Nagguwa ang soltero nga bukay.

Below the house
There's a pile of dried coconut leaf
I spread and spread
An albino young man came out.

Sa ibabaw sang bukid
May bato nagaligid
Nagaligid nagafall
Pakadto sa waterfall

On top of the mountain
There is a rock rolling
Rolling and falling
Towards the waterfall.

Sa ibabaw sang paho
May uwak nga nagadapo
Tunto nga uwak
May rebolber na hawak.

On top of the mango tree
There is a raven perching
Stupid raven
Holding a revolver gun.

Tapakan ko paka ek!
Tapakan ko sentral gupi
Gua kalamay puti.

I stepped on a frog ek!
I stepped on the central dented
White sugar came out.

Nagtanom ako bulak
Sa tunga sang kabulakan
Namuhi sang bulak
Kay bulak ang ginhalinan.

I planted a flower
In the middle of the flowers
A flower grows.
Because it came from a flower.

Sa tupad sang bintana
May puno sang iba
Kon sin-o makatangla
Nagalaway iya baba.

Beside the window
There is an iba (averrhoa bilimbi)
Whoever can look up
His mouth is salivating.

May pispis ako nga kurit
Humapon sa silit
Binuno ko ang kampit
Imo senyor sang kadit

I have a kurit bird
Perched on a window sill
I stabbed the __
For you senior cadet

Paghalin ko sa balay
Nagbilin si Nanay
Inday indi ka magdugay
Kay pila gid ang kalipay.

When I left the house
Mother instructed
Inday don't be gone for so long
Cos how much or how deep is happiness.

Didto sa bukid
May libro nagalitib
Basahon sang karbaw
Pati Dios nagakadlaw.

There in the mountain
There is a book exposed
Read by the carabao
Even God is laughing.

Didto sa bangi sang balay
May namuhi nga balunggay
Nalagyo ang akritot.
Nahadlok ilangkay?

On the backyard of the house
A malunggay (Moringa oleifera) leaves grows
The krill scampered away
Scared to be cooked?

Pito ka bukid ang akon ginlakbay
Leon kag Tigre ang akon kaaway
Ulan kag init ang akon ginsulay
Para lang makita ang larawan ni Inday.

Seven mountains I journeyed and crossed into
Lion and tiger are my enemies
Rain and Scorching Hot of the sun I defy or braved against
Just to see a picture of you Inday.

Didto sa Guimaras
May tawo nga haras-haras
Kon abuton sang paghigugma
Nagaligid sa baras. 

There in Guimaras
There is a man who is naughty and restless
If love breakdown or seizure / If he is captured by love
He is rolling in the sand.

Paghalin ko sa balay
Nagtugon si Nanay
Nga kon ako magsaka sa iban nga balay
Maghatag tahod sa tagbalay.

When I left the house
Mother instructed
That if I went and go inside other people's houses
I should pay respect to the residents.

Yari ako mabayad sang utang
Basi ako sukton sa tunga sang dalan
Ang huya sang tawo dili mabayaran
Sang perlas kag diyamante kag mga bulawan.

I'm here to pay what I owe
Perhaps someone would demand payments from me in the middle of the road
The shame of a person could not be repaid
Of pearls and diamonds and golds.

Didto sa amon balay
May manok ako nga si Bukay
Ginbulang ko sa Janiuay
Nagdaog pero patay.

There in our house
I have a chicken named Bukay (White or Albino)
I brought it to a cockfight in Janiuay
It won but died.

Paghalin ko sa balay
Nagtugon si Nanay
Kay ako malaw-ay
Pahigad-higad lang anay.

When I left the house
Mother instructed
'Cos I am ugly
Just step aside for now.

Sa kilid sang kasilyas
May namuhi nga bayabas
Kon sin-o makatapas
Pakaslan ko buas.

At the side of the toilet or restroom
There grows or sprouts a guava tree
Whoever can cut it down
I will marry him tomorrow.

Sa idalom sang bubon
May tatlo ka bituon
Kon ako papilion
Sa tunga gid akon.

Below the deep well or shallow river digging
There are three stars
If I have to choose
I will choose the one in the middle.

*bubon can be a deep well or a shallow river diggings or dug up that produces clean pure water in the river, brook or stream for cooking, drinking, washing and even bathing.

Nonoy pagkita ko kanimo
Nagahining-hining ulo mo
Abi ko anay pumada mo
Kay gali kalbo mo.

Nonoy when I saw you
Your head is shining or glistening
I thought it was your pomade
I realized it was your bald head.

*Nonoy is a name or terms of endearment or adoration to a young boy.

Palayo palayo lalaki nga mabaho
Kalapit sang bubon
Waay ka paligo

Go away filthy and smelly man
The deep well is near
You never took a bath.

Kon ako mamana
Pilion ko hanggod mata
Kon waay kami sang suga
Patindugon ko siya sa tunga.

If I have to get a husband
I will choose someone with big eyes
If we don't have a light
I will make him stand in the center (of our house).

Sa ibabaw sang tigbaw
May sulat nga nagalabaw
Ginbasa sang karbaw
Waay unto sa ibabaw.

On top of the riverbed reeds
There is a letter over it
The carabao reads it.
No teeth on its upper mouth.

Sa likod sang balay
May namuhi nga Atimon
Pito anang bunga
Pito anang dahon
Pito ka pari naga sermon

At the backyard of our house
There grows a wild melon
It has seven fruits
It has seven leaves
Seven priests are doing the sermon or homily.

Sa likod ka sira
May tiki nga nagadupa
Gindulugan sang sultero
Abi na daraga.

On the area of the door
There's a lizard outstretching its arms
A young man stop or halt by it
He thought it was a young woman.

Sa dalom sang hagdan
May batong malapad
Kon sin-o ang makasandad
Kay tatay umagad.

Below the stairs
There is a wide rock
Whoever can stumble upon it
To my father will be his in-law.

Didto sa tabuk
May babayi nga matambok
Nagapangihi nagalagapok
Nagakamatay ang udok.

There across the street
There is a fat woman
Urinating noisily
The piglets are dying.

Ulan-ulan tumba kawayan, 
bagyo bagyo bantay kabayo.

Rain rain, bamboo is falling
Storm storm watching horse.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Local Poetry or Binalaybay Part V

Other Poems

Also included here are some examples of poems o binalaybay which were written by Ilonggo poets

Akon Ka Duawon
ni Hernando L. Siscar

Akon ikaw duawon
Kon ako magtaliwan
Sai imo katulugon
Akon ka dungawon.

Akon sa imo dal-on
Tugnaw sa kaagahon
Agudto di mo malimta
Ako sa damguhanon.

Pananglit mo limuton
Ang aton pagkatipan
Pukawon kon kalulo
Sulod sang imo dughan.

Kay dira sa halintang
Sang imo hagdanan
Yab-ok sang akon unod
Nagbilin handumanan.

Kag nag-upod sa hangin
Agud imo mahaklo,
Bisan ako wala na
Akon ikaw nadalo.

English Translation

I Will Visit You
by Hernando L. Siscar

I will visit you
If I pass away
In your sleep
I will peek on you.

I will bring to you
The coldness of the dawn
So that you will not forget
 Me in dreams.

If you ever forget
Our agreement
Awaken if gentleness
is inside your heart.

Because in that steps
of your stairs
Dust of my body
Left some memories

And joined the wind
so that you can inhale,
Even if I'm gone
I somehow caress you.

Sa Pakpak Sang Gugma
ni AC Selapanal

Sa pakpak sang gugma didto nagpaanod
Ang duha ka kalag nga latom sa langit
Ila nga nadangat himaya sang langit.

Didto nangin-isa ang ila larawan
Sa dapya sang hupoy sang dakung himaya
Mga magapabilin bilang handurawan
Sa tion kag tanda sang ila paghaya.

Sa pakpak sang gugma halok nga kaunay
Daw subong sang bulak sa aga sang Mayo
Nga sang pagkasili kag ang pagkatunay
May iyang kainit labi sa kalayo.

Ila ginbugsayan sa pakpak sang gugma
Nagbiray sa baybay sang katanhagan
Kay ang balatyagon sang indi matugma
Among ambahanon nga labing balaan.

Hiyas sang kabuhi nga maangkon
Sa init sang halok sang pagdaluanay
Handom nga balaan sadtong  ginpanamkon
Natao, nabun-ag sa pag-angganay.

English Translation

 On The Wings Of Love
 by AC Selapanal

On the wings of love there it let itself swept away
The two souls permeated in heaven.
They reached the glory in heaven.

There their picture become one
To the breeze of the wind in great glory.
That lingers to serve as memory
In the time and sign of their burial.

On the wings of love the kiss that endures
Just like the flowers in the mornings of May
That in the brightness and genuine 
It has its own fiery more than the fire.

They paddle in the wings of love
They hold a regatta in the shores of mystery
'Cos the feelings of unmatched
Is the hymn that is so sacred.

Adornment in life that can be obtained
In the heat of the making out kisses fondle tenderly
Sacred desire of that was conceived 
Born out of fondling. 

Kaadlawan Mo Palangga
Faustino Leg. Lope

Sang palangga kaadlawan
Ang ginatipigan sa tagipusuon
Nga tubtub san-o hayag saulogon
Kay labi ka sa bulawan,
Nga matam-is lamang nga pagahimuon,
Paghanduraw, dili ko pagpadulugon
Ikaw amo sa gihapon
Matahumtahom sa dughan idapiog
Agud ang kakunyag magahingalayin
Nabagayan nga hikapon
Amimilok, kilay, buhok mo kag liog,
Matam-is matuod kag mahal kadya.
Maanyag ang mga mata,

Pisngi, butkon, agtang, ilong kag dalunggan...
Maalabaab bibig mo nga mapula man.
Ako sini, pasulala
Sang pag-abiabi nga dili mapunggan,
Kag gugma nga himpit, takos pa maaman.
Sang mahal ko, Kaadlawan!
Ang pag-alagad nga tunay kag mataas
Ang imo mabaton sing dalayundayon
Ikaw ang sa panan-awan
Sa yuhom yuhom nga wala pagkapaas
Sa lahat sang talina nga nagpanakayon.

English Translation

Your Birthday My Love
by Faustino Leg. Lope

My love birthday
The one that is protected by heart
Until forever that is being explicitly celebrated
    'Cos you are more precious than gold,
That is only so sweet to be create
Reminiscing, I will never halt
You are still the same
Beautiful in the heart to squeeze
So that the excitement or astonishment is too much
That is intended to touch 
Armpit, eyebrow, your hair and neck,
Really so sweet and its so precious.
Charming eyes,
Cheeks, arms, forehead, nose and ears...
Your lukewarm lips that is also red.
I am so pasulala
In greetings that cannot be kept,
And love that is perfect, that is capable to add.
 Of my love, birthday!
Of serving that is real and so high
And what you receive that is continuous
You in my vision
In the smile that never dissolve or dispel
In all of time journey set sail.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Local Poetry or Binalaybay Part IV

The Pasyon

Pasyon is a recitation in poems through singing about life, sufferings and agony of our Lord Jesus Christ. It starts with the calling for our Lord.

Pangamuyo sa Diyos

O Dios sa kalangitan,
Haring sining kalibutan
Dios nga wala sing angay
mabuot, labing maalam
kag puno sang kagamhanan

Amay kang walay sanglitan
nga manug-alila sa tanan
Amay nga di matapos man
Maluluy-on kag mananabang
sang tao sa kalibutan.
Imo itugot sa amon

Dios Amay nga maluluy-on,
nga amon mapamalandong
lisud, sakit nga dadangatan
sang Anak nimo nga bugtong.

English Translation

Prayer To God

O Lord in heaven
King of this world
God without equal
kind, full of wisdom
and full of power

You are a Father without example
That is domineering or shepherding to all
Father without end cos
Merciful and Savior
of mankind in the world.
Allow us

God the Father that is merciful,
that we may reflect
difficulty, pain that was reached
by your only begotten Son. 

The following is the ending part of the pasyon.


O mga Kristiyanong tanan,
pamatii ining laygay, 
nga magpainoino ka na niyan,
sa buot mo di pagsugtan
sa buhat nga di katarungan

Talikdan mo nang tutuo
ang kadungganan sa mundo,
umilog ka na kay Kristo
agud dili na mahabuyo,
sa butang nga walay provecho.

Ang aton nga kalawasan,
walay duha nga mamatay,
ang butang tanan subong man;
manggad, pilak kag bulawan,
tinantanan gid matunaw.

Ngaa di ka pa magbiya
sa inyo naduyungan nga sala?
ano ang buhaton mong patawad, 
kundi magnulsol kag magtapat,
sang mga malaut nga buhat?

Ano nga di ka maningaw
kag ano nga di ka hadlukan,
kondi magnulsol kag magtapat
sang mga malaut nga buhat?
kon ini ila madumduman?

O tao nga nakalimot
Nga sa sala nahamuok
pukawa na ang imo buot,
kag hunahunaon nga gayud
ang sa mundong pagkatapos,

Kon dili pagnulsulan mo, 
kailo ka man kag kailo!
kay si maglisang totoo,
nga pilit madangat mo,
ang kasakit sa impierno,

Pagdali niyan nga may adlaw pa
sa pag-aman sang penitensiya,
kon gumab-i kag dumulom na, 
tutup nga pagalisdan ka,
kag dili ka makaghimo na.

Ang kasingkasing kag buot,
imo na nga ihalad sa Dios,
maghinulsul ka na kag mahadluk
agud imo nga maabot
ang banwa sang mga santos.

Kag kon madangat na naman
ang langit nga katilingban, 
didto mo niyan maaguman,
ang manggad kag kahimayaan
sang Dios nga Ginuong mahal.

Jesus, nagapangalaba kami
kami nga imo ginsakpan,
kon sarang imo kaluoyan;
nga kon kami na ang  mamatay,
ang langit amon maaguman


English Translation


To all Christians,
listen this sermon
that you will reflect,
that what you want is not permitted
In acts of injustice or unfair

Truly forsake
The honor in the world,
Imitate Christ now
so that you will no longer accustomed 
to the things that has no good or profit.

Our mortal body,
is no doubt will die 
as well as all the other things;
wealth, silver and gold,
everything will melt.

Why won't you forsake yet
In the sin that you were so attached?
What will you do to forgiveness,
But to repent and confess,
the wicked and evil acts?

What are you talking about you will not be lonely or dreary
and what are you talking about that you are not scared,
but to repent and confess
the wicked and evil acts?
if they still remember this?

O person who has forgotten
That in sin has been so profound
Awaken your senses or mind,
and truly think
the world after,

If you can't repent
pity you and pity!
because of true deviation,
that you try so hard to reach,
the misery in hell.

Hurry while there's still time
to prepare or add some penitence,
when the night falls and dark comes
you will definitely be grieving.
and you will never do it.

The heart and the desire,
you will now offer to God,
repent now and be afraid
so you will reach
the town of the saints.

And if one can reach again
the heaven of gathering,
you will obtain there
the wealth and glory
of the Lord our beloved God.

Jesus, we beseech or pray
we your subjects.
Have mercy on us if you can:
That if its our turn to die
That we can obtain heaven.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Local Poetry or Binalaybay Part III

Agustin T. Misola was considered as a great poet in Hiligaynon. He is a retired second fiscal of Iloilo City. The poet is a member of the PEN International, Philippine Center. He is also one of the writers in English and in linguistics and also became the president of Sumakwelan, organization of writers in Hiligaynon.

ni Agustin T. Misola

Indi ko malimutan
Ang imu kalulu
Kon ikaw akon madumduman
Dughan ko masubu;
Ang aton kahapon 
Indi pa mapanas
Bisan mga tinuig na
Ang naglilipas;
Indi tana mapabalik 
Ang mga nagliligad
Kay ang panahon
Daw aso ang katulad;
Apang sa gihapon
Sa akon kabuhi
Handuman sang kahapon
Punu'y kasili.

English Translation

By Agustin T. Misola

I can't forget
Your tenderness
If I remember you
My heart is sad;
Our yesterday
Cannot be faded yet
Even if its years
That passed by;
One could not bring back
The past
Cos time
is like the smoke;
But nonetheless
In my life
Memories of yesterday
Full of brightness

ni Agustin T. Misola

Diin ka na karon, akon palangga
Daw kahapon lamang, ang aton pag-angga
Daw aso lamang ang kahalimbawa
Sa badlit sang palad, ikaw ang nadula;

Mga inadlaw, daw hablon nga nabadbad
Madamu na nga mga tinuig ang nagligad
Lamharon tang' lawas, sa wala'y balibad
Kurinot na ang panit, sa daku nga edad.

Apang ang aton handumanan, buhi pa gihapon
Lamharon pa ang gugma sa tagipusuon
Ang iya silak, di mas-a mapalung
Lab-as pa gihapon, ang aton kahapon. 

Sa imo ko ginapatuhoy ining binalaybay
Daw huyup sang dupoydupoy sa baybay
Sa bukid, sang punay, hulunihon
Gugma ko sa imo, lab-as pa gihapon.

English Translation

by Agustin T. Misola

Where are you now, my love
Seems like yesterday, our cajoling
Just like a smoke
By the lines of one's palm, you disappear;

Days just like untangled hablon (fabric) 
So many years had passed
Our young body, without any excuses
Wrinkled skin due to old age.

But our memory, still alive
Love is still young at heart
Its light could not be extinguished
Still fresh, our yesterday.

I refer or intend it to you this poem
Just like the ocean breeze
In the mountains, of the doves can be heard 
My love for you is still fresh


Ako sang luha
Sa kasakit
kag sa himaya
nga labing mahipus
Sa dughan
Wala'y gakaubus;

Ang mamalaybay
Makamutik, masinayasaton
Huyop sang kalipay
Dulot sang ungon
Sa mamalaybay
 Madali batyagon;

Ako sang luha
Lipud sa iban
Halus makita
Sang akon mga luha
Sang Langit
Sa dughan gabaha... !

English Translation


me of tears
In pain
and in glory
that is so quiet
At heart
never runs out:

The poet
is understanding
to detect or sense, investigating
Breeze of happiness
Caused by thorn
To the poet
quick to feel;

me of tears
Unknown or hidden to others
Almost visible
The falling
of my tears
of Heaven
At heart is flooding... !

The following is stated about the author.

The poems has been loved much by the pioneer and present generations of Ilonggo writers. It could be understood because the poem is easy to write aside from being short. For the first time writers or beginners should think of a topic first and after that, put some rhythm in which resulted to the creation of a poem or binalaybay.

Ilonggo poetry has a diverse theme of different things.However most of the Hiligaynon poems is about offering or tribute to people, objects or nature. The Ilonggo poets is following a strict guidelines of the Spaniards, whose measure and rhyme are the main attributes.

The Ilonggo poems are all alike and can equal the poems of the Cebuanos, Ilocanos and Tagalog.

Most of the Ilonggo poets have skills, expertise and orientation in Spanish and they wrote any kinds of poems. The early pioneering Ilonggo poets who wrote high quality or high level poems were  Flaviano Zaragoza Cano, Delfin Gumban, Antonio Ledesma Jayme, Joaquin Sola, Santiago Mulato, Valente Cristobal, Angel Magahum, Magdalena Jalandoni and Isidro Escarre Abeto who got a medal of recognition because of his written poems in the International Congress of World Poet which organized their world conference in Manila in 1969.