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Showing posts with label Barangays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barangays. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Barrio Puyas

Sitio Puyas has a distance of about one and a half kilometer away from Milan.

One day, a foreigner came to the place to sell the good he carries. The area is thriving with the plant called "Puyas" or Job's tears plant (Scientific Name: Coix lacryma-jobi) . Puyas or Job's Tears is a kind of plant whose seeds or fruit is used to make novelty necklace, dangling and other things used by children. On the road towards the place of the route of the foreigner, the children gather and play with the seeds of puyas. The foreigner went to the children and ask about the name of the place however during that time the children are scared of foreigners. They run away shouting "puyas, puyas." The foreigner thought the name of the place is Puyas so he called the place Puyas.

Today even if puyas plant is no longer thriving in the area, the place is still known as Puyas.

This is now the biggest sitio or community of Barangay Milan in the town of Lemery.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Barrio Milan

During the Spanish occupation of the Philippines, there is a community in the town of Lemery which was settled by many cheerful people. The place is about three kilometers away from the town. The houses surround the town square. The festivities is always fun in this place.

One day, a Spaniard came to this place. It's the town's fiesta when he came and he asked about the name of the place however no one answered because the locals could not understand what he is saying.

Incidentally, the Spaniard has studied in the beautiful city of Milan in Italy. Since he really wants to give a name to the place, he baptized it with a name Milan after the place he came from. He taught the locals that the name of their place is Milan.

Since then, the area was called Milan by the local residents.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Barrio Barakang In Guimbal

This barrio is located at the southern part of the present Rizal Street of the town of Guimbal. This is situated west of the church and formerly densely populated during the Spanish occupation.

Long time ago, the town is always the center of frequent Moro raids. One morning of September, the Moro vintas were seen in the shores of Guimbal. The people were then busy for a fiesta celebration. They don't have a time to escape so they were compelled but to confront the enemies. Since they have no preparation in this struggle the people were compelled to fight. In avoiding a certain death or to be a slave of the Moros, the people flocked to the church to ask help from their patron saint, Saint Nicholas Tolentino to help them engage the invaders.

While the Moros with shining cutlass are chasing the natives defending the path towards the church, they were stopped by a giant figure of a beautiful lady with a long hair and a mighty man holding a staff that seems like clearing the path. The Moros were scared and immediately left.  Until now, the name was called "Barakang" which means barrier or barricade.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alimodian Barangay - Umingan


Feast Day: April 30
Patron Saint: St. Vincent Ferrer

               The story of the elderly residents about the name of the place originates from the flood. There is a great wide flood long time ago that people living in the mountain can see. There is a place which has a plate-like shape (pinggan) which was not affected by the flood. Later the people started to settle in this place and due to repetitive calling the name of the place became Umingan from the word pinggan (plate). 
                This place is blessed with cool climate and awesome nature. The barrio pride itself with Bobon-Ebo or Oyang Cave, Umingan Plateau, Ibagat Springs and the locally famous Bato Dungok tagged as the "Pico de Loro of Western Visayas", the highest point in Umingan as its attractions.   

Alimodian Barangay - Ulay Hinablan

Ulay Hinablan 

Feast Day: March 1
                  Second Week of April (Sitio Galing)
Patron Saint:  Saint Peter
                       Saint Vincent Ferrer

               According to the stories of the elderly folks, the name of the barangay came from "Ulo ka Alimodian" (head of Alimodian) and since they are also near Ulay Bugang. The place was a woodland and has a bounty of wild boars long time ago. A different version about the spinster Ulay who was a good weaver (maghabul tela) who lives in this place. Thus, the place was named Ulay Hinablan. 
               The barangay has a sitio named Galing which is also close to the town proper.     

Monday, December 31, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Ulay Bugang

Ulay Bugang

Feast Day: November 30
Patron Saint: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

               Long time ago, the place was called Badyang due to the bounty of this plant in this area. The couple Tomas and Juliana Alovera were the first to live in the woodland part that covers this place.
               In 1946 the place was called Ulay. This word came from the name of an old maiden or spinster who lived in this place whose land was the source of water of the residents in the barrio. The main source of water in the land of Ulay became a creek in later time. 
               In 1960 the place was called Ulay Bugang because of two creeks (Ulay and Bugang) which crosses the barrio. 
               In 1976 the chapel was constructed in the barangay in honor of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal and with the effort of Procopio Cabalfin, the first President of the Catholic organization in the barrio headed by a certain Captain Ara. Father Ismael Castaño hold the first mass in the first fiesta of the barangay on November 30, 1977. The new chapel constructed just beside the old one was put up with the help of the residents. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Ugbo


Feast Day: April 30
Patron Saint: St. Augustine

               During the Spanish period, the people in this place suffer some difficulties and hardships due to guerilla resistance against Spain. One time some Spanish soldiers visited this place. The soldiers ask the name of the place to which a resident replied "didto sanda nagasugbo" (they are hiding there) pointing towards the river. What the person means is that the people they are looking are in the river submerging themselves in the water to hide. 
                 The place at the time was headed by a couple Roque and Torya Amba-an.They have five children and the eldest was named Proctoso. When Proctoso became the Teniente del Barrio, the people had a discussion of what to call their barrio. They thought of the story about "nagsugbo" and they decided to shorten the term and call their place Ugbo. The first fiesta was held and the barangay chapel was constructed during the incumbency of Proctoso. Monsignor Carlos Crucero was the parish priest at the time. 
                  According to the elderly residents, long before when there is a long drought the people hold a procession in the river with the image of St. Augustine and the rain usually occur the next day. The image of St. Augustine is proven to drive the pest apan or locusts away by just putting the image in the way near the chapel and the devotees will shout "Señor San Agustin tabuga ang mga apan" (Señor Saint Augustine drive the pest away). The old chapel was constructed during the incumbency of Silvestre Alpuerto with the help of the residents. The new chapel is also completed with the help of the people of this barangay.    

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Ubodan


Feast Day: First Saturday of February
Patron Saint: Saint Simeon

               The name of the place came also from misunderstandings between the locals and the Spanish authorities. According to the old folks, there was a foreign blood who visited and ask the name of the place. The person who responded said "ubod" since he is doing pang-ubod in coconut (ubod is the heart of the coconut tree or buri). Since then the place was called Ubodan, maybe also due to the fact that there is a bounty of coconut and buri which are the main sources of ubod as an ingredient to some of the local dishes not only of the barrio but also of the town. 
                Before, Ubodan is only a sitio of Barrio Quinaspan.It became a separate barrio in 1969. The feast of St. Simeon is being honored in Barangay Ubodan since the incumbency of Teniente del Barrio Maximo Magbanua. The first priest to hold mass in Ubodan was Monsignor Carlos Crucero the parish priest at that time. According to the story, the people choose Saint Simeon to be their patron saint since the time when the barrio was established, Simeon Cañonero was the mayor of the town. Before, the fiesta of Ubodan is held on the month of February or March but since 1989 under the leadership of Barangay Captain Benito Anayan the fiesta is held every first Saturday of February.  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Tugaslon


Feast Day: April 5
Patron Saint: St. Vincent Ferrer 

               The name of the barangay came from the word "Tugis" a root crop which is abundant in the place before. The place was called Tugisan which later became Tugaslon. Since 1850s, Tugaslon has been a sitio of Barangay Tarug. The first family in Tugaslon were Jose Ambalong and Amiona Tugaslon and their son Fabiano Ambalong is the first leader of the sitio. 
                Tugaslon separate from Barrio Tarug as an independent barrio in 1920. Oto Alla was the leader at the time. From the years 1935-1940 Pio Aceldeque succeeded and was the first to be called Teniente del Barrio. The Philippine Army established a detachment in Tugaslon in 1938. During World War II, the leader of the barangay was Loreto Camral and most of the residents evacuated to other places.  After the war Luciano Cabanig became the leader from 1945-1955. In 1947 a strong earthquake shook the barrio and destroyed lots of houses and farms. At the time there are already Huks roaming in the barangays. Silvestre Misares popularly known as Bestre, a provincial guard married Adela Antonio whose from Tugaslon. Together with Abdon Alipat and Alfonso Alla, Bestre led the killing of the Huk leader who is Juaning Sandoy. The Huk made a revenge and they burned all the houses in Tugaslon except the house of a woman who was a girlfriend of a Huk member. 
                 From 1950-1953 during the term of Teniente Prudencio Alegrado, burglary and looting of bandits became rampant. During those times, the people of Tugaslon celebrates the feast of Saint Agatha / Santa Agueda. Upon the succession of Teniente Geronimo Ambac, the residents change their patron saint to St. Vincent Ferrer which until now they celebrate his feast every April.  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Tarug


Feast Day: Last Saturday of January 
Patron Saint: St. Anthony the Great / St. Anthony The Abbot

               The barangay was established in 1890 and the pioneering families who settled in the area were the Amaquin, Abido and Atundag. There were eight (8) sitio which covers this barrio: Agaw, Bagsakan, Buyag, Lanag, Lingat, Tabay, Taburanan kag Tumbo-an. The first Teniente del Barrio in Tarug was Santiago Atundag which was assisted by Felipe Amaquin. 
                The name of the place came from the word "tarug" is the term for the water works system used to carry water from the spring. Tarug or bamboo poles cut in half were laid side by side to make an improvised and local version of aqueduct from the spring water to the lower areas of the households in the barangay.
                 The most unforgotten part in history of the barangay is the ambush of the Americans with the guerilla movements founded with the leadership of Martin Delgado of the town of Santa Barbara and Quintin Salas of Dumangas and of the people of Barangay Ugbo.  This took place in Sitio Agnib in between Barangay Gines and Barangay Tarug where they lose not a single fighter even if they were outnumbered by the American soldiers. Due to anger, the Americans burned houses in Sitio Lingat when they learned that the people evacuated in Bokbok in Maasin town together with the guerillas. During World War II, they were surprised by the arrival of the Japanese soldiers where they were tortured and others with the rest of the officials were tied on the trees so they cannot escape. They killed Ramon Camano for a suspicion he is a USAFFE member. 
                 One of the scenic attraction they can be proud of is the giant stone in Sitio Ognong - a sitio of Cabacanan but is closer to Barangay Tarug. They call it as "Gateway of Aganan" due to the enormous size of the stone so the fish can swim upwards to the river of Aganan if the water become so deep during the rainy days and so there were no catfish or balanak fish that can be found in the upper part of Ognong.  

Alimodian Barangay - Tabug


Feast Day: April 16
Patron Saint: Our Lady of Salvation

               The barangay was established in 1910. Marcelo Aldamar or popularly called Mal-am Ilo is the first leader of this place. Mal-am Ilo is a brave and respected leader. He has a ring made out of coconut husk. 
                The name of the place was believed to came from the word "tabog." If there are some strangers or burglars who intend to do harm or violence in the area they were kicked out (ginatabog) by Mal-am Ilo. The place become peaceful and orderly for a long time. Thus, the place was called Tabug.
                In 1974 under the leadership of Captain Ricardo Legaspi the barangay celebrated their first fiesta in honor of their patron saint Our Lady of Salvation. Before this, Tabug celebrates their fiesta together with the rest of the barangays in the so-called "Seven Cities" which is being held every month of April.     

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Taban Manguining

Taban Manguining 

Feast Day: First Saturday of January
Patron Saint: St. Michael Archangel

               During the Spanish times, there are some Spanish soldiers who crossed the river to visit this place and they went thirsty. They saw a couple with two daughters and they ask for water by sign language. They were given water contained in a coconut shell. A soldier ask for the name of the place but the father doesn't understand him. He called for his daughters who were just cleaning in the front yard of their house. The father shouted for his daughters "Manggi Neng!" and that is how the soldiers understand it. Since then they called their barrio Manguining. 
                Later, there are some people who choose to settle in the banks across the river which is still a part of the barangay which later became Sitio Taban since they were like taken (taban) from the barangay proper.  Since then, the place is called Barangay Taban-Manguining. The barrio was established in 1969 under the leadership of Captain Job Abioda. The barangay first held their fiesta on January 3, 1973 and the patron saint was St. Michael Archangel. Father Ismael Castaño was the first priest to hold mass in the barangay and the first fiesta queen was Nancy Sajonia. 
                 In Sitio Taban they pride itself as the main way upwards the famed Agony Hill which attract flocks of devotees every Holy Week. It was also in Taban where the infamous and bloody Taban Massacre took place where on August 17, 1943 the Japanese soldier on a surprise attack massacred able bodied men by means of bayonet and beheading on a market day. A historical marker and chapel was constructed to commemorate the tragic fateful day and to honor those innocent civilians brutally killed and victims of war.   

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Sulong


Feast Day: January 15
Patron Saint: St. Isidore, the Farmer

               Before the Spaniards arrive in the country, there is a good flow of stream in sitio Pacul of this place. The water that overflows fully fill a wide but very shallow creek where there is a slow flow of water. Thus the water stuck up (nagasulong) in the lower part of the place they call Barrio Sulong. 
               To make the flow of water even faster, people dug up the Lurok (a hilly part between Barrio Sulong and Barrio Santa Cruz of the town of San Miguel) to make a canal. They made a wide canal and the part where the water stay has a bounty of crop and harvest.
                The sitios who were once a part of Sulong were Pacul, Bungalong and Pandan. During the Spanish occupation, Romeo Amolar became the Teniente del Barrio from 1878-1882.  During the Philippine Independence, the Teniente del Barrio is Juan Amolar (1898-1903). During World War II Japanese occupation, the people who led the place were Isidro Amuan (1939-1941), Luis Alcantara (1942-1944) and Vicente Tuarez (1945-1948).   

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Sinamay


Feast Day: May 13
Patron Saint: St. Isidore, the Farmer

               During the early years before the Spaniards arrive, there is a group of people who live peacefully, happy and prosperous in the eastern part near the town of Alimodian. In those days, the women in this place are famous for weaving the Sinamay textile or fiber. 
               The vast territory or barrio covers the sitio of Salungan, Manguining, Kudiapa, Garo, Atay-atay, Tingib, Lanag and Pinamuno. 
               When the Spaniards came in the place, they torture and abuse the residents, so the people revolted and fought and stand up for their peaceful living. The bloody revolt took place between the invaders and the native locals. What was left of the locals are those people who came out from hiding and they found the bloody and lifeless bodies of the Spaniards and their fellow natives. Due to their immeasurable grief, they can only utter "Nagsirinamay-samay" (mixed up). What they mean is that the blood of the foreign invaders mixed up with the blood of the native residents and they can never forget this tragedy in history. According to the story, these words became the origin of the name of Sinamay. 
                During the Spanish occupation, Remegio Amolar became the leader of Sinamay from 1875-1878, during the independence, Gregorio Alingalan became the leader from 1895-1902 and during World War II Candido Amoyan (1939-1946).

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Quinaspan


Feast Day: February 11
                  October 11 (Sitio Bugsukan)
Patron Saint:  Our Lady of Salvation
                       Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (Sitio Bugsukan)

               During the Spanish occupation, this place was called Bugsukan since the water flows downward (nagabugsok) from the mountains like the waterfalls. In 1860 the place was called Quinaspan and covers sitio Cumaron, Bugtong, Barang and Cuyad. The Spanish authorities employ the people in a forced labor. Due to language barrier and miscommunication makes it more difficult for the laborers. When the Spanish soldiers say "Por Que?", the people are in panic calling for their "sinakpan" (co-worker) to work. Due to the repetition of calling these phrases it became Quinaspan. 
                Teniente del Barrio Damiano Caguimbal is the leader of Bugsukan when the name was changed to Quinaspan. The first leader of this place was Teniente del Barrio Pedro Ambacan. The old barangay central site is now called Sitio Bugsukan. Their patron saint is Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. During the early years, the feast is celebrated in this sitio until the barangay transferred to a new site. The sitio started to have their own fiesta separate from the barangay proper in October 11, 2008.    

Alimodian Barangay - Punong


Feast Day: October 7
Patron Saint: Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

               According to the elderly folks of this place, Barangay Punong already exists during the Spanish period. During the early day, the water which overflows from Pianda-an Creek stays on this place that looks like it stuck up (ginpunongan) until it widened and deepened. When the Spanish soldiers came and ask the name of the place, a man responded "nagapunong ang tubig" (the water stuck up here). Since then the place was called Punong.
               Until 1946, Punong was a part of the town of Maasin however half of it is situated within the boundary of Alimodian. So the two town decided to divide the barangay into two. In 1947, Punong became a sitio of Barangay Gines which was headed by Venancio Misamen. During those years, the barangays were disturbed by the rebel group Huk. Many residents of Punong were tortured for suspicion of Huk sympathizers so many residents evacuated to Maasin, some parts of Alimodian and other places.
                In 1950, the people started to return to their homes and Alipio Misamen was recognized as the first Teniente del Barrio. Sitio Punong separated from Barrio Gines in 1960 becoming an independent barrio. Canuto Misamen became the barangay captain from 1962-1982. During those times, the leftist rebel group New People's Army (NPA) roamed the barangays and disturb the peaceful living in these places. Some of the residents were imprisoned for suspicion of being a member or sympathizers of the rebel group. Later, Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) established in the barangay and peace returned. 
                Nestor Mondega, former SK chairman, was chosen as Barangay Captain who served from 1982-1989. The first fiesta in Punong was held in October 1982 and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary was chosen as the patron saint. The first fiesta queen was Helen Misamen and the first priest to hold mass was Father Glorioso Gepolongca. All of the residents are Roman Catholic.     

Friday, November 30, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Pianda-an Sur

                                          Pianda-an Sur

Feast Day: October 3
Patron Saint: St. Therese of the Child Jesus

               There are six household who were the pioneer residents in this place in 1870s led by Pido Ambid. In the 1880s there is a fierce battle between the Spaniards and the Katipuneros. In this place, the Spaniards ran after these Katipuneros and the caught a man too slow to run. The man shouted "Pi ang daan ko!" Since then they call the place "Piang da-an" which later became Pianda-an. 
               When the Americans came in the 1900s, Pianda-an was headed by Enrique Ambid. In this year a sugar mill was built. Someone stole the mill by two carabao pulling it. In 1920 processing of sugar cane stopped and people incur loses in their sugarcane crop. During the Japanese occupation in World War II, many people from the city evacuated to this place to hide from the enemy and returned home after liberation of Panay. 
                 In 1946, Ricardo Hisugan was appointed as the Teniente del Barrio. During his term, the residents constructed a chapel and they celebrated the first fiesta in their barangay on October 3, 1946. The patron saint is St. Therese of the Child Jesus. The image of St. Therese was stolen in 1950 and it was never returned. 
                 Quintin Anecita became the Teniente del Barrio in 1960 and Barangay Captain starting in 1964 when the church was transferred closer to thirty (30) households and also during this time when the first multi-purpose hall was completed. During the term of Captain Rogelio Tagurigan the church undergone some extensions and the electricity reach this barangay. During the term of Captain Burt Cortez, a new chapel was constructed which still stood until today.      

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Pianda-an Norte

Pianda-an Norte

Feast Day: Second Week of February
Patron Saint: Our Lady of Salvation

               In 1900s there were only a few residents in this place led by Teniente del Barrio Crisanto Alibango Anarajado. The name of the barrio according to the elderly folks was taken during the Spanish period where there is a man going to the Buriraw and Kahimayaan creek and was asked by the Spaniards the name of the place. Due to the language barrier and miscommunication, the man answered "Pi, ang daan ko"." Since then the people started to call their place Pi-ang daan which later became Pianda-an. 
              Until World War II, Teniente Crisanto Anarajado is the leader of Pianda-an and aside from them, the pioneering families living in the place were Piojo, Misare, Anitohin and Albancia. In 1952 Teniente Anarajado died and was succeeded by her daughter, Cristita Anarajado Albancia. Due to the vast expanse of the land and the long distance of houses, the barrio was divided into two: Pianda-an Norte (North) and Pianda-an Sur (South) before the 1960s. Juan Aldabar succeeded Cristita Albancia from 1960-1963 and in 1964 Cristita Albancia returned as a captain and served in that position until 1980. 
            In 1981 Jesus Cabalfin became the barangay captain of Pianda-an Norte and the people plan to have a fiesta. The residents choose Our Lady of Salvation as their patron saint and the people donated to buy an image of their patron saint. The first fiesta in the barrio was celebrated on February 11, 1981 and celebrate it every second week of February.   

Monday, November 26, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Pajo


Feast Day: August 16
                  Second Saturday of January (Sitio Balogo)
Patron Saint:  St. Roch
                      Holy Child Jesus (Sitio Balogo)

               Barrio Pajo was established in 1858 according to the Spanish documents. The name of the barrio came from a creek called "Pajo" which became the camp of the Philippine Army during World War II.
               During the term of Mamerto Quirante alias Etok, the residents planned to construct a chapel but before that so many people got sick. Teniente Etok held a meeting to choose a patron saint for the sick and they choose St. John the Baptist yet they haven't held a fiesta. 
                In 1940 when Teniente Etok passed away Teniente Aurelio Quirante alias Orel took the leadership. During that time, there are lots of pests and insect that infest the crops of the farmers, so Teniente Orel called for a meeting to discuss with the people who will be the patron saint they will pray for to get rid of the insect and pest infestations. They choose St. Roch so Teniente Orel bought an image of St. Roch for the barrio chapel. 
               The first fiesta of Barrio Pajo was held on August 19, 1942 with Msgr. Carlos Crucero, the parish priest of the town officiating the first mass in the barrio. Since August is a rainy month and the road to the barrio is muddy and difficult to reach, the priest requested that the feast be transferred in April. So in April of the following year, the feast was held and the first fiesta queen was Epefania Quirante. In later years, the people went back to the original feast day in August in the very date of St. Roch feast day. 
              The barangay prides itself of the Aganan River Plaza, primary school, and Pleywun Ravine in which the people believes that if one part of ravine will erode, someone will die. 
              Sitio Balogo became a part of Barangay Pajo since 2007 but before that it was a sitio of Barangay Cagay. The residents of the sitio started to celebrate a feast on January 10, 1995 in honor of the little child Jesus. Since then the feast is held every second Saturday of January.     

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Alimodian Barangay - Manduyog


Feast Day: January 31
Patron Saint: Holy Child Jesus

               During the Spanish occupation, this place was a woodland. The place became infamous for being the hiding place of the brigands in the wood who steal animal from surrounding barrios. 
               According to the old stories of elderly folks, there are some Spanish soldiers who visited the place and ask for the name of the place. An innocent resident responded by saying "ang mga buyong nagapangguyod kasapatan" (brigands who pull out animals). In a short understanding of the Spaniards, they call the place Manduyog. 
               Manduyog started to have an increase in settlement before the war in the 1920s at the same time the woods started to disappear.  The place became an independent barangay in 1969.  Twenty (20) families each bought 100 sq. m. homelot which costs twenty (20) pesos each.