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Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2022

Unknown Filipino Heroes Introduction


Soon I will be featuring some of the Philippines little known unheralded heroes from the past till the present day which the Ocean Breeze blog believes deserves to be honored and worthy of recognition and attention which contributed significantly in our nation's history and/or have inspired so many Filipinos to be a little hero of their own selves. Their life story that were rarely discussed or featured will be read and known here in Ocean Breeze blog. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Research Center Of Iloilo - History Of Iloilo Compilation

The succeeding articles were taken from digital archives of the Research Center of Iloilo at the archived website of Ilongo Weebly.com on the history of Iloilo. The history of Iloilo in the now archived Ilongo weebly.com website is a compilation or collection of pieces of history articles coming from various sources pieced together to make a whole concrete and coherent story about the glorious past of the city and province. I will post those articles here in Ocean Breeze blog in an effort to save these precious articles for future references and for other readers and knowledge seekers to add more ideas to their memory banks. Thank you very much for your support and continued patronage.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Other Notable Ilonggos

Iloilo has lots of admirable sons and daughters, Ilonggo who rose above everyone in almost every field. They seems like the stars shining in the heaven of politics, business, education, arts, literature, sports and others. It is worthwhile to take a look for awhile to commemorate and remember them.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Folk Dances

The Philippines is rich in the materials on native dances. For the Filipinos which is a race who has a deep appreciation for music, the singing and dancing almost consist their entertainment. The people expresses their thoughts through rhythmic movements of the folk dances. Though a lot of the folk dances of the Philippines possesses a ritual attributes there are also beautiful differences related to activities, courtship, for fiesta celebrations and war dances that gives color to a culturally-rich Filipinos, customs, practices and tradition.

There are dances for different occasions. The love is expressed far so in general, the native dances is done relatively small or no such closeness or nearness. The men who are dancing has hankies or the ladies has fans as substitutes to their hands that cannot be held by anyone or the hold-me-not hands.

The Ilonggos are proud of its native dances just like in the succeeding article.

Photo Source:



Sunday, June 19, 2016

Paktakon or Riddles Introduction

Riddles are phrases or sentences that is arranged in a poetic form and describes a puzzle. It is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game. Nothing is not covered by the riddles as it subjects or topics are wide range. It is undeniable that outlining or creating a riddle requires a sharp mind, attention to details and the ability to recognize the natural objects of assignment aside from the richness of vocabulary.  The game of riddles is widespread throughout the island and expresses the fondness of the feelings and mind and richness of imagination and idea of every barangays or race which created the riddles.

The guessing game of riddles is not new to the Ilonggos. It is also a part of their lives. At home, in school, during a wake, the riddles are being played and recited.

The paktakon, Hiligaynon term for riddles is grouped together in different categories, like for example the puzzles about plants, animals, climate and weather, tools or equipment and many others etc.

Here are the riddles and their answers: 

Riddles About Plants, Trees, Seeds and Fruits:

1. Nanaog si Santa Maria
     Pula ang iya saya.

                 Puso sang Saging

     Santa Maria went down
      Red is her skirt

                Banana Heart

 2. Diutay nga tabig
       Buta sang kwarta


     Small tabig basket
       Full of money


3. Maitum nga bulbulon
      Mapula kon burikaton.


   Black and feathery
     Reddish when split open.

          Annato Seeds

4. Sang diutay alibangbang
     Sang nagdaku latigo
    Balatong or hantak beans

    Butterfly when it's still small
      Whip it grows up

      Balatong or hantak beans

5. Anano yadtong kaliwatan
      nga katingalahan
   Ang iya iloy nga nagakamang pa
   Ang ila nga anak nagapungko na.


  What is that strange family
   The mother is still crawling
  Their children are now sitting.


6. Isa ka hutlog nga ngipon
    Naputos sang papel.

   A lengthwise of teeth
   Wrapped by paper.


7. Ang diotay nga lata
     Ang sulod liso.


   Small can
   Inside are seeds


8. Ang sagwa ginakaon
    Ang sulod ginahaboy


    The outside is eaten
     The inside is thrown

         Corn / Maize

9. May tinirohay sa bilog nga gab-i
    Apang wala sang may nasamad

        Sinanlag nga mais

    There is a gun fighting throughout the whole night
     However no one is injured.

         Grilled corn

10. Ang dagat ginputos sang langit
      Ang langit ginputos sang tul-an
      Ang tul-an ginputos sang bulbol
      Ang bulbol ginputos sang panit.


     The sea was wrapped by heaven
     The  heaven was wrapped by bones
     The bones was wrapped by feathers
     The feathers was wrapped by skin.


11. Ang tubi ginputos sang unod
      Ang unod ginputos sang tul-an
      Ang tul-an ginputos sang panit.


     The water is wrapped by meat
     The meat is wrapped by bones
     The bones is wrapped by skin.


12. Sa init nagakalipay
      Sa tugnaw nagakalaya


     Happy in the heat of the sun
     Withered in coldness

           Acacia Tree

13. Puno niya kanyon
      Paklang lagari
      Dahon espada
      Bunga bala.


      The branch is cannon
       Twigs is saw
       Leaves is sword
      Fruit is bullet

         Palm Tree / Buri

14. Lumumpat si pirik-pirik
      Nanumpa nga indi magbalik.
            Dahon nga laya

      Pirik-pirik jumped
      Swearing not to return.

           Withered leaf

About Animals and Insect:

1. Nanay niya manyika
    Bata niya kantura.

        Nayon kag idik

   Mother is a doll
  The child is a female singer

      Pig / Sow and piglet

2. Diutay pa si Inday
    Makahibalo magsaka sa lubi.


    Inday is still small
    She knows how to climb a coconut tree


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hulobaton or Proverbs I

The Hulobaton, Hiligaynon term for proverbs, are short statements of general truths, basic rules or rules of conduct. It can be in poetic or in prose form. The author could not be traced and this is passed through generations. According to William Bascom, the proverbs is the refined knowledge of past generations.

The included proverbs is referring to generosity, hard work, punctuality and frugality; good manners and reservation, excuse and perseverance, reverence and good upbringing and practice, banter, and the ushering truths of life.

Proverbs About Generosity, Hard Work, Punctuality and Frugality:

1. Ang tao nga tamaran,
    Waay isulod sa pinggan.

    The person who is lazy,
    Nothing to put in the plates.

2. Ang tao nga palabugtao
    Indi mawad-an sang bahao.

   The person who is always awake
   Will not be left out with cold rice

3. Tao nga palatulog
    Walay lutuon sa dapog.

    A person who is always asleep
    Nothing to cook in dapog

*dapog is local improvised version of hearth or furnace for cooking

4. Ang tao nga mapisan
    Indi gid magutom

    A person who is hardworking
    Will never be hungry

5. Sa tingadlao magtipon
    Agud sa tig-ululan may gamiton.

    Save up or collect during the sunny days
    So there's something to use during the rainy days.

6. Ang hipon nga tulog
    Ginaanod ding sulog

   A sleeping shrimp
   Is washed away rapidly

7. Anhon pa ang humpay
    Kung patay na ang kabayo

    What will you do with the grasses
     If the horse is dead.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Local Poetry or Binalaybay Introduction


Poems are expressions of a beautiful mind in beautiful words.

Let’s identify the poems of the Ilonggos and the meanings it evokes.

What is the Ilonggo poetry?

Traditions has put the Ilonggos synonymous with the word “malambing” or affectionate. The Spanish missionary long time ago refers to it as “dulce, mimosa y acariciante", demure, sweet and stroking because Ilonggos means not only the native fire of a race who emerged in the world but as well as the poetic origins of the culture that could not easily be emulated by its sister language.

In content, Ilonggo poetry prevailed by its more native nature.  In form, measurement and emphasis, it is real Spanish. The present Ilonggo poet is the author who is the only creator of the verses which has a full Spanish rhythm. He also uses classical influences of Castilian emphasis.  These guidelines puts the Ilonggo poetry in a high position if compared to the poetry of other dialects.

The start of creating verses of the Ilonggos has been foretold by the emergence of old compositions that tells about “The Creations of the World”, "The Miracles of Nuestra Señora del Santissimo Rosario" or Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary,” “The Maragtas of Panay”and other historical events. These epics were never written. These became a part of the oral traditions which eventually give emphasis to the old corridos of Don Juan Teñoso, which were not only sung, but were also published in small books. The meters of the old songs is not regular which consists from about eight (8) syllables until only twelve (12) syllables of the verse. Almost all of them, however, were written verses style of romance of only eight (8) syllables which has stresses on the third and seventh syllables which was introduced by Spain.