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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Paktakon or Riddles Part III

About the Climate, Weather and Elements  (Floods, Wind, Rain, Moon):

1. Baston ni San Jose
    Hindi maisip


    Staff of Saint Joseph
    Could not be counted


2. Hindi man pilak, indi man bulawan
    Pero nagasiga


   Not silver and not even gold,
   But it is glittering and shimmering


3. Bati-on apang hindi makita
    Makita apang hindi bati-on.

     Daguob kag kilat

It can be heard but not cannot be seen
It can be seen but cannot be heard

     Thunder and Lightning

4. Natao ako sa aga
    Kag napatay sa hapon
    Apang ako ang kalipay
    Sa tanan nga dutan-on

 Ang  pagbutlak kag pagtunod sang Adlaw

    I was born in the morning
   And died in the afternoon
   But I am the happiness
   Of everything on earth or earthly

The rising and setting of the sun or
   Sunrise and Sunset

5. Ara na, ara na.
    Pero hindi makita


  It is here, it is here
  But cannot be seen.


About Personal Stuff or Objects:

1. Duha ka sakayan
    May isa ka kapitan.

   Two boats
   With one captain.


2. Isa ka gatos nga mag-utod
    Isa lang ang pusod.


    One hundred siblings
    Only one navel.


3. Kon iduso mo mahimo nga payag
    Kon butongon mo mahimo nga daw pusil.


    If you push it will look like a hut
    If you pull it will look like a gun.


About the Time:

1. May isa ka kahoy nga magayon
    Nga may napulog duha ka sanga
    Apat ka bulak sa tag-iya
    Kag ini may tagpito ka dahon.


    There is a beautiful tree
    With twelve branches
    Four flowers for the owner
    And it has seven leaves each.


2. May kahoy akong nabal-an
    Pito ang iya sanga
    Ang kada sanga duha ka pulo
    Kag apat ang dahon itom.

        Isa ka semana


There is a tree I know
    It has seven branches
    Each branch has twenty-four black leaves.

       A week

3. Napulo kag duha ka soldado
    Duha ka kabo.


   Twelve soldiers
   Two chief boss.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Paktakon or Riddles Part II

About Resting, Siesta and Relaxation:

1. Anano yadtong hampangan
    Ang lawas katingalahan
    Buktot sa likod, lupyak ang tiyan
    Timbang ang ulo nga may
    apat ka sungay.
    Tumubo ang apat
    Ka dalunggan nga  nahamtangan
    Sang duha ka ikug  magtimbang.


   What is that toy
    Its body is strangely unusual
   It is hunchback, hollow stomach
   Balance head with four horns
   The four ear grows
    which was placed with
    Two tails in both sides.


2. Bulag nga waay guya
    Kamut, kag tiil apang may
    Lawas kag bayo.


   Blind without a face
   Hands and feel but with
   Body and dress


About Church and Religion:

1. Tatlo ka butones
    Apat ang uhales.
      Santo Kristo

    Three buttons
    Four button holes


About Objects Used in the House and At Work:

1. Manaog basiyo
    Magsaka kargado.


   It goes down empty
   It goes up full

      A bucket or pail

2. Saya ni Santa Maria
    Sarisari ang duag niya


   Skirt of Santa Maria
   Has different colors
    Clothes line or long string on which clothes are hang

3. Diutay pa si Toto
    Makahibalo na mamuno.


   Toto is still small or young
   Already knows to stab or pierce


4. Nagadalagan nga nagahirihiri
    Nagalaylay iya tinae.


   Running while laughing
   It's intestine is hanging

    Sewing Machine

5. Manok sa Maynila
    Madasig magtuka


   Chicken in Manila
   Fast to peck with its beak

     Sewing Machine

Monday, June 20, 2016

Paktakon or Riddles Part I

About Human Anatomy:

1. Duha ka balay-balay
    Puno sang balahibo.


     Two small huts
      Full of hairs.


2.  Balay ni Esok tuwad.


    House of Esok bending back


3. Kon aga nagakamang
    Kon udto nagatindog
    Kon hapon nagapungko.


    In the morning it is crawling.
    At noon standing
    In the afternoon it is sitting.


4. May isa ako ka amigo
    Upod sa akon bisan diin ako makadto


   I have a friend
   Who goes with me wherever I go


5. Manubu nga bukid
    Indi makita sang mga mata


    Low mountain
    But cannot be seen by the eyes

      Forehead and eyebrow

6. Napulo sila ka mag-utod
    Pulos sila may kalo.


    They are ten siblings
     All of them has hats.


7. Nagapasilong apang basa.


   Sheltering yet wet


8. Pakpak nga pakpak
     Indi bation sa pihak.

       Kisap sang Mata

   Flapping of wings
   Could not be heard on the other end

      Blinking of an eye

9. Ang madalum nga bubon
     Puno sing hinganiban.


     The deep well
     Full of weapon


About Food and Drinks:

1. Natawo pero hindi mahibal-an
      Kung babae o lalaki


     It was born but it could not be determined
       If its a female or male

2.  Na-anak na pero
        Wala pa matawo


    It has been hatched
      But yet to be born


3. Balay sang Kastila
     Wala sing bintana.


    House of Spanish
      No windows


4. Anano yadtong barato na naging mahal
      Mahal nga labing barato


   What is that affordable became expensive
      Expensive which is so affordable


About Tools, Equipment in Cooking, Food:

1. Ang isa ka utod kawayan
     Ang isa ka utod kalubihan.


   One piece bamboo
   Another piece coconut.


2. Kon gutom mahipos
    Kon busog magahod


   Silent when hungry
   Noisy when full.

      Kudkuran or local grater or shredder

3. Kabayo nga katingalahan
    Indi magkaon
    Kon indi sakyan.


    An unusual horse
    It won't eat
    Until it was ridden

      Kudkuran or local grater or shredder

4. Uyatan mo ang ikug ko
    Masalum ako.


    Hold my tail.
     I will dive in


5. Matahum nga dalaga
    Makita katlo ka beses sa isa ka adlaw.


    A beautiful lady
     Can be seen three times a dat


6. Malambot sang kamut ang isa ka bagay
     Apang nagagamit man sang sini gyapon si Tatay.

       Kimpit sa baga

   An object can be reached by the hands
   But still Father is still using this.

        A pair of pincers or tweezers for ember or other object

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Paktakon or Riddles Introduction

Riddles are phrases or sentences that is arranged in a poetic form and describes a puzzle. It is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game. Nothing is not covered by the riddles as it subjects or topics are wide range. It is undeniable that outlining or creating a riddle requires a sharp mind, attention to details and the ability to recognize the natural objects of assignment aside from the richness of vocabulary.  The game of riddles is widespread throughout the island and expresses the fondness of the feelings and mind and richness of imagination and idea of every barangays or race which created the riddles.

The guessing game of riddles is not new to the Ilonggos. It is also a part of their lives. At home, in school, during a wake, the riddles are being played and recited.

The paktakon, Hiligaynon term for riddles is grouped together in different categories, like for example the puzzles about plants, animals, climate and weather, tools or equipment and many others etc.

Here are the riddles and their answers: 

Riddles About Plants, Trees, Seeds and Fruits:

1. Nanaog si Santa Maria
     Pula ang iya saya.

                 Puso sang Saging

     Santa Maria went down
      Red is her skirt

                Banana Heart

 2. Diutay nga tabig
       Buta sang kwarta


     Small tabig basket
       Full of money


3. Maitum nga bulbulon
      Mapula kon burikaton.


   Black and feathery
     Reddish when split open.

          Annato Seeds

4. Sang diutay alibangbang
     Sang nagdaku latigo
    Balatong or hantak beans

    Butterfly when it's still small
      Whip it grows up

      Balatong or hantak beans

5. Anano yadtong kaliwatan
      nga katingalahan
   Ang iya iloy nga nagakamang pa
   Ang ila nga anak nagapungko na.


  What is that strange family
   The mother is still crawling
  Their children are now sitting.


6. Isa ka hutlog nga ngipon
    Naputos sang papel.

   A lengthwise of teeth
   Wrapped by paper.


7. Ang diotay nga lata
     Ang sulod liso.


   Small can
   Inside are seeds


8. Ang sagwa ginakaon
    Ang sulod ginahaboy


    The outside is eaten
     The inside is thrown

         Corn / Maize

9. May tinirohay sa bilog nga gab-i
    Apang wala sang may nasamad

        Sinanlag nga mais

    There is a gun fighting throughout the whole night
     However no one is injured.

         Grilled corn

10. Ang dagat ginputos sang langit
      Ang langit ginputos sang tul-an
      Ang tul-an ginputos sang bulbol
      Ang bulbol ginputos sang panit.


     The sea was wrapped by heaven
     The  heaven was wrapped by bones
     The bones was wrapped by feathers
     The feathers was wrapped by skin.


11. Ang tubi ginputos sang unod
      Ang unod ginputos sang tul-an
      Ang tul-an ginputos sang panit.


     The water is wrapped by meat
     The meat is wrapped by bones
     The bones is wrapped by skin.


12. Sa init nagakalipay
      Sa tugnaw nagakalaya


     Happy in the heat of the sun
     Withered in coldness

           Acacia Tree

13. Puno niya kanyon
      Paklang lagari
      Dahon espada
      Bunga bala.


      The branch is cannon
       Twigs is saw
       Leaves is sword
      Fruit is bullet

         Palm Tree / Buri

14. Lumumpat si pirik-pirik
      Nanumpa nga indi magbalik.
            Dahon nga laya

      Pirik-pirik jumped
      Swearing not to return.

           Withered leaf

About Animals and Insect:

1. Nanay niya manyika
    Bata niya kantura.

        Nayon kag idik

   Mother is a doll
  The child is a female singer

      Pig / Sow and piglet

2. Diutay pa si Inday
    Makahibalo magsaka sa lubi.


    Inday is still small
    She knows how to climb a coconut tree


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Hulobaton or Proverbs IV

Proverbs About Reverence and Good Upbringing

1. Ang mahakug
    Madalin madunlan.

    A person who is greedy
      Can easily be choked up.

2. Sobra nga dali
    Makadto sa kuri.

     Too hasty or too in a hurry
     Will go too slowly.

3. Bisan wala sing tinun-an
    Kon may pinanilagan.

    Even if someone is not educated enough,
      If there's a learning from observing.

* this particular proverb is about manners and breeding.

4. Nalagyo sa kalaha
     Tumupa sa baga

    Run away from cooking pot
     End up in ember

5.  Ang suba nga magahud manabaw;
      Ang suba nga malinong madalum.

     A noisy river is shallow;
       A silent river is deep.

6. Ang mga palakutso kutso
      Alonga-ug ang ulo.

    Those who likes to gossip
     Have crazy minds.

7. Ang tao nga butigon
     Dili gid pagpatihon

    People who lies
     Should never be believed

8. Kon magpati ka sing sudyot
      Wala ka sing binubuot.

   If you believe in rumors
     You have no common sense.

9. Ang tao nga palasumbong
     Malain sing tagipusuon.

   A person who always complains or accuses
     Has a bad heart.

10. Alason mo anay ang imo ikug
        Kag mag-alas sang iya sang iban.

      Wind up your tail first
        Before you wind up the tails of others.

11. Kon dili uyon sa imo
       Indi pagbuhaton sa iba.

     If you don't want to be done unto you,
       Don't do it unto others.

12.  Ang tao nga matinaas-taason
         Dali masumpo

       A person who is haughty or snobbish
        Can easily be blunted or dull

13. Ang kamatayon malas-ay
        Kon wala sing kabangdanan.

      Death is tasteless
        If there is no reason.

Proverbs With Some Sounds of Jest:

1. Ang komersiante labing 
     butigon pa sa Ati.

    A merchant is a better 
      liar than the Ati. 

*ati - is an indigenous aboriginal tribes living in the hinterlands and mountainous parts of Panay and can be found in other parts of the country. 

2. Nagasiling nga indi
     Apang naga panagitlon.

    Someone is saying no
     However having a hard time swallowing.

3. Anhon si kagayon kon wala
     sulod si kulon.

   What is beauty if 
      the pot is empty.

4. Ang maayo nga asawa
     Sa balay sang iya bana muchacha
   Apang sa taguipuso-on sang iya bana
      Isa sia ka reyna. 

   A good wife 
     In the house of her husband she is a servant
   But in the heart of her husband
     She is a queen.

5. Mapungas ang baha
      Indi ang baba. 

   Flood is deep
    Not the mouth.

6. Ang gugma sang mga ulay

     Matam-is nga daw kalamay
    Ang gugma sang mga balo
      Makid-ol nga marabo-rabo. 

    The love of the virgins
     Is sweet like sugar
    The love of the widows
      is well done and savory.

* kíd-ol - Cooked to a turn, neither too hard nor too soft, but just right, well-done, said of eatables; to be or become nice, tasty, etc. 

* rabo - Tastiness, quality of being savoury; to be tasty, toothsome; to become savoury (said of fruit, tubers, squashes and the like). (labó id.). 

7. Ang tao nga bugalon
     Ang ulo dapawon.

    A proud person
     It's head is full of lice.

* dápaw - A small insect often to be found in hens' nests and causing a peculiar itch, if it gets on human skin. Also verb. Butangí sing ádgaw ang pugarán sang ímo manók, agud índì pagabután sang dápaw or agúd índì pagdapáwan. Put some adgao—leaves into your hens' nests, so that the dápao-insect may not infest them.

8. Mabudlay pukawon
     Ang tao nga nagamata.

   It's difficult to wake up
    A person who is waking up.

9. Ang tao nga mapinatihon
     Nagasaut nga wala sing sonata.

    An obedient person
      Is dancing without music.

10. Ang tao nga mahakug
       Wala pagkabusog. 

      A person who consumes too much
       Are never satiated.

11. Makitid sang agtang
        Malip-ut sing panumduman.

      Narrow forehead
        Has a short or narrow mind. 

12. Ang tao nga putot
       Kon indi palawakal palasaut.

      A midget or short person 
       Loves dancing if not talkative.

13. Bisan maguba ang langit
       Kon dili ako maipit.

      Even if the heaven is destroyed 
        As long as I am not squeezed or pressed between

14. Ang manok nga makaitlog

      A hen that can lay eggs
         Is cackling.

Proverbs About Life's General Truth:

1. Mahapus ang mag-anak
      Mabudlay ang magpadaku.

    It is easy to give birth
      Difficult to raise a child.

2. Ang kalipay agi
      Ang kasakit pirme.

    Happiness is temporary
      Misery is often.

3. Hinugay pili kay basi
      Makadto ka sa pasi. 

    Don't be so choosy or picky,
      Else you will end up with rejects or residue.

*pasi - Unhulled rice mixed with hulled rice after pounding.

4. Ang bulawan kag saway
     Indi magsimpunanay.

    The gold and brass or bronze
    Could not be combined.

5. Dili ang tanan nga
      Nagaidlak kay bulawan.

   Not everything that
    Glitters is gold.

6. Tawo nga may kasaypanan
     Iya kalas, iya dalagan.

    Person with defects
      His undoing or untying, his running.

7. Ang pangabuhi may hunas
      May taob.

    Life has low (ebbing) and high tide.

8. Ang dingding may dalunggan.

    The wall has ears.

9. Ang kada tawo may ikog.

    Every person has a tail.

10. Ang kalibutan daw ariring
       Sa hinali mapaibabaw.

       The world is like a wheel
        In an instance it will go up.

11. Kon diin ang sanga nagahoyhoy
      Dira nagahuyog ang kahoy.

      Wherever the branch is clinging or dangling
       There is the tree rooting or staying.

12. Wala sing madasig
       Nga dili paghapu-on.

      No one who is fast and quick
       That will never pant or gasp for breath.

13. Karon imo pa
      Buas akon na.

      Today is still yours
       Tomorrow it will be mine.

14. Ang tao nga wala sing pilak
       Daw pispis nga wala sing pakpak.

      A person without a silver
       Is like a bird without wings.

15.  Kon madamo ang maestro
        Maupos ang pinirito.

       If there are lots of teacher / chef
         The frying will get burnt.

17. Ang kagamo magakadto gid
       sa matawhay.

       The tumult or trouble will really
         go into peace and tranquility.

18. Ang tao nga mapinulugnon

     A person
        is also a doer.

19. Ang isda indi madakop
       Sa ikug kundi sa baba.

      The fish could not be caught
       by the tail but by mouth.

20. Masakit sing hinambalan
      Malain ang madangatan.

      Hurtful in words or in saying
       It will have a bad precedent.

21. Ang kalampay sa buho
       Dili makagat kon dili pagkuhiton.

     The crab in the hole
     Will not bite if not touched

22. Ang sab-a dili magbunga
       sang lisohan.

      The sab-a banana will not
         bear a seed fruit.

23. Ang diotay nga kaalam
       Madali sa katalagman

      A little knowledge
       Would be near to peril.

24. Dili maka-angay ang
       Bulawan sa saway

      It is not equal or not alike
      Gold in Brass or Bronze

25. Ang balay nga may kalamay
        Guina-amag sang subay.

      The house that has sugar
        Attracts or lure some ants.

26. Sanglit kay baga
       Maga-inggat gid.

      Since its ember
       It will really glimmer.