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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alimodian Folk Dances

The Music to the Folk Dance, Boluntaryo


           One native folk dance which local historical accounts definitely established Alimodian as the place of origin is the Boluntaryo which dates back to the few remaining days of the Philippine Revolution (1898). Boluntaryo is the Hiligaynon or Ilonggo term for the Spanish word “voluntario” which has its English equivalent for “volunteer.” 
       Here's the story of the voluntarios of where the dance take its inspiration from. 
       At the outbreak of the Philippine revolution, the Ayuntamiento (municipal council) of Jaro was the first to condemn, by way of a resolution, the revolution as "an unpatriotic act." The Ilonggo alta sociedad (also known as Ilustrados Spanish term for upper class society) also responded to the news of revolution with protestation and outrage and evoked pro-Spanish loyalty. The Ayuntamiento of Iloilo followed suit and organized the Iloilo Volunteer Battalion.
      The voluntarios, as members were called, were recruited from among the private population of Jaro and Iloilo and the adjoining prosperous towns of Molo, Arevalo, Oton and Sta. Barbara, and the more distant northern and eastern pueblos. They fought against the army of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in Cavite and Pampanga. Illustrious personalities like Martin Delgado, Quintin Salas, Pedro Monteclaro and Adriano Hernandez were among the officers of the battalion. The biggest financial contributors to the Ilongo contingent were industrialist Don Eugenio Lopez and shipping magnate Don Felix dela Rama.

      In the battlefield of Cavite, the voluntarios helped the Spanish forces in the initial defeat of Aguinaldo's forces in 1897. It was the most well-equipped and well-trained contingent on the side of Spain. They helped in the fall of Silang and Imus which led to the collapse of the revolutionaries' defenses in Cavite after a fierce battle for Zapote bridge. The Spanish Crown was elated with that Spanish and the voluntarios' victory. 
       Later voluntarios shared with his compatriots their struggles to overthrow the Spanish sovereignty over this country. Daring exploits of our countrymen of the revolutionary days were recorded in the documentary history of every town in Iloilo province.
      As these “boluntaryos” employed the hit-and-run tactics in their military operations against the enemy, they found enough time to court their fair country maidens, in the hinterlands of Panay. Their romantic advances are portrayed in the performance of this dance.

COSTUME. The girl wears patadyong (native hand woven garment made of hemp used in this case as a skirt) and camisa with soft panuelo over the L shoulder. The boy wears Barong Tagalog and trousers of any desired color.
MUSIC is divided into two parts: A and B.
COUNT one, two, three to a measure or one, two, three, four, five, six to two measures.
FORMATION Partners stand opposite each other about six feet apart. When facing audience, Girl stands at right side of partner. One to many number of pairs may take part in this dance.


Music introduction
Partners face each other

   Three-step turn right in place (cts. 1,2,3), feet together and bow to each other (ct. 4 with hold), trunk erect and pause (cts. 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong (garment hand woven made of hemp used as a skirt in this dance), Boy places hands on waist ………………………………………… 2 M

Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Step R (right) sideward (cts. 1, 2) step L (left) across the R in front (ct. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), point L in front (cts. 5, 6). R arm in reverse “T”position, L arm down at side ……………………………. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms ………………………………. 2 M
(c) Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position and L arm down at side on the first waltz step and reverse position of arms on the second waltz step ………………….. 2 M
(d) Waltz sideward R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left …………………. 2 M
(e) Point R foot in front, L knee bent slightly. R arm in reverse “T” position, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist. Bend trunk slightly to right side, (cts. 1, 2, 3), pause in this position (cts. 1, 2, 3) …………………………………………………. 2 M
(f) Repeat (a-c) ………………………………………………………………………………. 6 M
(g) Point R foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm down at sode, bend body slightly toward the pointing foot (cts. 1, 2), step R close to L foot, arms down at sides (cts. 3) ………………………. 1 M
(h) Repeat (g), pointing with L foot. Reverse position of arms ………………………………………….. 1 M
(i) Repeat all (a-h) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps obliquely right forward to be about three feet near each other (cts. 1, 2 ,3). Point L foot in front, bend body slightly toward it (cts. 4, 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Starting with L foot, take three steps obliquely left to be in line at center by R shoulder, passing each other front-to-front (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point R foot in front, bend body toward R foot (cts. 4, 5, 6). Hands as in (a) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Starting with R foot, take four waltz steps forward moving half-way around clockwise, finishing in one line at center by R shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left alter-
 nately ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 M
(d) Point R foot in front, L knee is slightly bent. Arms in reverse “T” position. Partners look at each other over R shoulders ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 M
(e) Repeat (a) and (b), going to proper places …………………………………………………………… 4 M
(f) Waltz turn right about to face each other (use two waltz steps).
Hands as in (a)……………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(g) Repeat figure I (g) and (h) ………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Repeat all (a-g) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat figure (a) and (b) …………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(b) Waltz turn obliquely forward right to be in one line at center with Girl’s back toward audience
and Boy facing audience. Arms as in figure I (c) ……………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ………………….. 2 M
(d) Point R foot in front, L knee is slightly bent. Girl shields face with two hands placed about one foot
In front of face, palms facing partner, finger tips pointing upward as if to say “no” Turn face away from partner. Boy in the meantime looks at partner, with hands crossed in front of chest as if to say “pity me” …………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(e) Repeat figure (a) and (b) ……………………………………………………………….. 2 M
(f) Waltz turn right going to partner’s place. Hands as in figure I (c) …………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat figure (g) and (h) ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Repeat all (a-g). Finish in proper places in (f) ………………………………………………… 18 M


Music B.
Partners face audience.

(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward, arms down at a sides (cts. 1, 2, 3), point L foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm bent forward at chest level (cts. 4, 5, 6) ………………………. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms on counts 4, 5, 6 ……………………………. 2 M
(c) Girl – Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position, L arm down  at side on the first waltz step and reverse position of arms on the second waltz step (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Point R foot sideward raise both hands to shield face again from Boy as in figure III (d) (2 M).

   Boy – I the meantime, waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Waltz turn right in place (use two waltz steps). R arm in reverse “T” position. L arm down at side on the first waltz step (2 M). Point R foot sideward, bend body toward partner, raise hands in front, palms up as if pleading (2 M) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 M

(d) Repeat (a) and (b) going backward ……………………………………………………………. 4 M
(e) Partners waltz turn right in place, Hands as in (c) …………………………………………… 2 M
(f) Repeat figure (g) and (h) ……………………………...……………………………………. 2 M
(g) Repeat all (a-f). Finish in proper places and facing each other in (f) ……………………………….. 18 M


Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Step R foot sideward (ct. 1), brush L forward (ct. 2), step L close to R (ct. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), brush L forward (cts. 5, 6). R arm in reverse “T”position, L and arm bent forward at chest level ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms ……………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Girl – Step R foot backward (ct. 1), point L in front (cts. 2, 3). Repeat same three more times, L, R, L, hands holding patadyong (3 M). Bend body slightly to right and left side alternately. Place both hands again in front to shield face as in figure IV (c) R foot still pointing in front (2 M).

     Boy – In the meantime, starting with R foot, take four waltz steps forward. Place both hands in front, palms up, as if imploring (4 M), reach out hands nearer to Girl as if pleading further (2 M) ……….. 6 M
(d) Repeat (a) and (b) …………………………………………………………………………….4 M
(e) Starting with R foot, partners exchange places by taking two waltz steps forward, passing by R shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ……………………………….. 2 M
(f) Take one waltz step turning right about to face each other (1 M), point L foot in front, R knee slightly bent and bend trunk slightly toward L foot (1 M). R arm in reverse “T” position,
L arm down at side …………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat (a-f), starting with L foot, pass by L shoulders in going back to proper places in (e).

Reverse position of arms in (a), (b), (e) and (f)


Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Repeat figure I (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………………. 4 M
(b) Girl – Waltz turn in place (use two waltz steps). Same arm position as in figure I (c) (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Point R foot in front, L knee bent slightly. Open arms in front, palms up, showing pity to Boy (2 M).

      Boy – Waltz turn right (use two waltz steps) towards front of Girl. Same arm position as in figure I (c) (2 M). Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left (2 M). Kneel on L, half-stand on R foot. Bend head down and R hand supporting forehead, expressing disappointment. Place R elbow on palm of L hand which is placed on R knee (2 M) ………………… 6 M

(c) Girl – Waltz R forward toward Boy, bend trunk slightly forward. Hands in front, palms up, as if welcoming and accepting Boy (1 M). Waltz L backward, cross hands in front of chest as if in love, trunk erect (1 M). Repeat same (2 M).

Boy – In the meantime, stay in the same position as above in (b) in disappointment (4 M) ……… 4 M

(d) Girl – Take Boy’s hands and slowly help Boy to stand, Boy stand up with help of Girl ………………. 2 M
(e) Partners release hands. Take a three-step turn right to proper places, both smiling and bowing with each other at the last measure. Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………… 2 M
(f) Repeat all (a-e) ………………………………………………………………………. 18 M

Partners face each other.

(a) Step R foot sideward ( cts. 1, 2), step L across in front (cts. 3), step R sideward (ct. 4), close L foot to R (cts. 5, 6). Girl holds patadyong, Boy places hands on waist …………………………………………….. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot …………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(c) Waltz turn right to be near each other about two feet apart (use two waltz steps). Arm position as in figure I (c) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M
(d) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left ……………… 2 M
(e) Girl – Take both hands of Boy and bring them close to her heart at the same time pointing R foot in front. Bend body slightly to right side (2 M).

   Boy – In the meantime, let Girl takes his hands close to her heart. Step R forward toward Girl (ct. 1), step close to R (cts. 2, 3), pause in this position (cts. 4, 5, 6). Partners are smiling and looking at each other all the while …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 M

(f) Release hands. Repeat (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………… 4 M
(g) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to exchange places, passing by L shoulders. Arms in lateral position moving sideward right and left. …………………………………………………………… 2 M
(h) Take one waltz step turning right about to face each other (1 M). Point L foot in front, R knee slightly bent and bend trunk slightly toward L foot (1 M). R arm in reverse “T” position. L arm down at die …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(i) Repeat all (a-h), starting with L foot. Pass by R shoulders in going back to proper places in (g). Reverse position of arms in (c), (d), (g) and (h) ………………………………………………………………….. 18 M


Music B. Play last two measures slowly.
Partners face each other.

(a) Girl – Point R foot in front and clap hands on cts. 1, 3, 1 two times (4 M). Boy – In the meantime perform figure I (a) and (b) ………………………………………………………………………… 4 M
(b) Partners waltz R forward, swing R arm forward-upward, L hand of Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist (1 M), waltz L backyard and swing R arm down to chest (1 M). Repeat same (2 M) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(c) Point R foot in front, R arm in reverse “T” position, L handoff Girl holding patadyong, that of Boy is placed on waist. Bend body toward R foot ……………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(d) Repeat (a) ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 M
(e) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps forward to partner’s place, passing by R shoulders. Hold each other’s R hand momentarily while passing each other, L hand down at side ……………… 2 M
(f) Release R hands, turn right about to face each other. Point R foot in front and bow to each other R arm in reverse “T” position, arm down at side …………………………………………………………………… 2 M
(g) Repeat all (a –e), this time Girl doing the movements of Boy in (a) and vice-versa …………….. 16 M
(h) Face front, join inside hands at waist level. Bow to audience, free hand of Girl holding patadyong,
that of Boy is placed on waist ………………………………………………………….... 2 M

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alimodian Folk Songs

Salve Rizal

Binalaybay ni Gregorio Alvior
Tulalay ni Paulino Altura

Salve Rizal dakung baganihan
Anak sang Pilipinas nga magulang
Yari kami nga imo kautoran
Magaunong sang imo ginpanginmatyan.

Dayawon ang bansag mo ngalan
Sa bug-os nga mga kataohan
Kag ang mahal mo nga binuhatan
Sa pagluwas sang imo kaliwatan.

Ang sinulat mo nga “Noli Me Tangere”
Upod sang bantog nga “El Filibusterismo”
Sa amon nga mata among nag-abre
Kag nagpabugtaw sang amon ihibalo
Sa katalum sang imo pluma
Sa pagpang-angpin sang derecho
Nagkatangtang ang mga kadena
Nga ginhigut sang mga utod nimo.

Sa paghiguma sang imong kaliwatan
Kag sang duta nga imo nataohan
Manggad, kabuhi, ginhalad mong tanan
Agud dili ka namon malimutan
Kon ang isa ka maluib nga bala
Ang nagwasdak sang mahal nga kabuhi mo
Ang imong utok nagpangguba
Sang sa fraile nga      repeat 3x

English Translation

Hail Rizal
Lyrics by Gregorio Alvior
Composed by Paulino Altura

Hail Rizal, our great hero
Son of the motherland Philippines
Here we are your children
Sympathizing with your cause to die for.

Exalt your recognized name
In the whole mankind
And your precious works
To save your countrymen

Your novel “Noli Me Tangere”
Together with your famed “El Filibusterismo”
Have opened our eyes
And awakened our knowledge
In the sharpness of your plume
To defend the upright
The chains were broken
Bonded by your brothers.

In loving your family
And your birthplace
Wealth, life, you offered it all
So we will never forget you
If one treacherous bullet
Shattered your precious life
Your brain have destroyed
The imperialistic friars. Repeat 3x.

Makig-away Kami Tungod Sa Imo
Binalaybay ni Esteban Amante Amparo
Tulalay ni Simon Alejado

Kami karon nagahinugyaw sa pagpadungog sa imo
Kay ikaw ang lalauman, banwa kong Alimodian;
Kabay pa sang Dios iwagan sa pagpangabuhi
‘Ning inanak ni Magtanong nga hangkilan

Busa karon kaming ‘gadayaw sinang imong kadungganan
Hayahay nimo ibayaw banwa kong Alimodian;
Makigbatuk sa mabangis ‘ning imong Kaanakan,
Magaunong sa imo Alimodianenses.

Makigsumpong tungud sa imo
Kon ang kadungganan tasakon
Sinang mahisa mong’ mga kaaway…

Gani karon ikaw ang bugal sang puod sang Iloilo,
Ang dungug nimo nga mahal sa manggad di igbaylo,
Ngalan mong’ labing matam-is sa dughan gin tahum,
Maunong gid sa imo Alimodianenses.

English Translation

We Will Fight Because of You
Lyrics by Esteban Amante Amparo
Composed by Simon Alejado

We are exalting in honoring you
Because we are relying on you, our town Alimodian
Hope that God will guide our living
These sons and daughters of Magtanong who were fierce

All of us are praising your honor
Your banner will be raised, our town Alimodian
We will fight with your ferocious children
Sympathizing with you Alimodianenses.

We will fight because of you
If your honor is desecrated
That of your envious enemy…

That’s why you are the pride of the whole Iloilo
Your precious honor in wealth cannot be exchanged,
Your sweet name in my heart is planted,
We will be by your side, people of Alimodian.

Ang Nailo sa Kalipay
ni Paulino Altura

Karon ang imo pagpahilayo
Ginbilin mo ako sa kalisud,
Alibangbang ako nga nagtalang
Nga sang kalipay nahawad-an;

Karon ang imo nga pagtaliwan,
O gugma nga labing pinili,
Sa kalisud ako binayaan
Kag di nahibal-an ang pagpauli.

Malawig nga tion
Ang pagpanumdom,
Sang handumanan
Nga nagligad;
Nagahibi ang tagipusuon
Tungod sa imo nga pagbulag…

Mapait kon hunahunaon
Yanang dagway nimo nga magayon
Nga nagbaylo sa masulub-on
Yadtong tion nga malipayon.

Tuman na nga pagpakalisud sa akon,
Kag imo bilini sing handumanan
Agud nga maglinong ining balatyagon.
Nga yari karon nga masinulub-on.

English Translation

The Widow of Happiness
by Paulino Altura

Now that you are leaving
You left me in grief,
I am a butterfly who’s lost
That of happiness deprived of;

Now that you passed away,
The love that is so chosen,
In grief you left me
And the return is uncertain.

For a long time
of the memories
of the past
my heart is crying
because of your separation…

It is bitter to think of
Your image so beautiful
That replaces with sadness
Those times of happiness.
There is so much grief in me,
And you should left with memories
So that this feeling would be at peace
Now that it is so sad.

Yanang Yuhum Mo

Yanang yuhum mo,
sang ginsimba ko anay,
Amo ang nagpukaw,
Kayuyum sang himaya;
Kag sa dughan ko
Namukadkad ang gugmang panganay
Kag sa imo pagtaliwan
Ang gugma nalaya.

Ay, nga pagkadalitan,
Sinang imong yuhum,
Nga sa dughan ko,
Kagha nga dayon;
Langit nga magal-um,
gab-i nga madulom,
Mapintas nga dalit,
sang kamatayon.

English Translation

That Smile Of Yours

That smile of yours,
that I once worship,
Is the one that awakens
the bud of glory;
And in my heart
the elderly love is blossoming
And with your death,
the love withers.

Oh, so venomous,
that smile of yours,
That in my heart,
immediate tribulation;
The grey sky,
the dark night
The cruel poison
of death.

Ang Aton Kahapon
ni Esteban Amante Amparo

Ang aton kahapon, nadumduman mo bala?
Ikaw ginpalangga sining tagipusuon
Ahat mo ginlimot ang balaan naton nga gugma,
Bayaan ko ikaw wala ka gid sing basulon.

Ikaw gid ang may kasal-anan
Sinang imo karon nadangat,
Antusa ang mga kasakitan
Kay badlit sinang imong palad.
Kay badlit sinang imong palad.

Luha mo Linda patulo-a,
Dughan mo buk-a sa pagkagha,
Wala na ako sing paghigugma
Bisan malumos ka sa luha

English Translation

Our Yesterday
ni Esteban Amante Amparo

Our yesterday, do you remember?
You have been loved by this heart
You immediately forgot our sacred love,
I will leave you and there’s no one to blame.

It’s your fault
About what is happening to you now,
Bear the sufferings
Because it’s the markings of your palm,
Because it’s the markings of your palm.

Your tears Linda, let it fall,
Cut your heart in sufferings,
I don’t have any love
Even if you're drowned in tears.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Alimodian Folk Songs

Ang Mga Mangangani

Composed by Gregorio Alvior
Arranged by Paulino Altura

Kami ang mangangani ni Tiyo Doroy
Ang kahimtangan namon makaluluoy
Ang kahimtangan namon makaluluoy.

Kon wala ani kamo ang mangahoy
Kay ang ginikanan makalulooy,
Kay ang ginikanan makalulooy.

Makalulooy kami nga wala angay
Makalulooy kami nga wala angay.
Ang amon mga balhas nagatulolagay
Kon kami maglinas sang amon humay
Kon kami maglinas sang amon humay.

Ang amon paglakat amon padayunon
Pakadto kami sa amon alanyon,
Sa kay tiyo Doroy amon pangayuon
Nga iya dugangan ang parti namon.

Ang amon parti amon nga linason
Amon ibulad kag dayon kag dayon ibaywon
Pagkatapos amon nga tig-angon
Si Tatay si Nanay amon pakaunon.

English Translation

The Harvester

We are the harvester of Uncle Doroy
Our situation is hapless
Our situation is hapless

If we don’t have harvest, we will search for woods for fuel
Because our parents are hapless,
Because our parents are hapless.

We are hapless without compare
We are hapless without compare.

We keep shedding sweat
When we smash with our feet the grains we harvest
When we smash with our feet the grains we harvest

We should continue our journey
Towards the bounty we will harvest
To Uncle Doroy we shall ask
That he will increase our share

Our share we will smash with our feet
We will have it solar dry and smash it with a big wooden mortar and pestle
Then we will cook it
And we will feed father and mother.

O Kalipay

O kalipay, O kalipay
Sang kapalaran, sang kapalaran
O kalipay nga walay sanglitan;
Ang pagtiayon, ang pagtiayon
Pagaunongan, pagaunongan
Tubtob buhi kita sa kalibutan

Ginpanggas naton sa panumduman
Wagas nga binhi sang handumanan,
Ang ginangkon ko unta nga himaya
Tubtub buhi kita sa kalibutan

English Translation

Oh Happiness

Oh happiness, oh happiness
Of our fate, of our fate
Oh happiness without limit;
To trigger, to trigger
To sympathize, to sympathize
While we are living in the world

We are planting in the mind
Pure seeds of memory
The glory that I claim,
While we are living in the world

by Esteban Amante Amparo

Sa busay nayon sa may bukid,
    nahandungan sing kagha
Ang kamingaw kag kasakit
    Nagpatagnak sining luha;
Ikaw gid ang gintun-an
     sining mga pag-antus,
Pagbalik na Inday sa akon,
     himaya sang dughan.

Adarna ko,
    sa diin ka nab ala?
Diin na ang himaya
    kag ginsaad nga gugma?
    luha gatulolagay;
Adarna ko,
   pagbalik na
Sa walay kalipay.

English Translation


In the waterfalls in the mountain
    shadowed by tribulations
The loneliness and pain
    which caused the swelling of tears;
You are to blame
    for these sufferings
Please come back to me now, lady
    for the glory of my heart

My beautiful lady,
    where art thou?
Where is the glory
     and promised love?
     tears keep swelling
My beautiful lady,
     please come back to me now
To an endless happiness.

Ikaw kag Ikaw Gid

1. O piniling kalipayan sang kabuhi,
Sa lawod sang kagha kag mga kasakit,
Ang akon pagpahilayo sa mga mahal mong piling,
May balon nga luha sang akon paghalin.

Kadadalman sang gab-i
Sang nahamuokan
Ikaw kag ikaw gid ang ginatawagan
Ikaw kag ikaw gid.

Ikaw ang panamgo, ikaw ang puluy-an
Sa mga kalisud sa sulod sang dughan
Ikaw kag ikaw gid.

2. Linimot mo na ayhan ang imong pagbakho,
Saksi nga malulot ang imo gintungo;
Talikdan mo na ayhan ang imo nga pagsuyo,
Matam-is nga halad sining nagabakho,

Dili mo ipagsamsam ang hilo nga mapait
Pagpatay sa kalipay timbang sang kasakit
Sa akon maawa ka,

Saligan malig-on sa akon pagbalik
Wala na kundi ikaw ang panginmatyan pilit
Ikaw kag ikaw gid

English Translation

You and You Really Are

1. The chosen happiness of life,
In the shores of sufferings and pain,
   My desertion to your loved ones,
   Is packed with tears of my leaving

Darkness of the night
When I awoke,
You and you really are being called,
You and you really are.

You are the dream, you are the shelter
Of the sufferings inside the heart,
You and you really are.

2. Have you forgotten your worries?
Beautifully witnessed by your vision
Will you forsake your courting?
Sweet offering of the anxious,

Never taste the bitter poison
Killing the happiness equals to suffering,
Have mercy on me,

Have a steadfast faith on my return
Nothing but you I will die for
You and you really are.

Bulak sang Pilipinas

Baslay nga labing dalitan
   nga sa dughan ko pumilas,
Pamatii’ng ambahanon,
   bulak sang Pilipinas;
Ihulog na ang kaluoy
   nga sa dughan mo tinipigan
Yari nagapanganduhoy
  kapihak sining dughan.

Palapit ka na handa ang mga luha,,
Ang putli ko nga gugma halus makatibalwas;
Laut sang kasingkasing
Binhi sang putli ko nga gugma;
Bulak sang Pilipinas,
Gugma kong nanalingsing.

English Translation

Flower of the Philippines

Thorns that is so poisonous
   that lacerated my heart,
Listen to the hymn,
   flower of the Philippines;
Dropped the mercy
   that you so carefully kept
here it is moaning,
   there other half of this heart.

Come and prepare your tears,
My pure love almost recover;
The depths of the heart
Seeds of my pure love;
flower of the Philippines,
My love that springs eternal.

Bulak sang Alimodian

   Ikaw ang ginhandum ko,
   Bulak sining kapatagan,
   Di malimtan nga tutu-o
   Ang gugma sang akon dughan;
   Kalipay ang ginhalad,
   Sa kasingkasing itanum
   Bulak ikaw nga maanyag,
   Bulak ikaw nga maanyag,
   Nga ginatipigan sining tagipusuon.

Maanyag nga tunay bulak sang Alimodian.
Kaugalingon mo ang kaamyon
Kabay pa nga di mo ako kalimtan,
Ikaw ang himaya sining tagipusuon.

English Translation

Flower of Alimodian

   You are the one that I dreamt of,
   Flower of this field,
  Will not be real forgotten
   The love in my heart;
   Happiness is offered,
   In my heart that shall be planted
  You are a flower that so beautiful,
  You are a flower that so beautiful,
  That is well kept by this heart.

Pretty you really are flower of Alimodian.
Yourself is beautiful
Hope that you will never forget me,
You are the glory of my heart.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

List of Alimodian Officials During The Early 20th Century - 1980s


1904 – 1906 Evaristo Capalla
1906 – 1907 Gelacio Tabiana
1908 – 1909 Nicolas Cambronero
1910 – 1911 Raymundo Canillas
1912 – 1915 Justo Puga
1916 Gregorio Alvior

On January 1, 1919 the Municipality of Alimodian separated from Leon. Those elected during the election were the following:

President - Gregorio Alvior
Vice President - Tomas Algallar

Anacleto Amparo
Telesforo Alminaza
Pablo Almeniana
Anastacio Penas
Felipe Mediana
Timoteo Ambong
Florencio Alinsangan
Clemente Alibango

Result of October 26, 1920 election:

President - Ramon Libo-on
Vice President – Telesforo Alminaza

Placido Almira
Anacleto Amparo
Paulino Altura
Miguel Amaguin
Clemente Alibango
Ambrocio Amaguin
Mariano Salay
Florencio Alingsangan

Result of June 6, 1922 election:

President – Gregorio Alvior
Vice President - Tomas Algallar

Ciriaco Amarillo
Gelacio Allones
Apolonio Loredo
Ruperto Rodriguez
Apolonio Quilnat
Clemente Alibango
Anacleto Amparo
Anastacio Penas

Result of June 2, 1925 election:

President – Tomas Algallar
Vice President – Sergio Alonday

Telesforo Alminaza
Justo Puga
Gelacio Allones
Apolonio Quilnat
Anastacio Penas
Anacleto Amparo
Miguel Amaguin
Jose Rodriguez

Result of 1928 election:

President - Gelacio Allones
Vice President – Ruperto Rodriguez

Jose Aligaen
Ciriaco Amarillo
Justo Puga
Telesforo Alminaza
Ambrocio Amaguin
Jose Rodriguez

Result of 1931 election:

President – Ruperto Rodriguez
Vice President – Ciriaco Amarillo

Gelacio Allones
Wenceslao Anino
Apolonio Loredo
Jose Aligaen
Justo Puga
Felix Altura

Result of 1934 election

President – Jose G. Alvior
Vice President – Ambrocio Amaguin

Gelacio Allones
Justo Puga
Manuel Gimeno
Jose Aligaen
Alejandro Amiscua
Wenceslao Anino

Result of December 14, 1937 election:

Alcalde – Cipriano Cabaluna
Vice Alcalde - Dr. Benjamin Alderete

Wenceslao Anino
Pablo Albeza
Teodosia Amarra
Jose Alvior
Gelacio Allones
David Tolentino

Result of December 10, 1940 election:
These municipal officials served until 1945 because of the war:

Alcalde – Felix G. Altura
Vice Alcalde – Anacleto Amparo

Wenceslao Anino
Salvador Aligaen
David Tolentino
Gelacio Allones
Ignacio Amparado
Clara Alegrado
David Alfeche

Puppet town officials from 1942-1945
Under the Japanese Sponsored Government 

Mayor – Anacleto Amparo
Vice Mayor – Juan Albano

Ambrocio Amaguin
Ruperto Rodriguez
Simon Siaton
Treasurer – Wenceslao Anino
Secretary – Jose Aligaen
Chief of Police – David Tolentino

1942-1945 – Felix Altura
Civil Resistance Government

May 15, 1946 – Appointed officials of the town

Mayor – Simeon Canonero
Vice Mayor – Anacleto Amparo

Gelacio Allones
Wenceslao Anino
Ignacio Amparado
Teodosia Amarra
Pablo Albeza
Clara Alegrado
Secretary – Federico Ambata
Chief of Police – Marcelino Alojepan
Treasurer – Lucas Capaque
Judge – Atty. Salvador Castellano


Mayor – Simeon Canonero
Vice Mayor – Anacleto Amparo

Teodosia Amarra
Wenceslao Anino
Ignacio Amparado
Pablo Albeza
Salvador Tolentino
Gabriel Alingasa


Mayor – Simeon Canonero
Vice-Mayor – Salvador Tolentino

Juan Alinsangan
Teodosia Amarra
David Alfeche
Jose Alonsabe
Marcelo Tolentino
David Rodriguez


Mayor – Simeon Canonero
Vice Mayor – David Alfeche

Teodosia Amarra
David Rodriguez
Gabriel Alingasa
Marciano Amarillo
Salvador Tolentino
Marcelo Tolentino


Mayor – David Alfeche
Vice-Mayor – Marcelo Tolentino

Silverio Amantillo
Teodosia Amarra
Jose Anico
Salvador Altura
Gabriel Alingasa
Aquiles Cabaluna
Felix Anas
Gerardo Pinuela

1964 – 1967

Mayor – Simeon Salarda
Vice Mayor – Gabriel Alingasa

Felix Anas
Geronimo Balolot
Salvador Altura
Natalia Amparado
Jose Anico
Patrocinio Canonero
Antonio Anibigno
Aquiles Cabaluna

1968 – 1971

Mayor – Atty. Miguel Anas
Vice Mayor – David Alfeche

Emmanuel Anico
Bernardo Ambut
Silverio Amantillo
Rubin Alinsao
Patrocinio Canonero
Florentina Anino
Geronimo Balolot
Natalia Amparado

1972 – January 10, 1974*

Mayor – Atty. Miguel Anas
Vice-Mayor – Antonio Anibigno* 

Silverio Amantillo
Rene Loredo
Raymundo Anas
Geronimo Balolot
Ernesto Alejado
Alejandro Nery Cruz
Luis Hechanova
Bernardo Ambut

Vice Mayor Antonio Anibigno succeeded the mayoralty post after the death of the incumbent mayor Miguel Anas. 

*January 10, 1974 - March 3, 1980

Mayor - Antonio Anibigno

In November 1975, there was an order that the members of the Sanggunian Bayan will include sectorial representations:

Association of Barangay Captains – Diego Nava
KB – Wynne Siaton
Business Sector – Cirilo Caparanga
Industrial Labor – Federico Alcantara
Agriculture – Raymundo Canaman
Professional – Esteban Amparo
Barangay Captains:

Antonio Trilles
Benedicto Montenegro
Fabian Almonares

March 9, 1980 - 1987

Mayor – Salvador Altura
Vice Mayor – Silverio Amantillo

Geronimo Balolot
Cornelio Alejo
Rene Loredo
Ernesto Alejado
Juanita Alinsao
Angelo Aninao
Cirilo Caparanga
Emmanuel Adricula
Salvador Altura – KB
Rodolfo Anas - ABC

List of Gobernadorcillos (now called Town Mayor) From the Founding of Alimodian

1754 Foundation

1755 Teniente Absoluto Agustin Magtanong
1756 Separation of Alimodian from Oton
1757 Agustin Magtanong
1758 Lorenzo Tomao
1759 Francisco Sarmiento
1760 Lorenzo Ysug
1761 Tomas Andaya
1762 Agustin Calintang
1763 Tomas Balinas
1764 Clemente Tomnog
1765 Nicolas Estravillo
1766 Agustin Piol
1767 Agustin Da-ay
1768 Agustin Abayon
1769 Pedro Tonco
1770 Nicolas Estravillo
1771 Juan Sombong
1772 Nicolas Tolentino
1773 Nicolas Tolentino
1774 Nicolas Estravillo
1775 Juan de Dios
1776 Agustin Piol
1777 Nicolas Estravillo
1779 Agustin Andog
1780 Nicolas Gregorio
1781 Pedro Limas
1782 Nicolas Tolentino
1783 Juan de Dios
1784 Nicolas Tolentino
1785 Juan Sombong
1786 Agustin Alagbay
1787 Marcos Clarito
1788 Agustin Labrico
1789 Agustin Alagbay
1790 Marcos Gregorio
1791 Juan Pingol
1792 Pedro Ligue
1793 Agustin Francisco
1794 Justino Libo-on
1795 Casimero Catalan
1796 Nicolas Victoriano
1797 Casimero Catalan
1798 Agustin Bribeta
1799 Agustin Montoy
1800 JustinoLibo-on
1801 Agustin Albaro
1802 Nicolas Tolentino
1803 Agustin Alagbay
1804 Justino Libo-on
1805 Marcos Clarito
1806 Pedro Clarito
1807 Lazaro Tomas
1808 Agustin Laguines
1809 Pedro Clarito
1810 Ignacio Latore
1811 Juan de la Cruz
1812 Agustin Montoy
1813 Francisco Domingo
1814 Juan Perocho
1815 Martin Abad
1816 Pedro Aguillon
1817 Francisco Martinez
1818 Geronimo Tolentino
1819 Francisco Damasio
1820 Tomas Villanueva
1821 Juan de la Cruz
1822 Casimero Gregorio
1823 Pedro Clarito
1824 Francisco Tolentino
1825 Geronimo Tolentino
1826 Pedro Aguillon
1827 Juan de la Cruz
1828 Agustin Calaor
1829 Feliciano Tolentino
1830 Juan Prospero
1831 Agustin Juan
1832 Agustin Montoy
1833 Juan de la Cruz
1834 Pedro Aguillon
1835 Hipolito Tolentino
1836 Isidro Herminigildo
1837 Feliciano Libo-on
1838 Juan Belarmino
1839 Luis Marino
1840 Agustin Narciso
1841 Justo Rufino
1842 Justo Tolentino
1843 Mateo Libo-on
1844 Mateo Libo-on
1845 Feliciano Libo-on
1846 Ignacio Silvestre
1847 Justo Rufino
1848 Agustin Magno
1849 Celedonio Latore
1850 Fermin Rodriguez
1851 Alejandro Almonte
1852 Belarmino Albeza
1853 Justo Tolentino
1854 Antonio Amarillo
1855 Pedro Tolentino
1856 Juan Anivo Gomez
1857 Justo Tolentino
1858 Jacinto Almonte
1859 Mateo Amarra
1860 Andres Almeniana
1861 Patricio Alvior Libo-on
1862 Justo Tolentino
1863 – 1865 – Pedro Amparo
1865 – 1867 – Marcelo Tolentino
1867 – 1869 – Cipriano Alfante
1869 – 1871 – Isidro Allones
1871 – 1873 – Jacinto Almonte
1873 – 1875 – Marcelo Tolentino
1875 – 1877 – Lucio Allin Septin
1877 – 1879 – Rafael Montes
1879 – 1881 – Urbano Almira
1881 - 1883 – Tomas Tolentino
1883 – 1885 – Cristobal Alejan Colon
1885 – 1887 – Sabas Alingasa
1887 – 1889 – Solomon Algallar
1889 – 1891 – Eduardo Tolentino
1891 – 1893 – Marciano Amarillo
1893 – Cristobal Alejan Colon
1894 – Cristobal Alejan Colon
1895 – Venancio Canonero
1896 – Revolutionary Period
1897 – Esteban Alingasa
1898 – Timoteo Alvior
1899 – 1900 – Solomon Algallar
1901 – 1902 – Sixto Tabiana
1902 – 1904 – Leonardo Libo-on

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Beauties of Yesteryears 1972

Alimodian Town Fiesta Queen 1972 - Her Majesty Queen Lina I (Acosta). 

She was crowned a day after Martial Law was declared September 22 because it was the town's fiesta day.

The Beauties of Yesteryears 1963 - 1967

Miss Leila S. Caparanga was crowned Town Fiesta Queen in 1967 by Congresswoman Gloria M. Tabiana and Miss Madolin Calisura, Town Fiesta Queen in 1966. Her consort was Mr. Alcutse Aninao.

Miss Madolin Calisura was Town Fiesta Queen in 1966. Her consort was Mr. Tomas Alipao.

Miss Cecilia Alcudia reigned as Town Fiesta Queen in 1965. Her consort was Mr. Panfilo Allones.

Her Majesty Queen Annabella (Amoyot) was the Town Fiesta Queen of Alimodian in 1964. 

Miss Othelia Munoz was crowned Town Fiesta Queen of 1963 by Congressman Ramon Tabiana and Miss Alicia Aniog, Alimodian Community Day Queen of March 1963