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Monday, July 25, 2016

Folk Dances - Folk Dance Number 5

Folk Dance No. 5


The dance is probably brought by the Spanish migrants from Catalonia, Spain during the first half of 17th century. This is an upbeat, festive and artistic dance which is popular in Iloilo.

COSTUME. The girl wears patadyong and kimona. The boys wear trousers and barong tagalog.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Folk Dances - Folk Dance Number 4

Folk Dance No. 4


 The Bucasoy is a favorite dance of the old people of Alimodian, Iloilo. 

COSTUME: The girl wears patadyong (native hand woven garment made of hemp used in this case as a skirt) and camisa with soft panuelo over the L shoulder. The boy wears barong tagalog and trousers of any desired color.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Folk Dances - Folk Dance Number 3

Folk Dance No. 3


The Binadyong is an upbeat and lively dance from the province of Iloilo. The term "badyong" refers to the unstable cadence footsteps of the tipsy or the inebriated. This kind of movement is found in the second part of the dance where the dancers is swinging back and forth in performing the "cut step". 

COSTUME: The girl is wearing a patadyong and camisa while the boy is wearing a barong tagalog and trousers or pants of any color.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Folk Dances - Folk Dance Number 2

Folk Dance No. 2


This is a dance about courtship in different places in the Philippines most especially to the Tagalogs and Visayans. The word "balitaw" is coined from a combined two Tagalog words, "balita raw". Balita is Tagalog for news and "raw" is Filipino for "it is said" or "rumored". The balita raw consequently means a rumor or it is rumored. 

In the interpretation or version in the Visayas, the dancers are singing however among the Tagalogs the dancers are not singing. It is shown by the dancers through action the courtship, the flower is used as an expression of their feelings. The giving wholeheartedly of the flower by the lady to the young man symbolizes his acceptance of the young man as a suitor.  There is a folk song included in the balitaw music however the words or lyrics has no connection with the dance.

COSTUME: The girl wears a balintawak while the boy wears barong tagalog and white trousers or pants. There is a rose or any kinds of flower pinned to the camisa of the girl.


Inday, Inday sa Balitaw 
Kahoy nakahapay,
Sandok nakasuksok
Palayok nakataob.
Siyansi nabaluktot
Sinigang na matabang
Kulang sa sampalok.

Inday, Inday sa Balintang
Batang nabalian
Kahoy na sariwa 
Saging na nilaga
Kinuha sa lungga
Binabad sa suka
Gamot sa sikmura.

English Translation

Inday, Inday in the Balitaw
Wood bent low, inclined or flattened to the ground
Ladle worn 
Pot overturned.
Food turner or spatula bent
Bland or tasteless Sinigang stew 
Lacking of Tamarind. (as a sour base)

Inday, Inday sa Balintang
Fractured child
Fresh logs or wood
Hard boiled bananas
Taken from the burrows
Soaked in vinegar 
Medicine for stomach.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Folk Dances - Folk Dance Number 1

Folk Dance No. 1


This dance is a heavily favorite dance of the elders of the Barangay Kanipa-an, Janiuay, Iloilo. They usually perform this dance when they have a colorful celebration or pageantry.

The word "alegrito" came from the musical term allegretto which means a fast tempo than the andante but not that fast as allegro. The first part of the music is lively and upbeat while the second part is slow.

Costume: The women wears patadyong and camisa and the men on the other hands, wears white trousers and Barong Tagalog.

Formation: The partners who are standing are facing each other with a distance of about six inches between them. The girl is standing on the right side of its partner. Any number of pairs can participate and perform this dance.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Folk Dances

The Philippines is rich in the materials on native dances. For the Filipinos which is a race who has a deep appreciation for music, the singing and dancing almost consist their entertainment. The people expresses their thoughts through rhythmic movements of the folk dances. Though a lot of the folk dances of the Philippines possesses a ritual attributes there are also beautiful differences related to activities, courtship, for fiesta celebrations and war dances that gives color to a culturally-rich Filipinos, customs, practices and tradition.

There are dances for different occasions. The love is expressed far so in general, the native dances is done relatively small or no such closeness or nearness. The men who are dancing has hankies or the ladies has fans as substitutes to their hands that cannot be held by anyone or the hold-me-not hands.

The Ilonggos are proud of its native dances just like in the succeeding article.

Photo Source:



Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Religious Songs Part 1

The author is without a doubt has attended and offered some flowers to the Virgin Mary in the month of May every afternoon in the chapel of Barangay San Antonio, Oton, Iloilo. The following  hymn is taken from the songs of the Flores de Mayo or Flowers of May.

Pagdayaw Kay Maria Santissima

Dayawon ta si Maria
Bitoon labing maanyag 
Maghalad kita sa iya
sing matahum nga mga bulak.

Kon kamo binunyagan,
Kari kamo kay Maria
Kari, kay aton halaran
sing rosal kag azucena.

Ang mga bulak sa Mayo
sa datag sa mga huerta,
nagapahamot kaayo
sa kasingkasing ni Maria.

Yari kami, yari na
O iloy nga nalulutan, 
tan-awa kami, tuluka,
dinhi sa imong atubang.

Mga bulak nga pulongyut
amoy amon daladala
nga amon halad kag
sa mamimihag mong gugma.

Sa pinulongyut sang bulak
ubay ang tagipusuon
ang amon nga kaluyag
sa imo ginapaangkon.

Batuna, o iloy batuna
batuna ang amon halad
kag ang matam-is mong gugma
kabay gihapon mahayag.

Luwasa kami, o Maria
sa manggad nga katalagman
luwasa ang kalautan
sa tanan nga kalautan.

Dili mo Iloy, itugot
dili mo, Maria, bayaan
ang imo nga debotos
nga sang yawa pagdayaan.

Imo kami nga iwagan
sa sini nga kadudulman
agud di kami magtalang
sa dalan sa katarungan.

Buyuka sa pagkaligon
Ang amon tagipusuon
agud amon nga dangaton
ang kinabuhi nga dayon.

Kabay unta mauyunan
kabay mahamutan mo
ang kubus namon nga tipan
nga amon Flores de Mayo.

English Translation

Praise To The Virgin Mary

Let's hail Virgin Mary
Star that is so beautiful
Let us offer to her
some beautiful flowers

If you were baptized
Come to Virgin Mary
Come so we can offer
Roses and Polianthes tuberosa flower.

The flowers of May
In the valleys of orchards
Smells much fragrance
In the heart of Mary

Here are we, here now
Oh affectionate mother,
Look upon us, see
Here in front of you.

Bundles of flowers
Its smell we carry
That we offer and to your
heart that captures.

In the bundles of flower
Accompanied by the heart 
Our desire 
in you we like to own.

Take it, oh mother take it
Accept our offering
And your sweet love
Still hoping it will be revealed.

Save us, o Virgin Mary
in wealth of danger
save the sinners
from all evil.

Never allow mother
Never Mary abandon
your devotees
that the devil will deceive.

Shower us with your light
in this darkness
so we will not led astray
in the path of justice.

Tie or bond firmly
Our hearts
so that we can reach
the eternal life.

May it be liked
May you be pleased 
Our little covenant
Our Flowers of May.