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Friday, March 4, 2011

Iloilo City, Philippines and Yulin City, China Are Now Twin City!

Iloilo City, Philippines - We are happy to say that Iloilo City, Philippines and Yulin City, China are now the so-called "TWIN CITY" after a sisterhood pact was signed yesterday, March 3 by Iloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog and Yulin City Vice-Mayor Jiang Guo Cheng, who was the head of the Chinese delegation who arrived in the city days ago for the agreement and to have a city tour. Among the places the Chinese delegation visited is the South East Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) in Tigbauan, Iloilo, the leading fishery study and breeding center in Southeast Asia. According to a Chinese official the visit is a good opportunity to learn how to put up and maintain a fish facility in their native city, Yulin since they do not have any facility on fish breeding yet. In exchange, they would like to share their knowledge about their progressive agriculture industry to the city and province of Iloilo. Yulin is the second largest city in the Guangxi Province, China.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dinagyang Festival 2011 Results and Winners

Iloilo City, Philippines - Dinagyang Festival 2011 has been a tremendous success highlighted with the announcement of the result. A record breaking 1.5 million visitors trooped to Iloilo City this week to witness Asia's best festival 2011 up from 1.2 million visitors last year 2010. This year it has been officially declared Dinagyang Festival as the "Queen of Philippine Festival" and also making Maria Elena "Ballsy" Aquino Cruz, the current president's sister as the adopted daughter of Iloilo thus a double celebration. Dinagyang Festival is the only Philippine festival to travel around the world to perform. This year's winner will go to New York City, USA to perform for the Philippine Independence Day organized by the Filipino community in New York.

       On the other hand, this will be the last year that Kasadyahan Festival, a separate event that add color to Dinagyang, will be held in January. Next year, it will be separated and will take place in September in time for Iloilo City Charter Day.

       Watch the winning performances of different tribes from Kasadyahan and Dinagyang Festival 2011 in youtube.

      Here is the official result of the Kasadyahan and Dinagyang Competitions just announced tonight at 9:00pm:

Opening Salvo (January 15, 2011)

Street Dance Special Awards:

Best in Performance - Tribu Paghidaet
Best in Discipline - Tribu Bola-bola
Best in Costume - Tribu Mandurriao

Kasadyahan Festival (January 22, 2011)

Special Awards:

Best in Music - Tribu Tultugan (Municipality of Maasin)
Best in Costume - Tribu Binanog (Municipality of Lambunao)
Best in Streetdance - Tribu Pagdihon (Municipality of Dingle)
Best Choreographer - Ramil Huyatid, Tribu Pantat
Best in Choreography - Tribu Pantat (Municipality of Zarraga)
Best in Performance - Tribu Kasag (Municipality of Banate)

Major Awards:

4th runner up - Tribu Tinuom (Municipality of Cabatuan)
3rd runner up - Tribu Pagdihon (Municipality of Dingle)
2nd runner up - Tribu Binanog (Municipality of Lambunao)
1st runner up - Tribu Kasag (Municipality of Banate)
Champion - Tribu Pantat (Municipality of Zarraga)

Dinagyang Festival (January 23, 2011)

Special Awards:

Best in Streetdancing - Tribu Paghidaet
Best in Head Dress - Tribu Paghidaet
Best in Discipline - Tribu Bola-bola
Best Costume Designer - Jobert Molina, Tribu Paghidaet
Best in Costume - Tribu Paghidaet
Best Musical Director - Ryan Velez, Tribu Salognon
Best in Music - Tribu Salognon
Best Choreographer - Romel Flogen, Tribu Pan-ay
Best in Choreography - Tribu Pan-ay
Best in Performance - Tribu Pan-ay

Major Awards:

Barangay Category

3rd place - Tribu Aninipay
2nd place - Tribu Pag-asa
1st place - Tribu Atub-atub

Open Category

4th runner up - Tribu Mandurriao
3rd runner up - Tribu Salognon
2nd runner up - Tribu Bola-bola
1st runner up - Tribu Paghidaet
Grand Champion - Tribu Pan-ay

Monday, November 1, 2010

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Commencement Address

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Commencement Exercises
March 29, 2001
Commencement Address
by Violeta S. Alinsao

      Mr. Dioscoro Gil, the ever dynamic principal of this school, Mrs. Marina Paredes, my mentor and present head of the Academic Department, Mr. Armando Paredes, head of the Vocational Department, members of the administrative staff, honored graduates, dear parents, guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
      Thank you for that very kind introduction. I would like to take note that of all the kind words mentioned during the introduction, I savored most the thought that I am a daughter of a grand educator of this school. I and my family are proud to say that my late father’s effort did not go in vain in guiding and providing me with an impressive opportunity available during those times.
      Furthermore, to speak before this audience on this very momentous occasion is a profound honor and privilege on my part. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you, dear parents. As a parent like you, I can very well understand the sacrifices that you went through in order to provide these handsome and beautiful graduates with education that will help them cope with challenges in life.
      Likewise, my greetings go to the dedicated and committed teachers, school administrators and staff who made this afternoon’s memorable event possible.
     And most of all to you, dear graduates, Today is your day, a very memorable day in your life. You are the most important characters of this show. You made us extremely elated as well as proud to be a part of this very momentous event in your life. This reminds me of my own high school graduation when I was at your age, seated exactly at a place where you are now. At that very moment, never did I think that someday I will be invited to deliver a commencement speech. Given this task, I feel so flattered and privileged.
     Commencement days are always fun… until the keynote speaker arises to remind you that commencement is “the time of beginning,” and so far, as duties and responsibilities are concerned, you haven’t really lived at all yet, and all the marvelous challenges and opportunities are still before you.
Yes, dear graduates, after working so hard and so long for that diploma, the last thing in the world you want to hear anybody tell you is that the road is going to get rougher, up ahead.
     However, I am not here to scare you, or to overwhelm you with what lies ahead. My task as I see it is to further inspire you to become a more successful person. I am sorry; I don’t have a magic potion for that. There are so many books that will reveal to you the secret of success. But if there is one thing I want you all, dear graduates to learn from me, is… TO TAKE PLEASURES IN LIFE DAILY TREASURES. It is the most important thing I have discovered about measuring success.
     Sometimes we thought that happiness is being “on top” that we miss to appreciate the beauty around us and the love and company of our loved one, our parents, and friends. We take them for granted. In our desire to be at the “top”, we sacrifice the joy of today, like the ecstasy of waddling in the pool of water, to savor the taste of an ice cream, or appreciate the smell and beauty of a rose. It is not bad to be on top, like a mega star, or being on top of the graduating class. My friends, what is bad is if in the process of getting there, we hurt or push other people, if we go to the extent of cheating or doing bad things to others.
     To give you a clearer example, let me tell you the story of “Stripe, the Caterpillar.” One day Stripe finds his normal routine dull and meaningless so he crawls off to discover the secret of life. He come across other caterpillars who don’t seem to know more about life than he does, but he joins a group of them who all saw to be crawling in the same direction. Soon they come upon a towering column of squirming, wriggling caterpillar’s pillar that seems to rise forever into the clouds high above. The caterpillars seem to be desperately trying to crawl and wriggle over one another to reach the top of the pillar, and Stripes get excited. Perhaps the top of the pillar is where he will find what he is looking for. “What’s at the top?” asks Stripe as another caterpillar wriggles by. The fellow caterpillar isn’t sure, but it must be awfully good because everybody’s rushing to get up there. So Stripe begins fighting his way up the column, being stepped on, and stepping on others, as he climbs toward the top. While Stripe fights his way up, he realizes that he can’t get to the absolute top unless he gets rid of those who displaced by the ones next in line. He is only a few wriggles from the top when he hears a whisper “there’s nothing up here after all.” Stripe gets very frustrated and begins to fight his way back down the pillar. There, he learns how to spin his own cocoon and emerged a lovely butterfly.
      So you see, ladies and gentlemen, in our desire to go on the top, sometimes we became cruel, insensitive, ruthless person. Besides, we miss to see and appreciate the beauty of the other person and enjoy a hearty laugh with them.
       Remember, from the start, you are already a winner, important and valuable. Nobody is better than the other. You are respected as a child of God with your unique God-given gift. For example, Nena may not be academically excellent, but she is somebody who can outdo Regine Velasquez when it comes to singing. Being able to sing beautifully is a gift from the Lord.
       To our educators and parents, it is worth noting that one of the healthiest discoveries of recent times is the understanding that intelligence is much more than which is measured by standard IQ test. Our ability to affirm children is strengthened when we open ourselves to the possibility that their intelligence is expressed in different ways from our own. The more we know about the diversity of intelligences in the world, the better equipped we are to help our children tap into their particular strengths, share up any relative weaknesses, and become more well-rounded individuals. These are important resources as they progress through the school years. A child may excel in any of these areas: Verbal/ Linguistic which is the ability to use words and language effectively and creatively in writing, reading, speaking and listening. Or in Logical/ Mathematical which is the ability to think abstractly, to recognize patterns, and to see connections between separate pieces of information. However, those with the ability to form images and pictures in the mind and to work effectively with patterns, shapes, and physical relationships, and colors possess Visual/Spatial intelligence. Likewise, those with the ability to use the body to express emotion (as in dance to play or game as in athletics), or to create (as in making a new invention) has Body/Kinesthetic Intelligence.
       Those with Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence have the ability to recognize and direct rhythmic and tonal patterns in creative ways. Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to deal effectively with others in relationships and communication. The child with strong interpersonal skills will excel in activities that require working with others, being sensitive to others and leading others.
Lastly, a child with Intrapersonal Intelligence has the ability to reflect upon the self and understand one’s own feelings and emotions.
        Most often, ladies and gentlemen, when we see others who are smarter, cleverer, or better looking, the automatic conclusion is that others deserve the best. Though we all tend to compare ourselves with others, the happiest people in life know that they don’t really compete against each other. They are happy for doing their best, based on their GOD GIVEN GIFT. So, instead of achieving or performing to impress the world or your peers, seek to do something that is beautiful, excellent, and heartwarming.
Suppose, for example, you set to sing. You practice hard and long, doing it for the sheer excitement of doing your best. You need no one else to measure you or your skill. Your judge is GOD and your own self-respect.
         My dear graduates, your Alma Mater has provided you with necessary values and a very impressive academic foundation that will equip you to face more challenges that will come your way as you enter the tertiary level of education. I’m pretty sure you’ll miss your teachers and classmates. Though many will luckily be able to proceed to college, some due to some personal reasons may not be fortunate. However, keep in mind that wherever you are, your Alma Mater will remain to be a strong bond that will keep you together. You have gathered a lot of good and happy memories during your stay here. Keep them with you, treasure them, cherries them. These are your priceless possessions in life.
I must leave you, now, and I can’t think of nothing better way than saying:
“Being the best is no more, no less, than doing the best, giving the best shot, and being the best in everything you do. This is your best offering to our Lord.”
           Again, thank you for this privilege and Congratulations.


ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Salutatory Address

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Commencement Exercises
March 29, 2001
Salutatory Address
by Jacquelyn Gomez

      Honored guests, parents, Mr. Dioscoro G. Gil Jr., faculty and staff of Alimodian National Comprehensive High School, members of the Graduating Class, friends, ladies and gentleman, good afternoon.
     Welcome to the 52nd Commencement Exercises of Alimodian National Comprehensive High School.
     Today, we come together to witness the most memorable event in our high school life, the long cherished dream – our Graduation. This is the end of four long years of struggles and sacrifices but the new beginning of another rocky road of educational journey.
     As we proceed to another difficult task ahead of us, we feel a mixed feeling of joy, excitement, fears and anxieties. But we do hope that our four long years stay in this institution will arm us against difficulties and obstacles that await us.
     Today, we are here to receive the fruit of our sacrifice. We are here to reap laurels – the prize of our hard work. But all of these are impossible without those who have supported and guided us.
     Fellow Graduates, let this moment, be a time of praising and thanksgiving. Above all, let this be the very moment to thank Him our Almighty Father, for the blessings He has given us. I personally owe him for what I am today. “Thank You, Dear God.”
     Let us also be grateful to our dear parents, who gave us love, support and guidance. The patience you’ve given us, awaken our minds to feel a deep feeling of guilt in every wrong deed we have made.  We know, you’ve done your best to make us better individuals. I am grateful for this privilege to thank personally my parents. You have sacrificed so much for me; for such, I offer you my success today.  Without you, maybe life would be meaningless for me. Thank you very much for your never ending support. You are always behind me in whatever hardships and shortcomings in our family. What I’ve experienced will inspire me as I move on to the challenging roads of college life.
     I also extend my gratitude to our dear teachers for their patience, their untiring efforts in helping us learn and become better citizens of tomorrow. I owe you the knowledge and great foundation to battle the different challenges I’ll encounter in the future. To you, I am forever grateful. Maybe your names would be forgotten but your precious guidance will stay forever in our hearts.
     Fellow Graduates, we are happy for the achievement we’ve gained, but a moment from now, we have to say goodbye. We have to start another phase of education. As we proceed, let us be thankful to our dear ALMA MATER, the Alimodian National Comprehensive High School, which has truly equipped us with knowledge and moral values. These will lead us in our search for other fields of endeavor. Thank you dear ANCHS, wherever we are, whatever we may become, we promise that we always uphold your name and reap more laurels in the future. We leave you with heads up high for we have a great foundation to support the blocks piled on our shoulders. We are now strong to carry them and survive the walls that may hinder our paths along our journey. With God’s grace, we will trudge the yellow brick road and follow the end of the rainbow because surely the pot of gold awaits us there.
    To all of you who share your precious time with us today, Thank you and Welcome to our Day of   Celebration!

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 Valedictory Address

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001 
Commencement Exercises
March 29, 2001
Valedictory Address

        Honored guests, our dynamic and beloved mayor, Mary Lou Alipao, our energetic principal, Mr. Dioscoro G. Gil, Jr., department heads, PTCA officials, beloved parents, fellow graduates, friends ladies and gentlemen good evening.
        What is this occasion for me and my fellow graduates? Of course, today is the day of triumphant celebration of our success. We are happy and grateful because we are able to celebrate with you this Graduation Day.
         I, for one, believe that today is the moment of rejoicing for finally, after four years for trying to push myself to the limits to reach my goal – I have reached the finishing line. Apparently every finisher is a winner. So I am a winner and so do all graduates today.
        High school life has never been easy for those who have sacrificed much like me. It is not easy to study and get good grades when your basic needs aren’t procured and provided; nor it is easy when you have to wake up very early to prepare food and to walk to school because you don’t have money to pay for a ride. But as long as we have our dreams and we’re determined to reach them we are willing to do the sacrifice. And this is what we get today – fruit of our toil.
         It is not easy to leave this school for this has been a dear part of me. ANCHS has witnessed how I have built friendships and camaraderie, how I have explored its surroundings and happily built my dreams. Yet, I have to let go explored… you must let go. It pains to do this but just like Siddhartha who has said, letting go is like a flowing river. It flows but it’s always there, always new.
On this graduation day, we have many persons to thank for. We thank our parents who have unselfishly worked hard so that they can send us to school. With their love and generosity we are able to make it. In recognition thereof for heir heroic love, may we request our parents and guardians to stand up? Fellow graduates, let’s give a warm of applause to the unsung heroes of the world – our parents!
        To our dear teachers, administrators and staff, we are so grateful for your patience, guidance and support. Dear mentors, we are always thankful for the knowledge, skills, values and lessons in life which you have painstakingly taught us.
        To our dear Alma Mater, the Alimodian National Comprehensive High School, whose ideals of values and excellence, we will always keep up, thank you.
        To God our very source of everything, whose love and kindness are boundless, we thank you. With you by our side, we will run the race of life again. And with our determination and faith in you, we believe that we’ll reach the finishing line and again, we can say, “We are finishers, we are winners!.”
        Our roads in life will separate after here but for sure, we’ll cross our paths again. And if you feel you’re close to tears now, just say, “Soon it will be over.”
        To all of you, thank you and see you at the crossroads!

ANCHS Class Will And Testament Of Class 2001 - JS Prom 2001

Alimodian National Comprehensive High School
JS Prom 2001
Our Class Will and Testament
Class of 2000 – 2001

          Graduation is drawing near and we have to bid our happy-sad farewell. We can’t imagine that not too long from now, we will walk to our destination in separate ways.
          Four years has passed and we have survived those painstaking tasks and failures, struggles and sacrifices. “It was the best of time, the worst of time,” Charles Dickens said in his “Tale of Two Cities.”
          Truly, four long years of high school life is a concoction of pains and joys. Many of us thought of quitting along the way. But for the majority of us, who are present in this meaningful occasion, we choose to give a good fight. We are determined to brave all difficulties that may still come our way.   We’ll move and trudge the path to the end of the rainbow. Surely the pot of gold awaits us there.
          Before we depart, we, the Senior Class 2000-2001, extend our sincerest thanks and heartfelt gratitude to our dear principal, Mr. Dioscoro G. Gil Jr., members of the administrative and facilitative staff and to all teachers;
          Our million thanks for the patience, understanding and concern in molding us to be what we are now, these we’ll cherish and treasure forever.
          To our Parents;
          Thank you, for all the support you’ve given us. Words are not enough to express how grateful we are to have parents like you “We love you, and we are proud of you!”
         Most of all to our Almighty God, we owe you all these things, our good health and the strong will.
Traditionally before we leave our dear school ANCHS, we the Seniors give our Class Will and Testament to you, Juniors. It includes the best and the worst in our batch- but it is worth remembering,
         Here it goes…
         The responsible leaders of the Seniors: Liny Garillos, Jacquelyne Gomez, Marissa Tolentino, Flory Ann Alinsud, Cherry Gil Alegroso, Ma. Febe Salinas, Ignacio AlmedralejoJr., Michel John Allones, Feve Amorsolo and Lilee Mae Ampordan expect Archie Garillos, Jo-Ann Alicer, Evaniza Paguntalan, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, April Mae Calibara, Lucky Marie Caparanga, Christian Beatingo, Valerie Joan Tacal and Olive Armada to lead their batch to the road of achievements and learn to cooperate as much as the Seniors have done.
         Liny Garillos leave her responsibility as Editor-In-Chief of The Hillside Echoes to whoever can make it, Archie Garillos, Olive Armada or Ma. Joy Tabaosares. On the other hand, Jacquelyn Gomez turns over her editorial table to Evaniza Paguntalan to take her place as Ali Mudin’s Editor-in-Chief.
        The number wizards of the Seniors: Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Jacquelyn Gomez, Bevien Alcantara, Jovy Ann Almeria, Jaisa Mhe Amase, Michel John Allones, Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr. and John Mar Ambut leave their magic in solving complex problems and Algebraic expressions to Archie Garillos, Gerry Almira, Elisa Cabañas, Jo-Ann Alicer, Michael Angcoy and Christian Beatingo.
         Liny Garillos, our bet in English declamation leaves her declamation pieces to Ma. Joy Tabaosares, while Marissa Tolentino expects Jacquiline Mambaret to follow her footsteps in Filipino declamation.
        The expert physicists of our batch Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Jacquelyne Gomez, Flory Ann Alinsud, Jaisa Mhe Amase, Jovy Ann Almeria, Gladys Dee Torrento, Michel John Allones, Cherry Gil Alegroso, and Lilee Mae Ampordan wish the young chemists Archie Garillos, Lucky Marie Caparanga, Jo-Ann Alicer, April Mae Calibara, William Amorcillo, Nancy Castiva, and Rovelyn Yagin to take their places.
        Jovy Ann Almeria, Michel John Allones, Flory Ann Alinsud, Bevien Alcantara, Jaisa Mhe Amase, Cherry Gil Alegroso and Marlo Alli our “Historians of the Year” leave their history books and maps to Archie Garillos, Jo-Ann Alicer, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Evaniza, Paguntalan, Lucky Marie Caparanga, April Mae Calibara, Ma. Joy Tabaosares, Nancy Castiva, Honey Grace Andag and Jacquiline Mambaret.
       The statisticians of our batch, namely: Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Jacquelyne Gomez and Flory Ann Alinsud pass their review books and materials, calculators, and pens to any Juniors to follow their footsteps as top ten in Regional Statistics Quiz Contest.
       The expert kuryenthesians who were the modern Faradays, Ampere and Volta: Liny Garillos, Thomas Anthony Alderete, Alfredo Anacan III, Allen Anayan, Angelo Bautista, Marlo Alli and Gladys Dee Torrento hand down their electrocuted brains and hand techniques in installing electrical wirings to Christian Beatingo, Ryan Sumagaysay, Jonas Alib, Jo-Ann Alicer and Mary Jane Anecita. While the ability of Liny Garillos, Jacquelyne Gomez, Jovy Ann Almeria, Jaisa Mhe Amase, Marissa Tolentino, Gladys Dee Torrento, Feve Amorsolo, Michel John Allones and Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr. in solving current, voltage and resistance problems related to electricity are mirrored in Archie Garillos, Evaniza Paguntalan, Jo-Ann Alicer, Christian Beatingo, April Mae Calibara, Nancy Castiva, Olive Armada, William Amorcillo and Valerie Joan Tacal.
       Everybody is thrilled by the melodious and sweet voice of Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Lilee Mae Ampordan, Cherry Gil Alegroso, Gladys Dee Torrento, Nickel Caldelero, Marivic Andicoy, Mafe Grace Andea and Rey Huesca which can possibly be heard through Archie Garillos, Evaniza Paguntalan, Ryan Sumagaysay, Precious Mae Angelitud, Jacquiline Mambaret, Mark Amada, Donna Mae Alinday, Teresa Aguilar, William Amorcillo and Rogelyn Salcedo who can impress the crowd by their amazing performance.
       Our lawn tennis champions: Junelyn Buhay and April Boglosa leave their magic rockets to Naro Aliparo and Pearl Jewel Aguila; while Tom Jeceff Alipao and Jessie Jan Famillaran wish Charisse Ann Salvilla, Cyrus Cañonero and Butch Villanueva to be our table tennis buff.
       Our black belters Marissa Tolentino and Jacquelyne Gomez will turn over their punching bags, gym, belts and uniform to aspiring neophytes Archie Garillos and Evaniza Paguntalan to prove their worth and be the next taekwondo stars who can bring the first Olympic gold for the Philippines.
       The sharp move and techniques of our Grand Masters: Liny Garillos, Jo-R Alicer and Carlson Alinday are passed to her sister Jo-Ann Alicer and to Janice Bordon and Mary Jane Sabit.
       The Sepak Takraw Champions: Ednuelito Alitre, Placido Allin and Richard Anciano turn over their unblockable kicks and headings to Albert Alipen, Michael Magno and Glenn Anciano.
       The Magnificent performance of our sexy CAT-I Corps Commander Cherry Gil Alegroso is a challenge to any Junior who can handle the next battalion.
       The ANCHS Rondalla of our batch: Liny Garillos, Feve Amorsolo, Bevien Alcantara, Lilee Mae Ampordan, Jaybee Jocson, Carol Jean Capitpit, Mafe Grace Andea, Ma. Liezel Demafiles, Ma. Lorraine Allesa, Ruby Mae Aguilar, Gloria Romana Bisenio and Guen Cecile Lopez leave their ability in strumming their instruments, their musical notes to Sharon Amoyot, Chona Farillo, Archie Garillos, April Mae Calibara, Joyme Anape, Olive Armada, Sharrel Ambe, William Amorcillo, Catherine Amoyot and Mary Jane Manguray; while the ability of Elmer Clamar, MV Jun Anino, Geneveve Amaguin, Ma. Shirly Cagud, Liezel Joy Pin, Edmon Guardia, Jovelyn Abejo and Danilo Butanga in blowing musical instruments to Philbryan Quijano, Billy Clamar, Julie Ray Alim and Evaniza Paguntalan.
       The Cuisine Queens of the Seniors: Julie Ann Hechanova, Judelyn Gervacio, Irene Butanga, Anelyn Aleoran, and Ma. Theresa Glorian leave their recipe books and magic wands in preparing nutritious and mouth watering delicacies to Archie Garillos, Dolly Rose Hervas, Ma. Sofia Ray Capada, Jizelle Alimante, Vivian Angcoy and Marjolin Cagud.
      The “Fashion Designers of the Millenium” namely; Jaybee Jocson, Ma. Febe Salinas, Junelyn Buhay, Girlie Alinday, Mary Jane Tediong, Ma. Janice Alingasa, Queenie Amboy, and Analiza Amoto who can popularize fashion trends nowadays reflect their design philosophy to Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Reyna Vie Prieto, Precious Angelitud, Ma. Cecilia Lerona and Jacquiline Mambaret.
       The studious and silent movers of the Seniors; Liny Garillos, Jaisa Mhe Amase, Jacquelyn Gomez, Flory Ann Alinsud, Bevien Alcantara, Jovy Ann Almeria and Gladys Dee Torrento are mirrored in Archie Garillos, Nancy Castiva, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, William Amorcillo and Jacquiline Mambaret, while the serious looking Seniors; Shanney Allanic, Jo-R Alicer, Aries Almira, Marlo Alli, Michel John Allones, John Alemania, Marissa Tolentino, Girlie Paguntalan and Teddy Cantallopez are visually seen in Evaniza Paguntalan, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Bernardo Amarro and Nancy Castiva.
       Considered as beauticians of our batch: Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Myra Lozada, Almie Muñoz, Michelle Alemania, Marjorie Ambacan, Cheryl Altar, Merlyn Almeria, Maricel Alcudia, Mayjene Ambacan and Janet Anaya leave their elegant touches and creativity in turning simple look teenagers to a dashing gorgeous ladies to Maricon Andica, Ma. Rocelyn Carmelita, Roselyn Capasgordo, Ailyn Amualla and Marigold Cabihagan.
       The skills of Cedric Salvilla and Leonard Rhoy Tiva in making pieces of woods into elegant sets of furniture are handed down to Francisco Homilogo, Bernardo Amarro III, John Alicer, Rafael Amoyan and Julie Ray Alim.
       Jacquelyn Gomez, Genesa Talite, Chona Anitubo, Gerlie Mangollado and Ricky Jay Elenterio pass their secrets in caring and producing livestock and poultry products to Archie Garillos, Evaniza Paguntalan, Karen Andoloy and Elisa Cabañas.
       Considered as romantic pocketbook lovers of the Seniors: Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Jacquelyn Gomez, Reynalyn Sorongon, Ma. Lorraine Allesa, Ma. Febe Salinas, Rosalyn Bendol, Guen Cecile Lopez, Ma. Fema Cabanalan, Jaisa Mhe Amase, April Jade Almedralejo, Ma. Jean Amboy, Joanna Marie Gomez, and Jaybee Jocson pass their pocketbooks, magazines and comics to Archie Garillos, Ma. Joyme Anape, Evaniza Paguntalan, Nancy Castiva, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Gede Lou Marfil, Chona Farillon, Sharon Amoyot, Myrene Pena, Ruzel Mae Magtalas, Mila Caya, Dolly Rose Hervas, Krystel Saclote, Ma. Cecilia Lerona, Glen Alomia, Esper Lou Angostura and Donna Mae Alinday.
        The Cradle Snatchers: Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Jacquelyn Gomez, Joanna Marie Gomez, Jaybee Jocson, Ma. Febe Salinas, Ma. Lorraine Allesa, Feve Amorsolo, Mafe Grace Andea, Geraldine Puson, Shanney Allanic, Alfredo Anacan III, Ralph Anthony Amase, Jeffrey Salvacion, Allen Anayan, Aries Almira, and Gloria Romana Bisenio who get attracted to their younger brother and sisters in lower years are reflected in Archie Garillos, Evaniza Paguntalan, John Mark Cañonero, Ryan Sumagaysay, Lucky Marie Caparanga, Valerie Joan Tacal, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Nikky Nel Salvilla, Romy Alibagon, April Mae Calibara and Jo-Ann Alicer.
        Our unbeatable so-called “Lady in Red” of the Seniors: Cherry Gil Alegroso, challenges any Juniors who wants to follow her eye-catching intro and cool body movements in leading the cheering squad.
        The prophets and good servants of Christ; Junelyn Buhay, Gloria Romana Bisenio, Liny Garillos, Jacquelyn Gomez, Ricky Jay Elenterio, Ma. Janice Alingasa and Joanna Marie Gomez wish that their commitment in spreading the word of God to be continued by Archie Garillos, Katrina Barrios, Jun Mar Angustia, Jacqueline Mambaret, Ruby Daryl Cabrias, Ma. Cecilia Lerona and Eddie Cantomayor.
        The Crying techniques and dramatic skills of Ma. Janice Alingasa, Jaybee Jocson, Jacquelyn Gomez, Janice Tacaisan, Sheena Marie Alzate, Feve Amorsolo, Rachel Embate and Mafe Grace Andea that make our heart aches and sentiments revealed to Butch Villanueva, Myrene Peña, Donna Mae Alinday, Evaniza Paguntalan, April Mae Calibara, Ma. Joy Tabaosares and Gede Lou Marfil; while the laughing bunch; Liny Garillos, Marissa Tolentino, Thomas Anthony Alderete, Ryan Embate, Jerol Camarista, Gladys Manicsic, Ma. Liezel Demafiles, MV Jun Anino and Michael Alejan pass their role being the next comedian of their classes to Archie Garillos, Mark Amada, Melchor Alip, Cyrus Cañonero, Charisse Ann Salvilla, Gene Lou Albuya, Ma. Cecilia Lerona and Ma. Joy Tabaosares.
      Know as weirdos; Gladys Manicsic, Joanna Marie Gomez, Paul Frannie Cabatbat, Jessie Rey Alquitran, Charlene Tagabi, Marlo Alli, Jo-R Alicer, Ruzel Lee Tria, Diobani Cloyd Paciente and Debbie Garganza bequeath their unusual behaviors to Mark Joseph Cruz, Evaniza Paguntalan, Joanna Aguirre and Karen Andoloy.
         The Casper Company of the Seniors; John Mar Ambut, Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr., Angelo Bautista, Paul Frannie Cabatbat, and Diobani Cloyd Paciente want to share their invisibility cloak and “anytime can the company” to Cyrus Cañonero, Michael Angcoy, Gerry Almira, Bernardo Amarro III, Mechor Alip and Mark Capada.
         The controversial “medtick” of the Seniors who never runs out of their boasting and bragging; Liny Garillos, Thomas Anthony Alderete, Diobani Cloyd Paciente, Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr., Joel Camique Jr., Ralph Anthony Amase, Jerol Camarista and Renan Sanchez.
         The electrifying beauties and eye-catching smiles of Gloria Romana Biseni ,Girlie Alinday, Liny Garillos, Joanna Marie Gomez, Debbie Garganza, Jacquelyn Gomez, Ma. Janice Alingasa, Ma. Febe Salinas, Carol Jean Capitpit, Lilee Mae Ampordan, Reynalyn Sorongon, Sheena Marie Alzate, Ruzel Lee Tria, and April Joy Eslana are also reflected in Sharrel Ambe, Archie Garillos, Olive Armada, Honey Grace Andag, Dolly Rose Hervas, Ma. Cecilia Lerona, April Mae Calibara, Ma. Joy Tabaosares, Gene Lou Albuya, and Jo-Ann Alicer.
        Wow! The Coca-cola bodied seniors or the bottle shaped body that almost made them to The Biggest Loser reality show; Jemson Arceo, April Boglosa, Maricon Andea, Jelly Aguirre, Jaybee Jocson, Romina Soriaso, Junelyn Buhay and Rosalyn Bendol in their 74-64 no more figures pass their diet pills and girdles to Lucky Marie Caparanga, Evaniza Paguntalan, Mayumi Catida and Lenie Tanangonan.
        The graceful and fantastic skills in interpreting folk dances of Liny Garillos, Joanna Marie Gomez, Ruzel Lee Tria, Ma. Janice Alingasa, Sheena Marie Alzate, Thomas Anthony Alderete, Herman Andeo, Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr., Marlo Alli and Ricky Jay Elenterio are also seen in the performance of Ma. Cecilia Lerona, Jo-Ann Alicer, Reyna Vie Prieto, Dolly Rose Hervas, Christian Beatingo, Albert Alipen, Orbelle Alojado, and Nikki Nel Salvilla.
         “Black is beautiful,” like the beauty of Liny Garillos, Genesa Talite, Geraldine Puson, Liezel Ocbian, Ma. Ruby Aquiman and Rachel Embate is also mirrored in Katrina Barrios, Iryn Cantomayor, Butch Villanueva, Hernanie Callado and Rowil Visto.
         The pretty boys and campus heartthrobs of the seniors; Shanney Allanic, Ricky Jay Elenterio, Tom Jeceff Alipao, Rodel Labañero, Jeffrey Salvacion, Lou Mark Abadia, Benneth Anthony Alloso, Michael Anthony Alejan, Jessie Jan Famillaran and Herman Andeo reflects their identities to Jun Mar Angustia, Cyrus Leandro Cañonero, Renan Sanches, Joenic Anico, Rowel Visto, Hernanie Calliado, and Ian Pin. Girls really never stop dreaming about them. While hot and young beauties of the seniors; Liny Garillos, Girlie Alinday, Joanna Marie Gomez, Gloria Romana Bisenio, Ma. Janice Alingasa, Ma. Febe Salinas, Sheena Marie Alzate, Cherry Gil Alegroso and Jovy Ann Almeria are reflected in Joanna Aguirra, Sharrel Ambe, Olive Armada, Ma. Joy Tabaosares, Gene Lou Albuya, Joanna Lico-an, and Dolly Rose Hervas.
         The Miss Universe height of Gloria Romana Bisenio, Junelyn Buhay, Genese Talite, Girlie Alinday, Joanna Marie Gomez, Liny Garillos, Feve Amorsolo and Cherry Gil Alegroso is also assured me in Pearl Jewel Aguila, Mayumi Catida, April Glory Tabangcura, Virgie Allin and Gene Lou Albuya. While the six footers, oh I mean the hobbits of the real world’s Middle Earth; Mafe Grace Andea, Carlson Alinday, Christine Aberos, Gladys Dee Torrento and Ma. Liza Andag leave their fast strides to Mary Jane Anecita, William Amorcillo, Gede Lou Marfil, Donna Mae Alonday, and Ruby Daryl Cabrias.
         The “Walking Bamboos” or Skinny Man Walking; Mark Wil Saclote, Luis Andicoy, Gerlie Alinday, Melvin Aligaga, Michel John Allones, Marlo Alli and Rey Anaud pass their diet to Orbelle Alojado, Ruzel Mae Magtalas, Rovelyn Yagin and Dolly Rose Hervas.
         The “highest sales” of the seniors; Aries Camral, Thomas Anthony Alderete, Reynalyn Sorongon, Junelyn Buhay, Sheena Marie Alzate and Angelo Bautista to join them in promoting and convincing people to buy their products and be in the company.
          Jovy Ann Almeria, Bevien Alcantara, Janice Tacaisan, Gladys Manicsic, Guen Cecile Lopez, Mafe Grace Andea, Carol Jean Capitpit, and Gladys Dee Torrento are leaving their stuff toys and childish ways to Ma. Joyme Anape, Gene Lou Albuya, Charisse Ann Salvilla, Ma. Joy Tabaosares, Joanna Marie Lico-an, Sharrel Ambe and April Mae Calibara.
          The extraordinary friendships of the Delta SWAK Group, The Formula, May Katok NOTEKS, UNSEPARABLE, CB2 Boys and KOJ are mirrored on The Most Beautiful Monkeys, AER, The Yankers, Chocolate Sweets, The Achievers Group, The Gals 2000, The Body Movers and The Spice Girls 2000.
          The romantic and sweetest love teams of our batch; Cherry Gil Alegroso and Ricky Jay Elenterio, Lilee Mae Ampordan and Thomas Anthony Alderete, Nathalie Joy Alingalan and Noel Camique, Jr., Reynalyn Sorongon and Jessie Jan Famillaran, Jaybee Jocson and Ryan Embate, Girlie Paguntalan and Ronnie Dematira , April Joy Eslana and Michael Anthony Eslana, Liny Garillos and Mark Wil Saclote, Marjorie Ambaan and Jessie James Amo, Merly Cadunggan and Robert Brabanzo, Joanna Marie Gomez and Tom Jeceff Alipao, Ma. Febe Salinas and Michel John Allones, Jemson Arceo and Herman Andeo, Junelyn Buhay and Jeffrey Salvacion, Ruzel Lee Tria and Herman Andeo, Kenneth Lord Brabanco and Ann Marie Alcantara, John Alemania and Guen Cecile Lopez, Liezel Demafiles and Kem Alonzaga, Amor Divina Anglacer and Regie Barte, Debbie Garganza and Joseph Brent Salarzon and Suzette Guevarra and Aries Almira bestow their sweet relationship and controversies to Olive Armada and Joenic Anico Jr., Ma. Joy Tabaosares and Mark Joseph Cruz, Karen Andoloy and Ricky Alcarioto, Rowel Visto and Rovelyn Yagin, Mayrene Peña and Jun Mar Angustia, Ma. Joyme Anape and Roger Amantillo, Jonas Alib and Joanna Marie Lico-an, Pearl Jewel Aguila and Melchor Alip, Ruby Daryl Cabrias and Romy Alibagon, Butch Villanueva and Cyrus Leandro Cañonero, Dolly Rose Hervas and Ryan Sumagaysay and Jo-Ann Alicer and Christian Beatingo.
            The most controversial love triangles; Herman Andeo – Jemson Arceo – Jeffrey Salvacion, Thomas Anthony Alderete – Lilee Mae Ampordan – Shanney Allanic, Herman Andeo – Ruzel Lee Tria – Ignacio Almendralejo, Jr., Mark Wil Saclote – Liny Garillos – Jesusimo Alimato, Ann Marie Alcantara- Kenneth Lord Brabanco – Rosalyn Bendol, Tom Jeceff Alipao – Joanna Marie Gomez – Jessie Rey Alquitran, Aries Almira – Suzette Guevarra – Jeffrey Salvacion, Ma. Liezel Demafiles – Kem Alonzaga – Ma. Fema Cabanalan, Lou Mark Abadia – Gladys Dee Torrento – Cedric Salvilla leave their controversies and intrigues to; Ma. Joy Tabaosares – Orbelle Alojado – Ma. Cecilia Lerona, Valerie Joan Tacal – Joenic Anico, Jr. – Olive Armada, Ronnie Amparo – Butch Villanueva – Cyrus Leandro Cañonero,, Gede Lou Marfil – Christian Beatingo – Jo-Ann Alicer, Reyna Vie Prieto – Jonas Alib – Joanna Marie Lico-an, and Ma. Joyme Anape – Rowil Visto – Rovelyn Yagin.
             Let the 4-2 class pass their title to 3-1 class as the noisiest and the infamous in letting the teacher’s temperature and blood pressure rise.
             To the Juniors who are not specifically mentioned, we leave to you our good traits and strong will. We hope you’ll continue to uphold the name of our school as much as we do.
In witness thereof, we, the Graduating Class of 2000 – 2001, do hereby affix our signatures on this 15th day of February in the Year Of Our Lord, Two Thousand and One at the Alimodian National Comprehensive High School. Witnesses: Mr. Salvador Maturgo and Miss Sucilia Anila our High School Publications Advisers.

Class Testators: Liny Garillos, Cherry Gil Alegroso, Ma. Febe Salinas

Alimodian National Comprehensive High School Class Prophecy Of Class 2000 - 2001

ANCHS Class 2000 - 2001
Class Prophecy
by Jaisa Mhe Amase and Lilee Mae Ampordan

            It was Saturday morning when we went to the farm for our outing. At the farm, when my classmates and friends were busy doing their own work, I sat beside the coconut tree and fell asleep. While I’m sleeping, I dreamt of something about the future of our batch. It goes this way…
        Year 2015, it was 14 years after we graduated from our beloved Alma Mater, The ANCHS. The morning of that day, I was very excited because we would be having our class reunion on April 10, 2015. That morning, after I woke up, I immediately called Lilee Mae Ampordan through her cellphone. Lilee Mae was with me as one of the nurses of Europe.
        We talked about our trip back to the Philippines to attend our class reunion.
         Other than Lilee Mae, Jovy Ann Almeria and Ma. Fema Cabanalan were also in Europe working as doctors in St. Joseph Hospital. They went ahead of us to the Philippines for the reunion.
I dialed European Airlines for our tickets. And I knew that it was Feve Amorsolo who was working as flight stewardess in that company owned and managed by Angelo Bautista. She said that Gladys Dee Torrento was also working as cashier while Flory Ann Alinsud, Ma. Febe Salinas and Ruzel Lee Tria were accountants. They’re also planning to go back to the Philippines to attend our reunion.
       While in the airplanes, we were watching television. The TV Program was about the Miss Universe beauty pageant. I was really amazed when I saw Joanna Marie Gomez crowned as Miss Universe 2015. She also garnered a special award as Best in Long Gown and Most Photogenic. Her gown was designed by April Jade Almendralejo and Junelyn Buhay. Her hairstylists are no other than Edgardo Algabre, Joecel John Pastor and Rey Huesca. Other candidates who joined the pageant were Girlie Alinday, Gloria Romana Bisenio and Romelyn Andicoy. I’ve heard that they cannot attend the reunion for they were very busy. By the way, the beautiful ladies who competed for the Miss Universe enjoyed their stay at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino and the Ritz Carlton Hotel solely owned by the magnate Michel John Allones.
          We had our first departure for United States. We flew in through Northwest Airlines which is owned by Liny Garillos. Arriving at the LAX Airport, I saw Atty. Jay Bee Jocson rushing towards us. She said that she is working at a California law firm and told us she had met Rodel Labañero, Alfredo Anacan III, Benette Anthony Alloso, Ralph Anthony Amase, Shanney Allanic, Jerol Camarista and Noel Camique, all seamen whose ship was dry docked there.
           From United States, we had our cruise vacation on the Caribbean where we saw awesome beach resort, leisure and luxurious resorts that only the affluent can afford. The Star Cruises, Ltd. in which we spent our vacation travelling the Caribbean is solely owned by Jacquelyn Gomez.
           We didn’t have a long conversation with Jay Bee while on cruise because we have to enjoy the sights and sounds before we had to board a plane for Hong Kong.
            There, we had a stopover. We saw Carol Jean Capitpit, Ma. Lorraine Allesa, Rosalyn Bendol, Reynalyn Sorongon, Honey Joy Tolentino, Stephanie Amase and Suzette Guevarra working as staff nurses at the Maonshan North Territory Hospital with Marissa Tolentino as the Director of the said hospital. They were also on their way home. Carol informed me that she had met some of our batch working as computer engineers and programmers there. And they were Mark Wil Saclote, Ann Marie Alcantara, Ma. Janice Alingasa, Nathalie Joy Alingalan and Tom Jeceff Alipao.
             After our conversation, we decided to have a sight-seeing of the whole city. Then, we saw some of our batchmates strolling on the street. They were Thomas Anthony Alderete, Allen Anayan, Cedric Salvilla, Jun-jun Oberio and Ryan Embate working as electrical engineers in that city.
             “Our classmates have gone so far.” Lilee Mae said. Not an hour later we were back to the airport for our trip to Manila.
             In the plane, sitting beside us were the newly-wed couples Cherry Gil Alegroso and Ricky Jay Elenterio from their honeymoon in Paris at Jefrox Hotel which is owned by Jeffrey Salvacion.
             The day of our departure to Manila came. As we were descending the plane, we saw Paul Frannie Cabatbat who had just arrived from Chicago doing missionary works.
              Lilee Mae and I went to Manila Hotel managed by Sheena Marie Alzate, Mafe Grace Andea, the receptionist of the hotel led us to our room. After our lunch, we went back to our room and there we watched TV. To our surprise, we saw Lou Mark Abadia, a famous newscaster. He announced our forthcoming class reunion. As I changed the channel, I was fascinated by the video jockeys. They were no other than Aries Almira and Nickel Caldelero.
              The next morning we took the early flight to Iloilo via Cathay Pacific Airlines with Rey Anaud, Leonard Rhoy Tiva and Vincent Richard Castor as pilots of the said airline.
               In our departure to Iloilo, we saw some of our batchmates. Ruby Aquiman happened to be with us at the departure area. She came from Manila working as VE instructor with Geraldine Puson at Far Eastern University.
              Together, we waited for a taxi. I arrived home very tired but very happy after knowing the success of my classmates and friends.
              Two days after our arrival, our grand reunion came. At six o’clock in the evening of April 10, 2015, visitors and guests started coming at the University of Alimodian quadrangle – formerly ANCHS. Our program began at seven o’clock with Bevien Alcantara, the successful chemical engineer of our batch, as the master of ceremony. Looking around, I saw Girlie Paguntalan, Maricon Andea, Karen Anabo and Lovelyn Sevilla as teachers of the said university and Jemson Arceo as the University President.
              My tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw almost all my comrades.
              “Joy, wake up! Why are you crying?” asked Jovy Ann, my best friend.
              “No nothing.” I replied. And I told Jovy of what my dream was all about.
              How I wish that all my dreams will come true. And Batch 2001 will continue to bring honor and glory to our beloved Alma Mater – the ANCHS.